It can be said that before Ye Feng followed Li Bo Zhihui and Victor to the system defense Bureau, he never thought that he would be asked so many questions by the blonde director, and he really could not explain so many questions to her.

For a moment, Ye Feng just looked at the blonde director in front of him. There was no expression on his face, but he didn't say a word.

Gulina saw that Ye Feng didn't say anything. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "well, you have the right to keep silent, but I also have the right to keep reasonable doubt!" Then he immediately said to Libo Zhihui, "director Libo, your super privileged secret service leader has done a lot of things that he can't understand and can't explain himself. If you want to ask me who is more suspicious about this explosion, I'm sorry, I can only doubt your subordinate, unless he can give me a satisfactory explanation!"

Libo Zhihui also has a headache. Ye Feng knows something, but he doesn't know something. For example, Jia Sike, the geek pioneer, knows it. But Gu zhaohuichi, the probation agent of the federal General Administration, and the mysterious woman, he really doesn't know anything.

However, Li Bo Zhi Hui didn't reach gulina's words and began to doubt Ye Feng. He couldn't help looking back at Ye Feng and said, "don't you want to explain these things?"

Ye Feng said at this time, "there is nothing to explain. When did the FBI explain things to others?"

Gulina was shocked by this. Even Libo Zhihui, director of the Federal Bureau of investigation in Huck Bay, could not help but be shocked. If this is said in ordinary times, it's absolutely reasonable. He has been against the mayor of Huck Bay Shylock more than once.

But now the situation is different. Gulina is the most famous and difficult character in Huck Bay. Compared with her, that annoying Shylock, you will find him more agreeable.

However, Ye Feng doesn't know about these situations, but Libo Zhihui is full of numbers, and he can't remind Ye Feng that gulina is more difficult at this time. He can only cough and say to Ye Feng, "that's right. The identity of our bureau of investigation is quite special, but the identity of the system defense bureau is also very special, and they enjoy the same as us We have a lot of information to get from director gulina, so if you can, you'd better explain a few words! "

Libo Zhihui thinks that what he said is euphemistic enough. Ye Feng is so smart that he should be able to understand the meaning of what he said. After that, he turns around and gives Ye Feng a wink with gulina on his back.

Ye Feng certainly understood what Libo Zhihui meant, but he still shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm still saying that. There's nothing to explain. People from the FBI don't need to explain to anyone!"

On hearing this, Libo Zhihui's head is big, and he immediately looks at Victor for help. Victor is very good, and directly avoids Libo Zhihui's eyes. He is completely indifferent and hangs up. He doesn't want to go through this muddy water.

Gulina sneered at this time, "I know that your FBI identity is special, but now I don't want you to explain your task, not to let you leak secrets, and don't you see that now you are suspected, even if you are an FBI agent, even the director, if you are suspected, you should explain a few words?"

Speaking of this, gulina immediately reminded Ye Feng, "the identity and status of your FBI are special, but don't forget that the identity and status of our system's Bureau of investigation are also different. We have military background behind us. You should also see that our side is protected by the military. If I doubt you, I can call it The military will directly arrest you, and then inform you of the FBI. I believe I can find a reasonable reason to explain it to your bureau! "

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to gulina, "if director gulina insists on doing this, I don't object. You can let the soldiers outside come in and catch me, but I remind you, I will resist..."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng's eyes were overcast, and gulina's heart was suddenly shocked. Before waiting for her to say anything, Ye Feng immediately added, "although the director is behind the military, you should not forget that federal agents can act conveniently during the mission, and temporarily execute some people who we think have problems, let alone the military If I had to kill Fang's soldiers, even the local military officers, it would be nothing more than a report! Even if the report can't explain it, the big deal is confinement. The most serious thing is to be transferred from the original position and then go to another job in anonymity! "

Gulina smell speech complexion suddenly a sink, immediately clap table to stand up, toward Ye Feng angry voice way, "you are frightening me?"

Then gulina put her hands on the table and leaned forward slightly to stare at Ye Feng. "If I remember correctly, you are just the head of the secret service team of the local Branch Bureau. You really regard yourself as the agent of the federal General Administration. As far as I know, only the special agent of the federal General Administration has such authority. Don't scare me!"Ye Feng can't help but smile at gulina. Then he takes out a cigarette, pops one out, holds it in his mouth and lights it. Then he looks at gulina who seems to be in a bit of a rage in front of him and says, "you're really right! I'm really an agent of the General Administration! "

After hearing Ye Feng's words, all the people present were shocked, including Li Bo Zhihui, who already knew Ye Feng's identity. At this time, he could not help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. He secretly asked if this guy was crazy and wanted to expose his identity here?

Victor looks at Ye Feng blankly. He always thinks that Ye Feng is not simple. After all, jock Emma and Shylock value him very much, and even Shylock wants to buy him off. However, he never thought that Ye Feng would be an agent of the federal General Administration and a character from longarsenic castle.

Gulina was even more surprised. She had received all the information about Ye Feng before he came. The information showed that Ye Feng was just a secret service leader of Huck Bay Federal Bureau of investigation, and he was not a special agent of the federal General Administration of longarsenic fort.

Ye Feng took a puff of cigarette, then slowly vomited toward gulina's face, and then said to gulina, "I know the director must have seen my information, but didn't the director find that my entry time is the latest?"

Gulina immediately reached out and knocked on the virtual keyboard of her desk, and a virtual picture appeared, which showed Ye Feng's entry information of Huck Bay Federal Bureau of investigation, and the entry time was written on it. It was yesterday.

After Ye Feng glanced at it, he immediately sneered and said, "which one can be a team leader just after entering the post, and it's a special action team acting alone. What does that mean? Do you want me to explain more?"

Gulina's face changed several times and she looked at Ye Feng. For a moment, she didn't know what to say. After all, what Ye Feng said is really something to be doubted. Why did the new employee immediately become a clan leader and a member of the special action group?

Ye Feng immediately said to gulina, "sorry, Mr. director, I can't answer any of the questions you just asked me, but I can answer one of the doubts in your mind!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng vomited a puff of smoke and said, "since there are so many doubts on me, I must be a suspicious person. This is understandable. But has the director ever thought that I may have received the above special order to come to Huke bay to investigate some things that you can't let you know. There are too many people who may know such things It's a bit too wide involved. There's a good saying that it's called killing cats by curiosity. I don't want to say that in addition to my duty, I don't want to think of you as a great beauty. Because of a little curiosity, you lose your position and even your life here. Is that a bit too outrageous? "

Gulina listens to Ye Feng's words, and immediately stares at Ye Feng with a slight eyebrow movement. She thinks she can see Ye Feng's flaws from Ye Feng's expression and behavior, but no matter how she stares at Ye Feng, she doesn't see any flaws at all.

Although some of Ye Feng's remarks are too bizarre, on second thought, the style of the FBI is still the same as before. If you say it from this point, Ye Feng's remarks are really no problem, especially when you think of Gu zhaohuichi, a trainee agent of the FBI in longarsenburg recently.

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