Ye Feng immediately said to the man, "you don't have to think about it. Do you think I will approve of the answer?"

The man immediately said, "I didn't think about it, and I won't answer any of your questions! You don't have to ask me anything! "

Ye Feng can't help smiling and said, "it's a secret agent trained by the Federal Bureau of investigation. It's so tough! In that case, there is nothing to say! "

Said Ye Feng immediately took out the laser gun, then stepped forward, put the muzzle of the gun on the man's forehead, mouth said, "for you this kind of tough person, I have nothing to say, only use the most happy way to express my admiration for you, see you next life!"

Ye Feng said immediately to pull the trigger, don't want that person suddenly face move, then side opened the head, mouth immediately toward Ye Feng said, "what do you want to do?"

Ye Feng can't help but sneer, but his face is surprised and says, "I'm here to show my respect to you. I know that agents are generally arrested. If they go back alive, they will be doubted by their own people, and they will have to go through a lot of censorship. In case of bad performance, they may be tortured. It's better to die than to do so I will not give such treatment to ordinary people! "

The man immediately said, "don't shoot. Just ask what you want to ask!"

Ye Feng secretly scolded a coward, but still said in surprise, "you just said, you won't answer any of my questions, let me not ask, I think carefully, there is really nothing to ask, or forget it! Lest I trouble you

With that, Ye Feng immediately butted the laser gun against the other side's skull. He didn't want the other side to wriggle and dodge, "no trouble, no trouble at all. Just ask, I'll tell you what I know!"

Ye Feng listen to the other side so a say, can't help staring at the other side after a long time, this just put away the laser gun, also asked the other side way, "don't embarrass you?"

The man immediately shook his head like a rattle and kept saying to Ye Feng, "it's not difficult, it's not difficult at all!"

Cat face people in the side of the smile to see the voice, "since he does not want to ask you, then you first introduce yourself, this also want to ask?"

As soon as the man heard this, he immediately said, "my name is Chi Fengyu. I'm 38 years old. I used to be an agent of the FBI. Now I'm retired..."

Before Chi Fengyu finished, jesterfield immediately said, "you just retired? If I remember correctly, Elsie's retirement age is either seventy or seventy-five. Did you retire earlier than usual? "

Chi Fengyu immediately said, "the situation of the FBI is different from other places..."

The cat faced man immediately sneered, "you may not know that we are all FBI agents, but Huck Bay branch agents!"

Chi Fengyu's face suddenly changed when he heard this, and he looked at the crowd in a dazed way. He didn't seem to think that these people in front of him were all agents of Huke Bay FBI.

After a second thought, Chi Fengyu immediately said, "the treatment of the general administration is good, which is different from that of your local government..."

Before he finished, the cat faced man immediately pulled Gu Zhaohui over and said to Chi Fengyu, "this is your FBI agent, and he is the current one!"

With that, the cat faced man immediately patted Gu Zhaohui on the shoulder and said, "are you in your twenties today? It seems that you are going to enter retirement life in the next ten years at most. How envious

Gu Zhaohui chuckles awkwardly. When he just wants to explain that he is just a trainee agent, Chi Fengyu immediately laughs awkwardly, "I was dismissed!" After that, he breathed a sigh, as if after telling the truth, it seemed that the whole person was relaxed.

Ye Feng asked Chi Fengyu at this time, "why was he dismissed?"

Chi Fengyu immediately said, "I don't know why. The main reason is that the work is too dangerous and the salary is too low. I didn't want to do it myself. Just one time when I was out of the field, something went wrong and I was dismissed! Just as I wish! "

Jesteffe immediately asked chifengyu, "then why are you in Huck Bay?"

Chi Fengyu immediately said, "I have to eat too. Since I lost my job over there, of course I have to find another job. You have never been to longarsenbao. You don't know how high the consumption of longarsenbao is. The mortgage, various expenses and taxes all add up. People who are under pressure can't breathe. So I also take the opportunity to leave longarsenbao and go to a small city to relieve the pressure Well, I got a job... "

Ye Feng eyebrows at this time a way, "the opposition's death servant this job, the danger is not small?"

Chi Feng Yu a listen to this, complexion suddenly a change to look at Ye Feng, a face of surprise, eyes seem to ask Ye Feng how you know.

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, he sighed, "since you know everything, what else can I say?"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "is that room just now your stronghold?"

Chi Fengyu said, "it's not a stronghold. It's a point of contact. If you collect any information, go there and report it."Ye Feng's heart moved, and then immediately asked, "why does jaske appear in your place?"

Chi Fengyu looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "Jia Sike? Who is it? I don't know him! "

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's the one you went in before you went out!"

Chi Fengyu shrugged and said, "I don't know each other. In fact, many of us don't know each other! It's like that contact point. Every time I go to report the situation, it's the woman, but I still don't know her name, or even what she looks like! "

Ye Feng sighed slightly, and immediately raised his gun again. Seeing this, the man said in a loud voice, "it's really like this. Our superiors are worried that we'll form a clique and engage in private affairs, so they didn't announce the identities of other colleagues to us. We usually fight separately and seldom gather together!"

After staring at Chi Fengyu for a long time, Ye Feng could see from Chi Fengyu's eyes that the goods didn't lie. He thought and immediately said, "you mean it's a woman who collects your information?"

Chi Fengyu said, "yes, it's a woman. She's always covered, and she's sitting in a room inside. She never shows up. We all contact each other through the window. The only useful information is that she's young, in her early twenties, at most in her mid twenties. Her voice is a little chilly. I really don't know anything else."

Ye Feng listens to Chi Fengyu's words, and his heart suddenly moves. According to the woman's voice, she should be the shadow of the moon, right?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately asked, "who is your boss?"

The man immediately shook his head and said, "I don't know. There should be no boss. As I said just now, we fight separately. We seldom contact each other at ordinary times..."

Ye Feng immediately said, "how did you join this organization?"

Chi Fengyu said, "it's a little long to say, and there's a little story..."

Without waiting for Chi Fengyu to finish, Ye Feng immediately said, "I'm not interested in listening to your little story. Just make a long story short!"

Chi Fengyu nodded and said, "that night when I was fired, I went to a bar to have a drink. A woman came over with a glass, touched it with me, and had a few drinks. As you know, we men, who are 30 or 40 years old and have not yet got married, are all addicted to..."

Ye Feng said immediately, "go on!"

Chi Fengyu immediately said, "I took that woman to my residence for a night. That woman is really coquettish You don't know, that night almost killed me... "

Then, seeing Ye Feng's brow tightening, he immediately said, "Oh, by the way, the next morning, the woman hasn't left. She put down a business card for me and told me that if you feel a little tired of life now, you can call the phone on the business card!"

When Chi Fengyu said this, he paused a little and said, "at that time, I thought it was a call service call, but I didn't take it seriously. I lost my job. How can I find these services! But when I was bored that night, I thought of this business card. I thought I didn't spend any money last night. Maybe it would be free tonight. So I made this call. The person on the phone asked me to go to a place When I got there, I found that the room was dark. Then a man asked me if I needed money and could introduce me to a high paid job, so I agreed! "

Cat face person is surprised way, "so straightforward?"

Chi Fengyu shrugged his shoulders and said, "what's wrong? He needs people and I need to work. What's more, he offers three times as much as I used to. What don't I promise to do?"

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