Jaster fee nodded, staring at Ye Feng for a long time, said a word to know, then turned and walked into the room.

And Ye Feng took out a cigarette, stood near the door, and looked around at the people inside. In fact, he really thought so in his heart. Everyone here is suspicious.

Of course, we should exclude Zhuo wanqiu, Monica and Scarlett. After all, they are all from the earth, and they have nothing to do with the things here.

There is also Dixie with herself, but Dixie is also Mrs. ace after all. She has a close relationship with us here, and she still doesn't know much about her, so she is really suspicious.

The cat face people, tree face people and ugly face people are all people who are not on the same planet as themselves. They are people who have met in the middle of the road, and their understanding of them is limited. Although they still know cat face people, they are on the surface after all. Ye Feng still has no idea who they really are.

Plus the entire Huck Bay FBI branch, it's a mixed bag. In this way, everyone seems suspicious.

Why does Ye Feng doubt the people inside, but not the people outside? Ye Feng is very clear about this. The people outside must be the mastermind. The person or group inside should be the one to prevent the operation of the bomb.

After all, the FBI is different from the police department. Not everyone can enter the FBI at will. If you can enter the FBI to place a bomb, you must be someone who can enter the FBI.

As long as you find out this person, and then go along with it, the mastermind will be ready to come out. Until this time, Ye Feng still thinks that Jia Sike is the most suspect in the Bureau. After all, he has a terrorist like organization, a geek pioneer, and of course other people.

Ye Feng is smoking a cigarette. Libo Zhihui comes over and takes a look at Ye Feng. Then he looks into the room with his eyes. He asks Ye Feng, "what are you looking at? What do you see? "

Ye Feng smell speech side head to see one eye Li wave Zhi Hui, immediately a sigh way, "who all suspicious, who also don't look like!"

Libo Zhihui said to Ye Feng, "I just thought that the only person who can enter our Branch Bureau is the person from our Branch Bureau, so we still need to investigate from the inside, but this person may not be the mastermind, but as long as we catch this person, we can find the mastermind by the way!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding to Libo Zhihui and said, "heroes have the same ideas. That's what I think!"

At this time, Libo Zhihui said, "in that case, do you have any good suggestions? Where to start? "

Ye Feng pondered for a moment, and then said, "after everyone comes back, start counting the number of people to see who didn't come, who didn't come, even if he was killed just now, he has to find the dead body. If he can't find the dead body, he doesn't come back to report, so the suspicion is naturally big!"

As soon as Li Bo Zhihui heard this, he immediately clapped his hands and said, "that's right. At this time, anyone who wants to leave the group of our Branch Bureau may be the suspect!"

Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "if everything is so simple, it's much easier to do. However, it doesn't rule out that it's not those people. In other words, if it's them, they don't report back and can't find the body, it's very likely that they have been killed!"

As soon as Libo Zhihui heard this, he immediately looked at Ye Feng with awe inspiring heart and said, "what you said is right. In this case, the clue is broken!"

Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "let's talk about what we find for the time being. According to my experience, there may be more than one person in our Branch Bureau. Even if there is a missing person, he happens to be the perpetrator of the blasting case, and there are other collaborators!"

Hearing this, Li Bo Zhihui immediately nodded his head, saying that he agreed with Ye Feng's words, but then said anxiously, "I'm just worried. Once we all start to doubt, we'll be in a state of panic and danger."

Ye Feng said to Li Bo Zhihui, "the more time it is, the more pressure it has to give. Only in this way can they show their own flaws. Those who are clear will be clear. Those who have no problems will complain at most. But those who have problems will have completely different mentality."

Listen to Ye Feng say so, after Li Bo Zhi Hui ponders for a while, this just nodded and said, "what you said is also right!" With a long sigh, "now I don't know what to do! It's all up to you! "

Ye Feng can't help but look at Libo Zhihui and say, "no, you're the director of Huke Bay Federal Bureau of investigation. I'm just the leader of one of your secret service teams. You put such a heavy burden on me. I can't bear it!"

Libo Zhihui reaches out his hand and takes out a cigarette from Ye Feng's pocket to light one. Then he returns the cigarette case to Ye Feng and claps it solemnly on his shoulder. "If you can't afford it, no one can afford it. You've been calling Ye Feng for a long time, but don't forget that you still have a name, Satan!"

Ye Feng listens to Li Bo Zhi Hui say so, can't help but sigh a way, "I really owe you in my last life!"

Libo Zhihui smiles at this time, then looks at Ye Feng and says, "by the way, how long do you want to use Ye Feng's identity, and when do you plan to restore your original identity?"Ye Feng, on the other hand, said to Li Bo Zhihui, "if I haven't recovered my identity, many people already know my identity. What else can I do? Let it be. Sooner or later, you will know. Do you want me to stand in front of the TV and announce to the world that I am not Ye Feng, but Satan? "

When Li Bo Zhihui heard the speech, he couldn't help laughing and said, "if you do that, I will certainly support you. I think if you do that, it must be very strong! Sure to be the day No, at least the headlines of the year! "

Ye Feng smelt Yan and gave a bitter smile. At this time, there was no sign of the explosion case. Libo Zhihui was still in the mood of joking.

But Ye Feng thought that once his identity was revealed for security, he didn't know how many people couldn't sleep at night. He wanted to kill himself immediately.

Just thinking about it, Jia Sike came out. He was looking at Ye Feng, but he saw Li Bo Zhihui standing beside Ye Feng. After looking at Ye Feng, he went back.

Ye Feng saw that Jia Sike must want to find out what he said alone. He immediately said to Libo Zhihui, "OK, you wait for other people to come back and count the number. I'll go in and see if there are any suspicious people on my side!"

Li Bo Zhi Hui hears speech one stunned way, "your own person, you all doubt?"

Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "sometimes I doubt myself!" With that, he waved and walked into the room.

Li Bo Zhihui looks at Ye Feng and shakes his head with a sigh.

As soon as Ye Feng entered the door, he quickly found Jia Sike with his eyes. Then he walked toward Jia Sike and said, "what can I do for you?"

JASCO immediately lowered his voice and said, "I just told ricksen about the situation here. Ricksen asked you to contact him!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at Jia Sike when he hears the words. Then he says in a deep voice, "I remember I told you that you just need to report to me now?"

Jaske immediately nodded and said, "I know, but I can't listen to ricksen's orders!"

Ye Feng sniffed Yan and sneered, "it seems that before you came, ricksen did give you some special orders!"

But jaske said to Ye Feng, "I know you are doubting me, and I don't want to hide you. Yes, before coming, richson asked me to report everything about you and Huke bay to him regularly!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "do you know I doubt you? What do you suspect? "

JASCO immediately said, "you've doubted me on the way before! You and I know that! "

Ye Feng immediately said, "you don't want me to doubt you, so you tell me, who did you meet before?"

Jia Sike looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a long time and said, "I said, I'm talking to passers-by. Why don't you believe me?"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "is the moon shadow sleeveless a simple passer-by?"

As soon as Jia Sike heard this, he suddenly looked at Ye Feng, his eyes seemed to ask Ye Feng, how do you know.

Ye Feng saw Jia Sike's eyes and immediately said with a smile, "what? Is there nothing to say? "

Jia Sike was relieved to hear what Ye Feng said. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "since you already know, what else can I say?"

Ye Feng asked Jia Sike, "Yueying sleeveless is a member of the opposition. You are a pioneer of geeks. Why do you two meet each other?

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