Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "the other party may not want to give Shylock incense, but he must want to use this thing to accomplish his goal! This person is the real behind the scenes

Just now, Libo Zhihui was still thinking that there was a black hand behind his forehead that he could not see or feel. When Ye Feng mentioned the black hand again, he felt a little chilly at the back of his head.

Thinking of this, Libo Zhihui immediately asked Ye Feng, "since you expect so much, do you already know who this person or group is?"

After smoking a cigarette, Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, these are just my personal opinions and conjectures at present. In fact, you have to ask me to say a name, I can't say it!"

Before Li bozhihui spoke, he immediately said, "in fact, it may not be just a small matter. I always feel that there may be a plot brewing behind it that we haven't seen yet."

Victor didn't speak all the time. At this time, he asked Ye Feng, "is it related to the case of Jock Emma?" Then he immediately added, "let's look back and think about it. Not long ago, our police station was attacked, and even the only laser fort on the island was almost occupied. After that, the FBI branch was bombed. How do I feel that there is an inevitable connection between the two? Otherwise, the two attacks in a row are too coincidental? "

After listening to Victor's words, Ye Feng and Libo Zhihui both fell into a period of meditation. Ye Feng also seems to have a kind of penetrating feeling. Before, he really did not associate this incident with the last police incident.

But now listening to Victor's words, his heart suddenly fell in awe. Although Ye Feng knew that it was ricksen who did it last time, it doesn't mean that this time has nothing to do with ricksen.

On the other hand, the last time was ostensibly the work of the geek pioneers represented by ricksen, but it's not necessarily the work of ricksen. If there are behind the scenes in this incident, then there are no behind the scenes in the last incident?

As victor said, the interval between the two events is too short. Is there any connection between them?

When Ye Feng thought of this, he suddenly threw away his cigarette end and stamped it out with his feet. Then he looked up at Libo Zhihui and Victor and said, "if so, then the target of the other party is not the police department and the FBI, but the whole Huke Bay?"

Li Bo Zhi Hui and Victor can't help but look at Ye Feng wrongly and ask in one voice, "the whole Huke Bay?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "yes, their target is probably the whole Huck Bay, first the police department, and then the FBI branch of the security system. If these two systems are broken down in Huck Bay, then Huck Bay will have no defense capability?"

Both Libo Zhihui and Victor can't help but feel awe inspiring when they hear Ye Feng's words. It seems that they have some such truth.

However, Libo Zhihui immediately said, "if it's outside forces, then they think that breaking through the separation of the police station and us can invade Huck Bay, then it's too fanciful, because there is an important part of Huck Bay Island, which is the system defense department."

Victor immediately nodded his approval and added, "yes, any aircraft that wants to fly into Huck bay needs to be approved by the system Defense Department..."

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, his face changed and he looked at Victor and Libo Zhihui. He suddenly thought of a problem and immediately pointed to the two humanitarians, "if so, then their next target is probably the system defense department!"

As soon as victor and Libo Zhihui heard this, their faces were all moving. Look at me and I'll see you. Ye Feng's words are a bit of a shock. After the two parts are destroyed, they can still be rebuilt. At most, their temporary work will be affected. But once the system defense department is attacked, even a little bit of influence, it may be destroyed It's like heaven and earth.

Thinking of this, Libo Zhihui immediately walked towards the door and asked Victor, "have you come to drive the aircraft?"

When Victor realized what Libo Zhihui meant, he immediately followed him and said, "drive, I'll drive!"

Ye Feng also immediately followed, he knew that both of them thought of one place, they want to go to the system defense department.

After the three men got on the aircraft, Victor piloted the aircraft and immediately took off to leave here, heading for the system defense department.

On the way, Libo Zhihui still scolded, "what do these grandchildren want to do? If I catch them, I'll skin them

Ye Feng didn't say anything. At present, all these are his conjectures, but if we follow the facts that have happened, and then according to the logical deduction, we can only draw the only conclusion.

Soon the plane arrived in a forest in the suburb. After flying for a while, Ye Feng noticed that there were a few buildings in an open space in the forest. They looked like villas built by ordinary people in the wilderness.After the aircraft landed, the three men immediately got off the aircraft. As soon as they got down, a group of soldiers with guns surrounded them. The guns in their hands immediately pointed at the three men. They didn't know where they were hiding. Just now they were in the air, and they didn't see any soldiers in this place.

Victor and Libo Zhihui immediately raised their hands, while Victor pointed to the surrounding humanity, "I'm Victor, director of hukewan police branch. This is director of hukewan FBI branch. We want to see your director! There is something important to talk to your director! "

One of the soldiers came up and took out an instrument to shoot Victor, Libo Zhihui and Ye Feng. After that, the instrument in his hand immediately showed the information of the three people, including their professional identity and age.

Seeing that Victor and Libo Zhihui were exactly what Victor said, the soldiers did not dare to neglect them. They immediately asked the others to put down their guns and asked the three to wait here. He needed to report.

When the soldiers reported in the past, the three of them all looked around. There was a wilderness all around with only woods as company. Ye Feng couldn't help saying, "the Defense Department of this system is placed here. Ordinary people can't see it, but once they know, is the defense here too fragile?"

Victor and Libo Zhihui look at each other. Ye Feng doesn't know, but they know that the defense seems weak here. However, the woods are full of traps set by the system defense department, including their aircraft flying in mid air. In fact, they don't just fly close to the woods. Even if they didn't come to the woods, people from the system defense department must have seen them It's clear, so there's no weak defense at all.

But they didn't have time to explain to Ye Feng. The soldier who went there to report came back. He immediately saluted the three and said, "director, please welcome three!"

Ye Feng and the other three immediately followed the soldiers to the direction of the "villa". Outside the villa, Ye Feng also noticed that there were some machines hidden in the woods, bushes and weeds. If you don't look carefully, you can't see them clearly.

Soon the three entered the gate of the villa, but there was only a horizontal corridor. In front of the corridor was a whole row of elevators. The soldiers took the three to the far left elevator.

After getting close to the elevator, Ye Feng found that the elevator was not upward, but downward. Looking at the floor button on the elevator, there were seven or eight floors underground. It seems that the villa above is just a cover up. The real system defense department is under the villa.

Soon the elevator stopped on the third floor underground. After the elevator was opened, the soldier did not follow him out. Instead, he stood at the door of the elevator and said, "just go along to the front!"

After they got out of the elevator, they found that it was not a long tunnel. Both sides of the tunnel were made of metal materials. At the end of the tunnel was a door. It must be the office of the director of the system defense department.

As soon as they got to the door of the office, before they knocked, they saw that the door opened automatically and slowly, and it also looked like it was made of metal.

After the door was fully opened, Ye Feng noticed that there was a huge space inside, and it looked very advanced. The walls around were made of metal, and there were dark lights everywhere, which made the whole space full of light although it was underground.

After the three people walked in, the iron door closed slowly again immediately. At this time, someone asked, "two directors are here in person. I don't know what's important?"

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