Libo Zhihui has been completely stunned by what Ye Feng said, and he doesn't know how much of what Ye Feng said is true and how much is false.

But looking at gulina's expression at this time, with his understanding of gulina, he knows that gulina has been believed by Ye Feng's stormy words, at least most of them.

Sure enough, gulina's next performance is exactly what Libo Zhihui guesses about her.

Gulina stared at Ye Feng for a long time. Then she sat down slowly and looked at Ye Feng again. "If you're from longarsenbao, why don't you have entry-exit records of Huke Bay?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if the Federal Bureau of investigation can't do this little thing well, then the Federal Bureau of investigation can also disband and go home to farm!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, gulina was silent for a while. Then she shrugged her shoulders and said, "well, I admit you may I want to emphasize that maybe, maybe you're from lonarsene castle. I sincerely hope that the attack on the police department and the explosion of the FBI have nothing to do with these three people. If I can see that they have a little relationship, even if you're from lonarsene castle, I can assure you that you may not have the chance to go to the cell, but directly go to the cell Sent to the court martial! "

Ye Feng continued to smoke cigarettes, then shrugged to gulina, "that's really a pity, I guess you can't see that day!"

Gulina shrugged her shoulders and did not continue the topic. Then she looked at Victor and Libo Zhihui sitting opposite her and said, "it seems that you two are just supporting actors who are coming to me this time?"

As soon as Libo Zhihui heard this, he immediately stood up and said with a smile to gulina, "it doesn't matter who is the leading role and who is the supporting role. What matters is the security of your bureau!"

Victor also stood up, stood to the side of the chair, and said to gulina, "yes, the most important thing is that nothing happens here!"

Gulina did not answer, but looked at Ye Feng and said, "how about it? As for your identity, we don't argue pointlessly. Since you are the leading role, please sit down and have a chat? "

Ye Feng smell speech immediately put out the cigarette, then walked over to sit down, a shrug way, "of course you can!"

Gulina looked at Libo Zhihui and victor at this time and said, "would you please wait outside the office for a moment?"

When Libo Zhihui and Victor heard this, their faces suddenly moved. They looked at gulina in surprise and then at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui and Victor, "you two, just listen to director gulina and go out for a while. I don't think we'll have a long talk here!"

Li Bo Zhi Hui and Victor smell speech, this just nodded, immediately looked at gulina, directly left the office.

As soon as the door of the office closes, gulina immediately says to Ye Feng, "don't think I believe what you just said. I just don't want to make too much noise. What you said is true or false. I just need a phone call to verify it!"

Ye Feng smell speech brow slightly a frown ground looking at Gu Li Na way, "so Gu Li Na director why didn't do so?"

Gulina immediately leaned her body toward the back of the chair. Then she looked at Ye Feng and said, "I'm just curious!"

Ye Feng frowned more closely at gulina and said, "curious?"

Gulina immediately said, "from the first day you landed on the island, there have been all kinds of cases in Huck Bay, and it seems that every case is more or less related to you. For Huck Bay, an isolated island that has been quiet for many years, you should be an unwelcome uninvited guest!"

But Ye Feng said to gulina, "I think director gulina, what you said is wrong. There is no inevitable connection between what happened in Huke Bay and my appearance. Even if I didn't come, if another person came, what should happen in Huke Bay would still happen, and I can assure you that if someone else came, maybe the situation would be worse and stricter Heavy. "

Gulina smell speech but stare at Ye Feng to see after a long time way, "long arsenic castle to the agents are so confident?"? Self confidence is sometimes a good thing, but it doesn't mean it's always a good thing! "

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "self-confidence is not necessarily a good thing, but not self-confidence, for me, certainly not a good thing!"

Gulina listens to Ye Feng's words, stares at Ye Feng for a moment, and then says, "you have a little too much contact with Jock Emma and Shylock. This should be one of the actions in your secret mission to Huck Bay this time."

At this time, Ye Feng said to gulina, "if director gulina is interested in me personally, we can make another appointment in private and have an in-depth exchange!"

Gulina said to Ye Feng, "don't think that there are many women around you, just think that all women will flock to you!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at gulina and says, "I don't understand what director gulina means? I'm just saying that we can have a long talk. Is director gulina thinking wrong? "Gulina's face suddenly moved when she heard what Ye Feng said. Naturally, she would not believe that Ye Feng's words only meant that. However, seeing Ye Feng's serious face at this time, it seemed that she was in a muddle.

Thinking of this, gulina felt a little exasperated, but she couldn't tangle with Ye Feng on this issue. At this time, she could only clear her throat and digress from the topic. "I just heard two directors victor and Libo Zhihui say that the reason why you suspect that the next target of the bandits is our system defense bureau is from your side. I'm very interested, What's the opinion of the agent from longarsenic castle? "

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there is no high opinion. I will not hide it from director gulina. These are just my intuition!"

Gulina said with a smile instead of anger, "intuition? Did I hear you right? Do you think the next target of the bandits is us because of your intuition? Yes? Do you always rely on your intuition when you deal with a case in longarsenic castle? "

Ye Feng even solemnly replied to gulina, "it's not all general cases. I don't have intuition at all, but there will be intuition in many big cases. Moreover, I can tell the director that my intuition has not been at fault so far!"

Gulina couldn't help laughing more happily when she heard the words, "so far there is no mistake, it doesn't mean there will never be any mistake. I understand that, should there be no problem?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there should be no problem. I also hope my intuition is wrong this time. If it is wrong, at least your system defense bureau can survive. In this way, I would rather admit that I was wrong, but I'm really sorry. My intuition tells me that my intuition can't be wrong!"

Gulina gradually put away her smile at this time, and gradually returned to a cold look. After staring at Ye Feng for a while, she said, "if it's just your intuition, I'm really sorry, I won't believe it!"

Speaking of this, gulina's body slightly forward looking at Ye Feng way, "because I also believe in my intuition, and my intuition has never been wrong!"

Ye Feng can't help shrugging and said with a smile, "since the director is also a person who believes in intuition, why don't you believe in my intuition?"

Gulina asked Ye Feng, "then do you believe my intuition?"

Ye Feng looked at gulina and said, "what's the director's intuition besides feeling that my intuition is inaccurate?"

Gulina immediately said, "my intuition also tells me that only half of what you said before is true at most!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "I said a lot of words before!"

Gulina immediately added, "about the part where you're from lonzabur!"

Ye Fengxin looked at gulina and said, "do you still don't believe I'm from the FBI in longarsenburg?"

Gulina shrugged her shoulders and said, "half, half, I said. Half at most. No more!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "if so, you just said, you can verify it with one phone call, you can do it completely!"

But gulina said immediately, "I don't want to do this!"

Ye Feng eyebrows a ground to look at Gu Li Na way, "why?"

Gulina shrugged her shoulders and said, "why not? Maybe I want to see what else you can do in Huck bay next. Maybe I want to prove my intuition myself! "

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