At this time, Ye Feng stood still, and there was no movement in the other lane. It seemed that both of them found each other's existence, but none of them moved first, waiting for each other to move first.

As time goes by, Ye Feng turns around slowly and looks at the lane behind him. Then he turns his whole body around again and takes a step forward without making any sound.

Ye Feng walked cautiously towards the end of the lane step by step. When Ye Feng arrived at the end of the lane, he immediately put his body against the wall. So far, he didn't find any noise in the lane.

He immediately held his breath, want to probe to see what the situation is over there, did not know that Ye Feng just poked out his head, suddenly saw a flash of cold light, Ye Feng did not see what the situation is, instinctively step back, this just see the opposite is a masked man, holding a dagger in his hand.

The man seemed to be a man's body, and he was big. Looking at his mask, he thought it was temporary. It just blocked his face, and other clothes were casual clothes. When he saw that the search failed, the dagger in his hand immediately came to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng stepped back and said in his heart that this guy must be the same as himself. He didn't let himself make a sound and secretly hid at the end of the lane. Otherwise, judging by the sound of his footsteps just now, this guy can't appear at the end of the lane.

Ye Feng stepped back a few steps to avoid the edge of the dagger in front of him, but the man didn't press. Seeing that several moves failed, he immediately stared at Ye Feng for a moment, then turned and left.

Ye Feng would not let him go easily. He immediately stepped forward with an arrow and began to defend himself. He went to the man with his bare hands and hit him in the head.

The man felt the style of boxing and didn't turn his head back. He immediately turned to his side to avoid it. At the same time, he drew a knife and dagger towards Ye Feng's arm. The cold front of the dagger was close to Ye Feng's wrist.

Ye Feng immediately closed his fist, but then turned his fist into his hand. Instead of deliberately avoiding the man's dagger, he went up to his hand and grabbed the other side's wrist holding the dagger.

The man's wrist was just held by Ye Feng, and immediately he wanted to withdraw, but it was still too late. His wrist was tightly held by Ye Feng's hand like a steel pliers.

The man's face moved, his wrist trembled slightly, and the dagger in his hand flew up in an instant, toward his other hand.

Ye Feng saw in the eye, even had expected that he might have such a, immediately released his wrist, at the same time, a side kick, fly away, in the other hand of the other party has not caught the dagger, a foot kick that dagger fly, directly inserted in the side of the alley on the wall.

The man saw this, heart under a Lin, dark know is not Ye Feng's opponent, and Ye Feng at this time has released his hand, just is the best time to get rid of himself, he immediately turned and ran.

Ye Feng sees this, where is willing to let him go, immediately is a lunge forward, directly jump up, fly up a foot, directly toward the other side's back kick in the past.

Ye Feng's leg speed is extremely fast. In addition, the alley is narrow, so the man has no place to hide. He just ate Ye Feng's foot and was kicked to the ground.

Ye Feng's body just fell to the ground, but he didn't stop at his feet. In a moment, he stepped forward again. When the man didn't lie on the ground directly, he immediately stepped forward, grabbed the man's arm and twisted back.

Ye Feng completely pressed the man from behind. The man wanted to move and turn around. As soon as he moved, the joint between his arm and his body began to rattle and ache.

Ye Feng took the opportunity to pull the man back at the same time, a hand blade directly hit the man in the back of the brain, the man did not have time to hum, immediately fainted.

Ye Feng didn't dare to stay, so he immediately put the man on his shoulder and left the alley. He took the man back to the temporary residence of hukewan branch.

Jestefeld saw that Ye Feng went out with Jia Sike. Now he came back carrying a man. He thought it was Jia Sike. When Ye Feng came into the room, he put the man on a stool and pulled the mask off his face, he found that it was not Jia Sike at all.

This man has thick eyebrows and big eyes. He looks about 40 years old. He has a good appearance. Ye Feng has never seen him before. He can't help looking at him and immediately ties the man to the chair with a rope.

Jesteffe immediately asked, "who is he? What about JASCO? "

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know him, but this guy attacked me on the road, and should have any contact with jaske, so I brought him back first!"

Gu Zhaohui, who was standing not far away, frowned and came over. He stood in front of the man and looked at him carefully. Then he said, "I seem to know him!"

As soon as they heard Gu Zhaohui's words, they could not help looking at Gu Zhaohui in surprise. Ye Feng immediately asked Gu Zhaohui, "do you know him?"

Gu zhaohuichi immediately said, "I'm not very impressed, but he looks familiar. If I remember correctly, he should be an agent of the FBI!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately brow a frown ground to see one eye, in front of this thick eyebrow big eye of guy, stare at after a long time, this just murmured to say, "FBI agent?"Speaking of this, Ye Feng thinks that Gu zhaohuichi is a probationary agent of the General Bureau of the Federal Bureau of investigation in longarsenburg. Probationary agents generally do not have the opportunity to go out of the field, so the agents he knows must be from the General Bureau of the Federal Bureau of investigation.

However, how can FBI agents appear in Huck Bay? JASCO is obviously a pioneer of geeks. He had contact with Yueying Wuxiu, who was the dead servant of the opposition, but now he has contact with this FBI agent. This is really a bit confusing for Ye Feng.

Is it possible to say that ricksen and JASCO are not only connected with the opposition, but also with the federal government? However, if you think about it carefully, Rickson will not be unable to deal with the internal affairs of the geek vanguard. After all, with the support of the federal government and the opposition, it should be easy to change from a minority opposition to a majority.

At present, there are only two possibilities for ricksen not to achieve this. One is that ricksen is not good at using the resources in his hand, but it seems that ricksen is not such a brainless person.

So there is only the second possibility, that is, this guy in front of us may be a double agent. On the surface, he is an agent of the federal government, but on the surface, he is a dead servant of the opposition. In addition, Ye Feng can't find any other explanation.

After thinking about this, Ye Feng went to one side, took a glass of water from the table and threw it directly on the man's face.

After the man was excited, he slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Ye Feng and the people around him who were staring at him, his first reaction was to stand up. However, at this time, his hands were tied behind the handle of the chair. As soon as he stood up, he took the chair with him. It was difficult to stand.

And Ye Feng immediately went up and grabbed the man's head, pushed back hard, and the man immediately sat back, staring at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what do you want to do?"

Ye Feng sneered at the man, "we don't want to do anything! I just want to know how the FBI agents in longarsenic castle can appear in Huck Bay and show them in a mask! "

When the man heard this, he glanced down and found that the cloth on his face had been torn open. At this time, he was showing his true face. He suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "I don't know what you're talking about! What FBI agent? "

Ye Feng continued to sneer and said, "you can deny it, and you don't have to rush to admit it, but now I will take a picture of him and send it directly to the Federal Bureau of investigation. I believe there should be your detailed information there?"

As soon as the man heard this, he immediately yelled, "no, no..."

Ye Feng has already taken out his mobile phone. After listening to the man's cry, he immediately frowned and said, "since you don't admit it, of course I'll ask for a certificate. Otherwise, if you catch the wrong person, how embarrassing it will be!"

The man immediately said, "don't verify. Yes, I'm an agent of the federal General Administration! But I'm retired! I was just an agent there! Not now! "

Ye Feng suddenly tunnel, "so it is, once was the agent over there, now is not it? Well, please tell me, you are Who are you working for? "

That person suddenly complexion a sink, looking at Ye Feng, for a long time also didn't utter a word, just eyes can't stop flashing, as if thinking about how to answer Ye Feng's words.

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