Ye Feng thought of this, immediately heart under a Lin, immediately reached out to touch his pocket, fortunately this U disk pen himself has been put on the body, otherwise this time will be the other side with the help of search.

Li Bo Zhi Hui saw Ye Feng looking at a place without saying a word. His eyes were a little dazed. He couldn't help asking, "do you think of something?"

Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "they are probably coming for your teacher!"

As soon as Libo Zhihui heard this, his face suddenly moved. He looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "are you coming for my teacher? My teacher is in the police station. If they come to my teacher, they should go to the police station, right? "

Ye Feng took out the U-disk pen and waved it in front of Li Bo Zhihui, "this is their goal!"

Libo Zhihui took a look at the U-disk pen, and immediately understood Ye Feng's meaning. He gritted his teeth and said, "this Shylock is too shameless to use this method!"

Ye Feng put away the U disk pen at the same time, not far away Jia Sike looked at it from a distance, but Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "this is also normal!"

Libo Zhihui didn't say anything. He was about to rush into Huke Bay Federal Bureau. Ye Feng immediately grabbed him and asked, "what do you want to do?"

Listening to Ye Feng's question, Libo Zhihui immediately said, "what else can I do? I'll go in and watch them, but I'll see when they find out the laser bomb! If they can't find it, I'll let them make one... "

With that, Libo Zhihui immediately pushed Ye Feng away and ran towards Huke Bay Federal Bureau. When Libo Zhihui ran to the gate, there was a huge sound. After a "boom", Libo Zhihui was directly shocked by the shock wave.

Although Ye Feng was standing on the opposite side of the road, he could feel the force of the shock wave. His face was shaken as if he had been blown by a gust of wind, and many of the building glass behind him were broken.

Libo Zhihui flew directly to the other end of the road from the gate of hukewan branch office on the other side of the road and fell heavily on the ground. He didn't recover for a long time. Even his ears were filled with a roar, and he couldn't hear any other sound.

Libo Zhihui struggles to sit up and looks at Ye Feng running towards him. Meanwhile, he looks at the building of Huke Bay FBI branch, which has collapsed because of the explosion. The dust and smoke roll from the opposite side.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Libo Zhihui's whole body was blinded. Didn't he say that there was no bomb? How could such a thing happen? Huke Bay Federal Bureau of investigation was blown up in ruins in front of itself.

Ye Feng has come here now. He holds up Libo Zhihui and repeatedly asks him if Libo Zhihui has anything to do with it. However, looking at Libo Zhihui's disheartened face and blank face, he knows that he has not recovered from the explosion just now. Moreover, he is so close that his ears must have been affected and he can't hear what he is saying.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng didn't say much. He helped Li Bo Zhihui directly, or even almost dragged him to the side of the street. He dragged Li Bo Zhihui to the corner of the lane. Ye Feng then put down Li Bo Zhihui and took a look. After he was sure that he was OK for the time being, Ye Feng ran out of the lane again to see Dixie and jiestfei Is there anything wrong.

When he ran out, there was another "bang" in the ruins of the Federal Bureau of investigation in Huck Bay. There was a second explosion in the ruins, and the broken bricks flew out like bullets and landed on the ground.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately took a general look on the road. He didn't find any trace of Dixie. On the contrary, he felt relieved. At the moment of the explosion, Dixie and jestfel must have found their own shelter for the first time.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately went back to the corner of the alley and saw Li Bo Zhihui sitting on the ground, staring at Ye Feng in front of him, mumbling, "didn't you say it was a fake police report?"

Ye Feng is also hesitant. According to his analysis, this should be a fake police. He thinks so not only by himself, but also by Libo Zhihui and victor. Who ever thought there would be a bomb?

At this time, Ye Feng patted Li Bo Zhihui on the shoulder and said in a deep voice, "the event is more complicated than we imagined..." Then he saw that Libo Zhihui still looked at himself blankly. Knowing that his hearing had not recovered, he didn't say anything. He took out his cigarette, sat on Libo Zhihui's side, handed him one, and then he lit one.

Ye Feng is thinking that there are two possibilities for the explosion: one is Shylock's masterpiece, the other is that there are a second group of people who want to give it to others, and most likely they want to feel that it is Shylock's masterpiece.

Just at this time, a person on the other side of the alley also ran over in a panic. Ye Feng looked up and saw that it was Jia Sike, but he was also disheartened. He looked around anxiously. When he saw Ye Feng, he came over immediately.

When Jia Sike arrives at Ye Feng, he immediately squats down and asks Ye Feng, "are you ok?"Ye Feng smokes a cigarette, shakes his head and says it's OK. Then he stares at Jia Sike and says, "how about you? Is it all right? "

Jaske sat directly on the ground and sighed, "I'm fine for the moment, but who did it? It's more ruthless than our geek Pioneers!"

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette and stares at Jia Sike. He doesn't say anything, but Jia Sike feels guilty and says, "what are you staring at me for?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "nothing! I want to ask, before and after the evacuation in the branch, where were you? Are you in the branch? "

Jia Sike looked at Ye Feng and said, "of course I'm here. I came out with you all!"

If ye Feng remembers correctly, when they returned to the Huck Bay FBI branch by plane, they just saw that the people in the branch began to flee, and the group of people in his own office were almost the last to come out.

At that time, Ye Feng saw Zhuo wanqiu, Monica, tree face man and ugly face man, but he didn't see Jia Sike. Maybe he didn't pay much attention to them at that time, so he didn't pay much attention to Jia Sike.

But if it was such an emergency at that time, Jia Sike should have come out with Zhuo wanqiu. Even if he came out last, he should have some impression, but he really had no impression.

Think of here, Ye Feng smoked a cigarette, nodded toward Jia Sike, then diverged the topic way, "see other people?"

After gasping a sigh of relief, jaske said to Ye Feng, "just now there was a sudden explosion. It was too messy. I didn't see clearly where the others were. I just saw that jesteffe and two other people I didn't know were hiding in the alley here. I didn't pay attention to the others!"

After smoking a few puffs of cigarettes, Li Bo Zhihui on one side threw the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out. After crushing it hard for a few times, he stood up and said, "I'm going to find Shylock now. This guy really wants to kill us!"

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately stood up, grabbed Libo Zhihui and said, "if you look for him, he won't admit it..." Then he saw that Libo Zhihui didn't seem to hear his words clearly. He immediately increased his voice and almost repeated his words to Libo Zhihui.

Libo Zhihui heard Ye Feng's words clearly, and said to Ye Feng in a loud voice, "don't we just stay here and do nothing?"

Ye Feng then increased his voice and said, "I don't think Shylock did it. Maybe there are others!" With that, Ye Feng takes a look at Jia Sike intentionally or unintentionally.

Jia Sike sees this, the complexion immediately moves toward the leaf maple to say, "you should not be doubting me?"

Ye Feng looked at Jia Sike and said, "at this time, anyone is suspicious, let alone you. I doubt even Libo Zhihui. I don't believe anyone now!"

Libo Zhihui can't hear Ye Feng's words at all. He just looks at what Ye Feng is saying to Jia Sike in surprise. He often takes two words. What are you saying? Speak up.

Jaske immediately explained to Ye Feng, "it can't be me. Why did I blow up the Huck Bay FBI? For me, there's no motive at all!"

Ye Feng is cold hum a way, "the thing arrived this one step, perhaps is not only a motive can explain!"

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