Before Ye Feng saw anyone, he heard a clear woman's voice, which should sound young. Looking at it, he saw a blonde sitting behind a huge desk on one side.

The woman looks about thirty, hesitating is a typical Western woman's face, so the actual age can't be seen, and the age may be a little older. However, the woman looks white and gentle, especially her dress taste. At first glance, she doesn't look like a person working in the system Defense Department, but more like a senior white-collar company. However, from her overall style, she is not very smart Qualitatively, it seems to be a bit like a successful person, although women are beautiful, but there is a kind of cold feeling that seems not too close to human feelings.

Libo Zhihui looked at the woman and immediately shrugged her shoulders and said, "it must be a great event to be able to find director gulina!"

The blonde named gulina was already sitting there, looking at the three people, and then said, "what you're going to say is that it's related to today's Huck Bay FBI bombing?"

Victor immediately walked over and sat directly opposite gulina. He said to her, "yes, that's it, but it's not all about it..."

Before Victor finished, gulina immediately said, "do you want to take the space surveillance video from me? See what suspicious people have entered the FBI building before and after the crime? "

As soon as Li Bo Zhihui heard this, his heart could not help but move, and he immediately walked over and said, "so, you've seen the video? Are there any suspicious findings? "

Gulina shrugged her shoulders and said, "I've seen it, but I haven't found any suspicious people. The FBI branch is not a police station, and not everyone can enter. At least I didn't find anything wrong in the video. Sorry, maybe the three of you are going for nothing!"

As she spoke, gulina glanced at Ye Feng, who was walking slowly towards her desk. Then she said to victor and Libo Zhihui, "one of them is the director of the police department, the other is the director of the Bureau of investigation, but this one is just the head of the special service team of the Bureau of investigation. It's not necessary for the two directors to come here to collect the video materials, Let the group leader or the people below apply according to the procedure. In this way, you don't just want to ask me for the video, do you? Come on, what else can I do for you? I'd like to trouble you two directors to come together! "

At this time, Ye Feng has come to the opposite of gulina's desk, but there are only two seats on the opposite side of gulina's desk, just sitting by Libo Zhihui and victor. Ye Feng can only stand behind them.

Ye Feng has been observing gulina all the way. He found that in the cold temperament of gulina, a pair of bright eyes suddenly revealed a sense of wisdom, as if those eyes could see everything.

Victor said to gulina at this time, "we're here. We really have something important to talk about with director gulina!"

Libo Zhihui said directly, "I don't beat around the Bush any more. We suspect that the next thing someone wants to deal with is your SDB!"

Gulina picked her eyebrows slightly and cast a little surprise in her eyes. However, she soon regained her calm. Looking at them, she said with a smile, "how can we deal with our SDB? Where's the news from? "

Ye Feng looked at gulina, even if the face showed a smile, but still some cold feeling, is the kind of from the bone marrow, and whether she has a smile on the face seems to have nothing to do with general.

Without waiting for Libo Zhihui and Victor to reply, gulina immediately said with a smile, "I'm not bragging about myself. You don't see that our system defense bureau is located in the wilderness, but our defense system is no less than the police station and the Bureau of investigation, and even better than your position. After all, we are in the field of defense So if we want to do something wrong with our SDB, we really need to weigh their ability! "

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "we know that the defense system of SDB is doing well, but this does not rule out the possibility of deviation..."

Gulina then put out her hand on the table and patted it. Immediately, Li Bo Zhihui said, "we don't have a chance here. Do you know the probability of one in ten thousand? If there is a one in ten thousand chance that our system will have problems, I don't have to do it! "

Victor immediately explained, "we are not questioning director gulina's ability, nor the defense ability of SDA. We are just worried about..."

Gulina interrupted victor and said, "don't worry, we won't have any problems here. Besides, what's your source? Where do you know that someone is going to deal with our SDB? "

Libo Zhihui and Victor can't help but be stunned when they hear the speech. What source they came from is just Ye Feng's guess. They unconsciously look back at Ye Feng standing behind them.

Gulina, of course, noticed that both of them were looking at Ye Feng behind them. At this time, she also looked up at Ye Feng. Although the information showed that he was just the leader of a special service team under Libo Zhihui, it seemed that Victor and Libo Zhihui were all looking forward to him, which had to arouse gulina's interest.Gulina took a look at Ye Feng and looked up and down. Ye Feng said, "it seems that the source of the news is your side?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "yes, it's my side!"

Gulina nodded. "And where did you get that?" Before Ye Feng finished, she immediately looked at Libo Zhihui and said, "I remember that just before the explosion, you applied for a flight clause for your men, saying that you were going to leave Huke bay to perform a special mission. It must be the special service leader, right?"

If it wasn't for gulina's mention of this, Libo Zhihui would have forgotten it. After hearing her ask, he nodded and said, "yes, it's him!"

Gulina continued to look at Ye Feng and said, "can you talk about that special task?" Then he immediately said, "don't talk to me about the FBI confidentiality agreement. I just want to know, when you left, there were three people. Why did you come back with six people?"

Ye Feng did not speak, Li Bo Zhihui immediately said, "there is no special task, he is out to meet people, I am afraid you do not agree, so it is a special task, let you open a special case!"

Gulina immediately looked at Libo Zhihui and said, "director Libo, it's wrong of you to do this. Do you think I want to put these on record?" However, without waiting for Li Bo Zhihui to explain, he immediately said, "two of the three people who came back were members of the FBI branch, who were also under the leader of the secret service team, but the other woman was an unidentified mission, and had almost no information to check. This is a bit strange!"

Then gulina immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "I've seen the video of the explosion of the FBI branch. No outsider has ever been in or out of the building of the FBI, but except for three people, one is this woman of unknown origin! Another one has been here for a long time. According to our data comparison, he should be one of the members of the geek pioneer. His pseudonym is JASCO. I don't know his real name, but he disappeared after the explosion. Another one is Gu zhaohuichi, an intern agent of the Federal Bureau of investigation in longarsenburg. At the same time, he is the only son of Gu zhaohuide, vice president of the Federal Research Institute, who is the leader of the group Do you want to explain why there are three people in the Huck Bay FBI who should not have been in the Bureau, and all of them seem to have a lot to do with you? "

Li Bo Zhi Hui can't help but look at Ye Feng in surprise and say, "what's the matter?" He wanted to say that he knew about JASCO, but Gu zhaohuichi and another woman of unknown origin, he knew everything, but he didn't say it in the end.

Ye Feng shrugged at this time and said, "these three people are all brought back by me!"

Gulina said with a smile, "and it's all before and after the attack on the police station and the explosion of the investigation branch. Is that a coincidence? Or our group leader, what else has he not explained to us? Oh, by the way, in addition, I think the bandits will attack our bureau next, which is also from the mouth of the group leader! "

Said gulina staring at Ye Feng to see, "this group leader adult, can you give a reasonable explanation?"

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