Ye Feng said to Chi Fengyu, "if you say that, you don't see the person who recruited you?"

Chi Fengyu immediately nodded and said, "no, I said. The room was dark at that time. I could only see a person sitting in the corner. When I wanted to approach, I was stopped by him! So it's not clear what he looks like! "

Jesteffe was surprised, "in principle, you are also an FBI agent, you can't be a little bit wary of these?"

Chi Fengyu didn't speak yet. The cat face man over there immediately said with a smile, "if he was a little wary, this basic quality, I don't think he would be dismissed, would he?"

Chi Fengyu coughed awkwardly and explained, "it was mainly because when I stopped working, my salary stopped. I needed money badly, and the other party gave me a sum of money. I was not afraid that I would not do anything with the money. What else do I have to worry about? So I agreed, the next day I went to board the plane to Huck bay! Next, when I arrived at Huke Bay, another local person contacted me in the same way as I did in longarsenburg, and I hardly saw anyone. Then I began to settle down in Huke Bay. On weekdays, like ordinary people, I had to work in the nearby laboratory as a worker, but secretly I helped them to collect some information! Then report to the designated place! "

Ye Feng can't help nodding and then said, "as far as you know, how many people are still engaged in the same work as you?"

Chi Fengyu shrugged his shoulders and said, "maybe a lot, maybe a little. I don't know how many people we know each other. It's impossible to know exactly how many people there are. Just like the person you just asked, I just met him just now, and I just saw his back. Now when I meet him on the street, I may not recognize him. I believe others are similar to me! "

After hearing the speech, Ye Feng pondered for a long time and did not speak. After a long time, he asked Chi Fengyu, "is there any supplement?"

Chi Fengyu seemed to think for a moment, then shook his head, "I've said all I can say!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow immediately a wrinkly way, "your meaning of this words, seem to hint to me, still can't say?"

Chi Feng Yu's face suddenly changed and said, "no, no, I mean, what I can say and what I can't say, I've told you all I know!"

But Ye Feng sneered, raised the laser gun in his hand and said, "so, you have no use value at all?"

Chi Fengyu's face suddenly changed when he heard this, and he said in a loud voice, "you can't turn back. I've told you what I should say. You can't kill me!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't promise you anything. The only thing I promise you is that I will meet you in my next life!"

Chi Fengyu looks at Ye Feng and points his gun at him. After a flash, he immediately says, "yes, I remember. We have a leader Yes, there is a leader

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but put down the laser gun, eyes but stare at Chi Fengyu see, "leader?"

The cat face man sneered and said, "it's too dishonest. It's said at this time. There's the leader. If you want me to say it, just kill him. Who knows if he will hide anything later!"

As soon as Chi Fengyu heard this, he immediately said, "this leader, in fact, it's not that I don't say it, but that I haven't thought about it for a moment. I've seen him once, and he's still masked. I don't know what he looks like at all!"

Ye Feng's brow is a wrinkly ground to ask a way, "in that case, how do you know he is a leader?"

Chi Fengyu immediately said, "at that time, I was ordered to go to a forest to convey an order. There were two people there. One was the one I suspected might be the leader, and the other was a good-looking woman. The leader seemed to want to execute him. I just told him that the master told him not to execute him for the time being!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately move ground looking at Chi Feng feather way, "that woman long what appearance?"

Chi Fengyu immediately said, "I can't say it, but I feel very beautiful and have a good figure. But after I gave the order, I left immediately!"

Ye Feng immediately raised his gun and said, "I'll give you another chance. I'm sure you can tell me something useful!"

Seeing this, Chi Fengyu immediately said, "I remember. I went there and told the leader that the woman didn't lie. Then the leader said that someone would control electricity. I didn't quite understand..."

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, he immediately determined that what they said was that someone would control the electricity. What they said should be himself, and the woman was the moon shadow without sleeves. As for who the so-called leader was, Ye Feng still knew nothing.

Chi Fengyu saw Ye Feng looking at himself, but he didn't speak, and the muzzle of the gun was still facing him. He immediately said, "I know so much, really, I really can't remember what I didn't say!"

Ye Feng heard here, slowly put down the gun, toward the crowd said, "you say, how should I deal with him?"

The cat face man immediately said, "this kind of person, who is like a counsellor, should be killed. It's useless to stay. In my opinion, it's better to die!"Chi Fengyu's face suddenly moved and cried out, "no, I can do anything for you as long as I don't kill me!"

After pondering for a while, jesteffe winked at Ye Feng and motioned him to go with him. Then he whispered, "it's meaningless to kill this man!"

Ye Feng looked at jesterfield in surprise and said, "what should I do with him according to your idea?"

Jesteffe said immediately, "let him go back!"

Ye Feng smell speech brow a wrinkly tunnel, "put him back?"

Jesteffe immediately nodded and said, "according to his timid character, even if he went back, he certainly did not dare to say that he had been caught by us, and we can blackmail him to help us use the information from the opposition side of our mobile phone! If he won't, we'll release the information that he was arrested by us! "

Ye Feng smelled the speech and looked at jesterfield with a smile and said, "what you think is the same as me, and that's exactly what I think!"

Ye Feng immediately took out his mobile phone, turned on the video function, and then gave it to cat face humanity, "you record the video to him and ask him to repeat what he just told you!"

Cat face person one face is puzzled to looking at leaf maple, surprised way, "isn't all already said?"? Are you afraid you can't remember? "

Ye Feng said, "I'm afraid he doesn't remember. If I ask you to record it, you can record it!" Then he asked Chi Fengyu, "don't you mind?"

As soon as Chi Fengyu heard this, he immediately said, "no problem, no problem. As long as you don't kill me, let me do anything. Do you want to record another oral confession? I can also cooperate with... "

Ye Feng can't help sighing in his heart that this product is really not an ordinary counsellor. It seems that the opposition has chosen the wrong person. After thinking of ordering a cat face man again, he said to jester, "as long as he doesn't cooperate, we will publish this video. He certainly doesn't dare!"

Jaster fee can't help nodding to Ye Feng and said, "you are more careful than I think, so it's absolutely safe!"

After the cat face person took the mobile phone to record what Chi Fengyu said again, he asked Chi Fengyu what else to add. Seeing that Chi Fengyu shook his head, he gave the mobile phone to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng holding a mobile phone, roughly looked at the recorded video, this just in the past untied the Chifeng feather body rope.

Chi Feng Yu couldn't believe it and said, "did you really let me go?"

Ye Feng said, "we can let you go, but you have to work for us there!"

Chi Feng Yu heard this, immediately a shiver way, "that can't, they know, will kill me!"

Ye Feng sneered at Chi Fengyu and said, "you can refuse, but I won't kill you either. Take a look at the video just recorded..." Then he took his mobile phone and played the recorded video to Chi Fengyu. He said, "but I will publish this video. Then you can guess what will happen to you!"

After hearing this, Chi Fengyu looks at the video on his mobile phone. He was forced to ask by Ye Feng before, but he seems reluctant. In order to survive this recording, he said it easier than before. If this video is known by the opposition, don't talk about himself. It is estimated that his parents who are far away in longarsenbao will suffer. Thinking of this, Chi Fengyu knows He had no choice at all. He suddenly sat down in his chair and didn't recover for a long time.

Ye Feng went to the back of chifengyu, patted chifengyu on the shoulder and said, "don't look like this, we still count on you!"

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