Jia Sike looks at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while. His eyes seem to be a little free. He seems to be thinking about whether to talk to Ye Feng about this problem.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, on the mouth then says toward Jia Sike, "you can not say, but if I find out by myself, that has nothing to do with you!"

As soon as jaske heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "what do you mean? What do you mean it has nothing to do with us? "

Ye Feng said to jaske, "what ricksen told me at the beginning was that I need to join you, and then I need to lead you. But what you do is that you have another purpose behind you, which is different from his original intention!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng continued to add, "in fact, to tell you the truth, you can also tell Rickson, if you are such a cooperative attitude, why should I cooperate with you? You are not only not helping, but also making trouble behind your back, so I might as well go it alone! "

Without waiting for jaske's reply, Ye Feng immediately said, "in fact, it's not very different from not cooperating with you. The geek pioneers you belong to are complicated and have their own interests. Instead, why don't I set up a new team to exclude you? What can I get from working with you? "

Jia Sike immediately said to Ye Feng, "if you don't cooperate with us, where can you find people like us? There must be at least thousands of ricksen's people. They are all good hands..."

Ye Feng immediately interrupted Jia Sike and said, "those who are obedient and helpful are good hands. Those who have their own goals and small movements behind their backs are good hands. The more such people are, the more harmful they are!" Then he immediately looked at JASCO and said, "you can tell Rickson what I said. Our cooperation is over. Everything I said before is overturned."

Jia Sike smell speech complexion immediately move a way, "what? Overthrow them all? "

Ye Feng sneered at Jia Sike and said, "you nominally chose me to be the leader. What do you say to lead you? In fact, I'm just a puppet. What can I lead you? Behind the scenes, you still listen to ricksen. In fact, it has not changed at all. You are like this, and so are the thousands of people in your mouth. Why should I ask for trouble? You can clean up and leave Huck bay! "

Jaske smell speech immediately toward Ye Feng way, "no, I can't leave here!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly and said to JASCO, "are you staying in Huke Bay? Is there any other purpose you haven't accomplished?"

JASCO immediately said, "no, I've been ordered to follow you..."

Ye Feng then said harshly, "do you have orders? Don't say that to me any more. Don't you prove what I said? You're only after ricksen. Follow me? Is that spying on me? I don't need you here! "

JASCO immediately said, "no, I can't get out of here anyway!"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "I'm afraid it's not up to you at all. If you don't leave, I'll disclose your identity to Libo Zhihui. At that time, just because you're a geek pioneer, you can't leave. If you suspect that you're related to the explosion, you'll feel better."

Jia Sike did not speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "I don't want to embarrass you after we met. I can let bygones be bygones for what you have done. You can go now!"

Jia Sike couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. For a moment, he didn't know how to talk to Ye Feng. Then he said to Ye Feng, "I'll call ricksen now. You and ricksen will speak in person!"

Ye Feng frowned at Jia Sike and said, "you are ricksen's subordinate, you have the obligation to ask him everything, but I'm sorry, I'm not his subordinate. According to what he said before, I'm not only his subordinate, but also his leader, but I don't do this nominal leader now, I have nothing to say to him!"

Jia Sike looks at Ye Feng with a misty face when he hears the words. He doesn't recover for a long time. He just looks at Ye Feng in a dazed way.

Ye Feng also stares at Jia Sike, and then says in a deep voice, "don't you wait for me to start with you? That would be embarrassing! "

After taking a deep breath, Jia said to Ye Feng, "I can tell you the relationship between us and Yueying sleeveless!"

Ye Feng immediately shook his head and said, "I'm not interested. I was a little curious before, but now I'm not interested at all. No matter what relationship you have with the moon shadow, or with the opposition, I don't want to know!"

When jaske heard this, he was silent again, but he still didn't mean to leave.

At this time, jesteffe on one side had already found that Ye Feng and JASCO were muttering something here. He felt that something was wrong. At this time, he came over and asked them, "what are you doing?"

Ye Feng smell speech to turn head to see one eye Jie si te Fei way, "Oh, nothing! There's something wrong with JASCO. He may be leaving us! "

Jaster Fei frowned at Ye Feng, then looked at jaske and said, "leave us?"

Jaske smiles awkwardly, but he doesn't say anything. At this time, he feels like he is on pins and needles. He doesn't want to stay or go. It's hard for him to make a choice.Ye Feng looked at Jia Sike and said, "how? Now in this situation, do you still want us to send you? I will ask director Li Bo Zhihui to arrange an aircraft for you to leave alone! "

But at this time, Ye Feng added, "but now this situation on the island, the defense system must have been on high alert. In case your aircraft is mistakenly identified as the enemy and destroyed, it may also happen. In a word, you can take care of yourself!"

Jaske immediately snorted, "don't scare me, just go! I don't need you to set up any flying machines! " He walked out of the room without looking back.

Jester fee immediately asked Ye Feng, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng didn't explain anything. He just said to jester, "I'll give it to you. I'll go out and stare at him!"

With that, Ye Feng also followed out of the room, watching Jia Sike out of the gate of the compound, and then followed out.

Jesterfield stayed in place and looked at Ye Feng's back in surprise. For a moment, it was hard to understand. He was surprised at what Ye Feng was going to do.

At this time, Ye Feng followed Jia Sike out of the compound and watched him walk all the way to one end of the road. He was also making a phone call with his mobile phone, obviously talking with ricksen.

After five or six minutes on the phone, jaske finally nodded and said that he knew, so he hung up and walked towards the alley on the other side of the road.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, also closely follows behind Jia Sike, keeping a certain distance, so as not to be discovered by Jia Sike.

Jia Sike is walking around the alley. It's not like he knows Ye Feng is following him. It's just that the alley here is a little complicated.

After bypassing the alley, there was another road outside. However, jaske continued to cross the road and entered the opposite alley. After bypassing several alleys, Ye Feng saw jaske stop at the door of a house and knock on the door.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moves. It seems that there is a liaison office of JASCO here?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw that the door was opened. Without saying anything, jaske immediately entered the door. The man who opened the door leaned out his head and looked left and right. After he found no abnormality, he closed the door.

Ye Feng hid at the entrance of another alley. After hearing the sound of closing the door, he leaked out and walked towards the door, but his eyes fixed on the surrounding of the house to prevent the installation of cameras and other equipment. Then he swaggered to the door, was not all under the surveillance of the other party?

But fortunately, there is no camera here. Maybe it's a residential area. Only the end of the alley has surveillance video. That's official. If private people have cameras, it's more suspicious, so they don't have them.

Ye Feng to the door to see a look, the door closed, what is unknown inside, is thinking about it, at this time heard a burst of footstep sound inside the door, Ye Feng heart next move, immediately a few arrow steps away.

Just as Ye Feng hid in another lane, he heard the sound of the door opening, and then the sound of the door closing. A sound of footsteps slowly came towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved, and immediately walked toward the end of the alley to prevent collision with the people who came out. However, just after a few steps, he heard the original footsteps suddenly disappeared, and he could not hear them at all.

Ye Feng also immediately stopped, did not dare to make the slightest sound, also do not know whether the other party heard him walk away the footsteps to raise vigilance.

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