Victor immediately began to explain to Shylock, "that is, about half an hour ago, we received a call to the police. The person in the call said that there was a laser bomb in the main building of the Huck Bay FBI branch. Then he hung up the phone. We could not contact the person again, and we could not trace the source of the call. It must be the informant's intention to hide As for the purpose of hiding ourselves, whether we don't want to make trouble for ourselves or report to the false police, we can't guess too much! Then I'll call you and let you know! "

Shylock nodded, then looked at the building of hukewan branch across the road, and said, "I'd rather believe it, not believe it. Once there is a laser bomb, the casualties will be too heavy, and no one can laugh at human life!"

Shylock said and then looked at Ye Feng, who was holding a mobile phone to one side. He immediately came to Ye Feng and said, "Ye Feng, I heard that you left Huke Bay today? Director Libo Zhihui also specially applied for the request to shut down the defense system for you, saying that you would go out to perform a special task! Are you back so soon? Tell me, how's your mission going? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately put away his mobile phone and said to Shylock, "Oh, today I found a geek vanguard's den, so I went to have a look!"

Jia Sike stood in the crowd behind him, looking at Ye Feng with a sharp heart, but he didn't speak.

Shylock can't help frowning when hearing the words, "find the dens of geek pioneers?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "yes, since the incident happened in the police station last time, people from our bureau of investigation have been secretly tracking this incident. They want to find the stronghold of the geek pioneer who attacked and escaped last time. This time, they finally found it. Of course, they have to attack immediately!" Then he immediately said to Libo Zhihui, "director, do you think so?"

Li Bo Zhi Hui immediately returned to his senses, nodded and said, "Oh! Well, yes, of course we're going to keep an eye on this line! "

When Shylock heard the words, he immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "since the attack, what's the harvest..."

This time, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Libo Zhihui interrupted, "Mayor Shylock, I think you should also know clearly that our local branch of the FBI is not subject to the restriction of local administration. All the files we are involved in have confidentiality agreements. We just need to report to the General Administration of longarsenburg!"

Shylock's face moved slightly, and after staring at Libo Zhihui for a moment, he said, "Oh, yes, I almost forgot that, so I won't ask! I'm just a little worried. I'm worried about whether this laser bomb incident has anything to do with the last police incident, and I'm also worried about your life safety. Although you are not subject to my administrative constraints, after all, you are all colleagues working in Huck Bay. Is it right to care about you? "

Li Bo Zhihui shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course it is! Thank you for your concern! "

Shylock then glanced at Ye Feng again, and saw that Ye Feng stood to one side to look at his mobile phone. After that, he immediately looked at the opposite branch building.

Victor said to Shylock at this time, "mayor, it's still very dangerous here before the bomb is removed. You don't want to be here. You'd better go back to your official residence. I'll report to you as soon as possible."

Shylock took a sidelong look at Victor. After pondering for a while, Shylock nodded and said, "OK, then I won't disturb your work! I'll leave first! "

Victor said immediately, "I'll see you off!"

Shylock said to go, but his legs and feet did not move. After taking a look at Ye Feng on one side, Shylock and Victor went to the aircraft side together.

Libo Zhihui took a look and could not help humming. Then he went to Ye Feng's side and said, "Shylock, the old fox, always thought he was the mayor of Huke Bay and could command our branch. It's a dream!"

Speaking to see Ye Feng staring at the mobile phone, also do not respond to their own words, can not help but surprised to see Ye Feng's mobile phone way, "what are you looking at!"

Ye Feng then said to Libo Zhihui, "look what these blasting experts are doing in the building!"

Libo Zhihui stares at Ye Feng's mobile phone and says in surprise, "of course, they go in to check the bomb. What else can they do?"

Ye Feng but cold hum a way, "I see also not necessarily!"

Libo Zhihui looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean by that?"

After Ye Feng put away his mobile phone, he asked Libo Zhihui, "the blasting expert is not from our branch, is he?"

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "of course not. It's from the police station!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "the police, mayor Shylock can transfer it?"

Libo Zhihui frowned at Ye Feng and said, "in terms of authority, they belong to victor. But according to the administrative system, Victor has to obey Shylock, so he should be able to transfer. But it's a bit over the top, so in essence, they should obey victor! Of course, it can't be ruled out that Shylock comes to the scene to command, and all the local administrators listen to him, but Shylock has gone! "Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, and then a while pondering, for a long time also did not speak.

Libo Zhihui stared at Ye Feng and said, "I said, what do you see? Or did you find something? Do you want to talk to me? "

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to Chao Libo Zhihui, "I've been watching the surveillance videos of several blasting experts just now. I can see that they are not looking for bombs in the building, but they are searching for them. Do they need to go through the box to get rid of bombs?"

Li Bo Zhihui frowned and said, "what do you mean? You mean, they're here to find something else? " But did not wait for Ye Feng to reply, immediately said, "but the size of the laser bomb is very small, do not rule out is placed in a drawer or cabinet!"

Ye Feng looked at Libo Zhihui and said, "what's your relationship with Shylock?"

When Li Bo Zhihui heard that, he was shocked. He didn't know why Ye Feng asked. Then he said, "it doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm not controlled by him. Besides, I know his background and they've been forcing my teacher to make a statement. So maybe when I talk with him, the tone is not very pleasant. I can see that he also has a lot of opinions on me. We should belong to him That kind of disharmony between face and heart, it's not accurate. It's disharmony between face and heart, but it doesn't completely tear the face

Ye Feng nodded after hearing the speech, which need not be explained by Libo Zhihui. In fact, he also saw it. He said to Libo Zhihui, "if so, there is something wrong with hukewan branch. Does he come to the scene in person?"

Li Bo Zhi Hui was shocked and thought, "do you mean it has something to do with him?" But then he thought about it and immediately said, "it's not right. Although our Branch Bureau is not subject to local administrative constraints, if something happens in a local area, such as being destroyed by a laser bomb, he, as a local leader, should also be responsible. It's reasonable for him to come and have a look."

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "you are right. If he is responsible, he should be very nervous. After all, there is a bomb here, and it is likely that it will go out the next second. But you can see that he is a little worried. If he is really worried, victor will ask him to leave, and he will leave?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Libo Zhihui immediately looks at Ye Feng in amazement and says, "if you say that, you really feel that there is something wrong. He doesn't worry at all, unless he knows..."

Ye Feng immediately said, "he knows it's a fake police officer. He comes here, but it's a symbolic look to show that he's been here!"

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "what's his purpose?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "is the purpose not obvious? He must have contacted the blasting experts in advance. After they entered the sub Bureau, he arranged for them to look for something, even to call the police! "

Libo Zhihui said in surprise, "so what is he looking for?"

Ye Feng also hesitated. Yes, what is Shylock looking for in Huck Bay FBI? Is there any file here that has anything to do with him?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately asked Libo Zhihui. Libo Zhihui shook his head and said, "there should be no files related to him. To tell you the truth, the purpose of our existence in the place is to monitor the people in these places. Everyone has opened the book here, but it's really dangerous that they want to take risks to do so. It's really not!"

At this time, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. He already knew what Shylock came for. It must be the U-disk pen of Jack Emma.

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