Jia Sike shrugged his shoulders and said, "if it is like this, I really have nothing to say. You will doubt me whatever I say. All I have to say is that it has nothing to do with me and no reason to do with it!"

Ye Feng comforted Jia Sike and said, "you don't have to be nervous. As I said just now, it's not just you. Now anyone in my eyes may be the initiative or participant of the explosion, so I'm not aiming at you alone!"

Then Ye Feng looked at Libo Zhihui and said in a loud voice, "where are you before and after the withdrawal of the branch?"

Li Bo Zhi Hui can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "do you even doubt me?"

Ye Feng said in a loud voice, "this is a reasonable doubt, you can also doubt me! It's all reasonable! "

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "at that time, as soon as I got back to the Bureau, I received a phone call from Victor, telling me that someone called the police and said that there were bombs in our separation. While I ordered everyone to withdraw from the sub bureau first, I went to the police station to find blasting experts and explained some of our sub bureau situation to them, hoping to help them!"

Ye Feng just nodded and didn't say anything more. In fact, he didn't doubt Libo Zhihui at all. He just wanted to express to Jia Sike that everyone was doubting, so he deliberately asked Libo Zhihui these questions.

Jia Sike asked Ye Feng at this time, "where were you before and after the incident?"

Ye Feng Wen Yan frowned and looked at Jia Sike. Jia Sike immediately said, "you just said it yourself, we can also doubt you!"

After listening to JASCO's words, Ye Feng immediately said, "I left Huke Bay and carried out a secret mission."

Jia Sike smell speech but say, "what confidential task, just go out before and after this?"

Ye Feng frowned and then said to jaske, "this is the internal secret of the FBI. You have no right to know!"

Jaske shrugged his shoulders and said, "now no one can prove his innocence?"

Ye Feng's heart moves when he hears the words. Although Jia Sike's actions are deliberately aimed at himself, what he says is not unreasonable. At this moment, no one can really prove that he is innocent, and no one can prove that he has nothing to do with it.

Ye Feng is even thinking about the third possibility in his heart. Maybe it's not Shylock or JASCO, and there's a third person or the existence of power.

First of all, Shylock's goal should be a U-disk pen. His goal is not to blow up the Huck Bay Federal Bureau of investigation. Secondly, jaske is now the special commissioner of richson's side. Even if he has no idea, he should aim more at himself. There is no reason to blow up the Huck Bay Federal Bureau.

So if the first two hypotheses are true, then there is a third possibility, that is, there are other people or group forces in hidden places to deal with this matter. The question is, who will be the third force or personality?

Ye Feng pondered for a while. He really couldn't figure out who it might be because there were too many people to doubt. If everyone was suspicious, then relatively speaking, there was no one to doubt.

At this time, jesterfield and cat face people don't know where they came from. As soon as jesterfield saw Ye Feng, he immediately came to ask them, "are you all right?"

Ye Feng shook his head at jesterfield and asked her if there was anything wrong with cat face. Seeing that both jesterfield and cat face said they had nothing wrong, he asked, "what about the others?"

Jesteffe said immediately, "they've all evacuated here. I found an empty room on the other side of the next two streets and arranged them there. I didn't see you guys, so we came back to have a look!"

Ye Feng nodded, then patted Libo Zhihui on the shoulder and said, "let's go there first, and the next thing will come slowly!"

Libo Zhihui's tinnitus was much better now. He didn't need Ye Feng to speak out, but he could hear it clearly. He nodded in his heart. To tell you the truth, at present, he has no clue. He doesn't know where to start.

Ye Feng, Li Bo Zhihui and Jia Sike immediately left the alley with jesteffe and the cat faced man. When they passed the alley, they all stopped and looked to the direction of Huck Bay FBI. They saw that the smoke was rolling and the dust was flying, and it became a ruin.

People can't help but feel a sigh when they see this. The situation is changing rapidly. One moment is good, the next may be nothing.

After watching for a while, everyone stepped up and left. They went to the place that jesteffe found for them. When they got there, they found that it was a western style courtyard with only two floors and one yard.

After entering the door, Ye Feng found that in addition to Zhuo wanqiu, many people from the Branch Bureau were here. Seeing that Libo Zhihui and Ye Feng came back, those people went to Libo Zhihui one after another and said, "director, what shall we do next?"

Libo Zhihui frowned, and the secret way was really a headache. He didn't feel like this before. If this happened, Libo Zhihui felt that although he was a long game, he was powerless in front of some things.However, Libo Zhihui said to the public, "don't worry, we will definitely trace this matter to the end. Don't walk around in disorder recently to prevent people from persecuting the personnel of our Branch Bureau. You'd better be organized and have a chance to be together in groups! In the end, we can't mess with ourselves! First count the injured, and then count the number of people to see who has not come here to report, you can also go out to look for it! We must gather here before tonight! "

After listening to what Libo Zhihui said, they all nodded their heads to show their agreement. The more this time, the more calm they had to be. After discussing with each other, they each looked for their partners and went out to find their lost colleagues.

Zhuo wanqiu and Monica come to Ye Feng at this time. Zhuo wanqiu asks Ye Feng, "brother Satan, what's the matter with you?"

Ye Feng shakes his head and says it's OK. Instead, Zhuo wanqiu and Monica say it's OK. After they both say it's OK, Ye Feng looks around and then asks Zhuo wanqiu and Monica, "Dixie and Scarlett, Gu zhaohuichi and Joe..."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng paused. After all, JASCO didn't know Joanna's identity. He couldn't let it slip. He immediately said, "have you seen them?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately turned back and said, "they are resting in the room!"

Ye Feng immediately walked into the house and saw that Dixie, Scarlett, Gu zhaohuichi and Joanna in disguise were sitting in the house to have a rest. This was a complete relief.

Gu Zhaohui saw that Ye Feng was coming. He immediately stood up and said, "teacher..." Then his face suddenly moved, and he immediately changed his tongue and said, "who did it? Did you find it?"

Ye Feng then shook his head and said, "this matter has to be checked slowly. The most important thing is that everyone is OK!"

Gu Zhaohui then looked at Joanna and said, "it's too dangerous here. Why don't we go back first?"

Joanna immediately said, "go back to yourself, I don't want to go back!"

Gu Zhaohui sighed and said, "if you don't come back, I won't come back. I'll stay with you."

Joanna took a noncommittal look at Gu Zhaohui, then asked Ye Feng, "what's the situation now?"

Ye Feng said, "there is no situation for the time being. Let's live here for the time being and wait until the situation is stable! As long as no one is hurt! "

Then Ye Feng turned back to jesterfield and said, "come out with me!" Then he walked out of the room immediately.

Jester fee immediately went out with him. After going out, he went to Ye Feng and asked him, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng said to Jester immediately, "everyone here, you have to check it secretly!"

Jestefeld frowned and said, "everyone? What are you looking for? Is it related to the bombing? "

Ye Feng immediately nodded, and then reminded jesterfield, "especially JASCO, focus on checking!"

Jaster fee nodded, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "you let me check, don't you doubt me?"

Ye Feng said, "doubt, as for you, I'll check it myself!"

Jester fee smell speech a surprised ground looking at leaf maple, immediately wry smile a way, "you pour is not to lie!"

Ye Feng said, "this time, it fully shows that there must be others among us, at least in the sub bureau!"

Jestfeld nodded, then glanced into the room and whispered, "JASCO is really the most suspicious!"

Ye Feng said, "the emphasis is on him, but other people also want to check!"

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