After listening to Gu Lina's words, Ye Feng didn't say anything for a moment. Then he stood up and said to Gu Lina, "let's see who is more accurate in their intuition. But to tell you the truth, I hope my intuition is not accurate, and I sincerely hope that the director general will take my words seriously. I don't want to see the day when the director general regrets because he doesn't believe me ”

gulina immediately stood up to say something to Ye Feng, and immediately the phone on the desk rang. She immediately grabbed the phone and asked what happened.

Ye Feng noticed that gulina's face became more and more heavy when she answered the phone. She also looked at Ye Feng from time to time. Finally, she said that after knowing, she immediately hung up the phone and then said to Ye Feng, "the result has come out. Your intuition is wrong. The target they attacked is not us!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion suddenly a change, hands support on the table, looking at gulina way, "that they attack is where?"

Gulina didn't answer immediately, but stared at Ye Feng for a long time and didn't speak. At this time, the door of the office was pushed open, and Victor and Libo Zhihui walked in quickly.

Victor's face was so heavy that his legs and feet were a little weak. As he walked over, he said, "the police station has been bombed, the police station has been bombed..."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately heart next a Lin, the target of the other party is not here unexpectedly, but police station?

Seeing Victor's appearance, gulina immediately came out from her desk and said to victor, "you have a rest, go back to maintain the order of the scene, and I will transfer out the video as soon as possible to cooperate with your investigation!"

At this time, Libo Zhihui said angrily, "these guys have too much courage to fight against our branch and police station continuously. Our side is OK, at least most of them have been evacuated, and no one from the police station has called the police, so they are almost dead and wounded, and the whole army has been destroyed..."

Victor then looked at Ye Feng and said, "didn't you say their goal is here? Why our police department? Why? " Speaking of the final voice are hoarse, and obviously with a cry.

Gulina looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully after hearing the speech. She saw that Ye Feng's eyebrows were locked, as if she couldn't understand. Seeing Ye Feng like this, she had less doubt about Ye Feng.

If this case is related to Ye Feng, then Ye Feng said that his intuition is here. If something really happens here, it must have something to do with Ye Feng. Now it proves that Ye Feng's intuition is not accurate, but it also proves that Ye Feng may not know where the other party will attack.

Ye Feng said immediately at this time, "no, my intuition can't be wrong. There must be something wrong in this estimation!"

Gulina then said to Ye Feng, "intuition is something that you will believe once. I would rather not believe it. I believe in my own experience and accumulated judgment rather than intuition."

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "now it's not about the accuracy of intuition, but these bandits are so rampant that we have to take some actions."

Gulina immediately said to Libo Zhihui, "when the police station was bombed, many police officers didn't escape at all. Now the residents of Huke Bay must be in a panic. They need people to help the police who are short of manpower to maintain the order of Huke Bay. If necessary, we can transfer some Garrison troops here and let you use them temporarily. If it's not enough, we can help them Apply to... "

Victor nodded at this time, but he was even more grieved at the thought that most of his men had failed to escape.

Ye Feng said suddenly at this time, "we can't transfer troops from here!"

Gulina and Victor can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "why?"

Ye Feng then said to the court, "I want to understand. We always regard the previous attack on the police station and the explosion of the FBI branch as a series of cases, so we instinctively think that the bandits attacked the police station first, then dealt with the FBI branch, and finally the system defense Bureau. But from this matter, our thinking logic has changed A fundamental mistake

Libo Zhihui looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you think of?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "the case of the FBI branch is totally unrelated to the attack case of the previous police station. If the FBI branch is only the first target of their attack, then they will have two options!"

When Li Bo Zhihui heard the speech, he immediately said, "is it the police station and the system security bureau?"

Victor immediately asked, "then why our police department first? Not here first? " The tone of his speech was particularly pathetic, but thinking that what he said was wrong, he immediately explained to gulina, "director gulina, I don't mean anything else. I don't mean that they should choose here first instead of our police station. What I mean is..."

Before Victor finished, gulina nodded, "I understand! I want to know, too! " Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "why the police first? Are they random?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's not random. Since they started to choose the Federal Bureau of investigation, they have been deployed precisely!" With that, Ye Feng immediately added, "now the Federal Bureau of investigation happens to encounter a false police report. In addition, there are a large number of confidential documents in our bureau that cannot be disclosed to the public. At the same time, our bureau has the right to investigate anyone in Huck Bay, so their first goal is the Federal Bureau of investigation. In this way, once the bureau is destroyed, we will certainly have no time to worry about ourselves Let's focus on the rest! "Victor immediately said to Ye Feng, "I just want to know why the second one is the police station?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's very simple. I remember director gulina said that the security work of SDB is provided by the military. That is to say, it's the most unwise choice for them to choose here first. If they blow up the police station first, then the police station will be short of manpower. In order to maintain the order of Huck Bay, director gulina will definitely be seconded here Garrison, at that time, their goal will be achieved! "

Gulina, listening to Ye Feng's words, immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you mean that the purpose of blowing up the police station is actually for us?"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded, "yes, three Bureau, here's the most tight security system, want to attack here is easier said than done, not to mention here behind the military, so if you want to attack here, you must find the interface from here will garrison away, and blow up the police station, is this excuse!"

After listening to what Ye Feng said, everyone fell into a moment of meditation, especially gulina. She stared at Ye Feng for a long time. In fact, she felt that Ye Feng's analysis was reasonable, but she was still reluctant to admit it.

If everything is really like what Ye Feng said, it will prove that Ye Feng's intuition is not wrong. The final goal of the bandits is still them. Just because they want to make sure that the success rate here is a little higher, they play some tricks.

Libo Zhihui heard Ye Feng finish, and gulina on one side stopped biting. At this time, he immediately said, "but if you don't transfer troops from here, Huke Bay will be in chaos immediately!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "in fact, there is no need to transfer the soldiers here, there are still people available in the police station!"

Libo Zhihui and Victor were surprised and said, "with whom?"

Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "our FBI branch has also been bombed. There are so many idle people over there, but they are all agents who have received a lot of professional training. Although they are not as good as those agents of longarsenbao General Administration, they should be more than enough to temporarily replace the police station?"

As soon as Libo Zhihui and Victor heard this, they were all in a daze, and then they were all in a daze. Victor immediately took Libo Zhihui's hand and said, "brother, you must help me this time!"

Libo Zhihui immediately said to victor, "don't worry, I will try my best to help your police!"

Gulina didn't speak for a long time. At this time, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "what if your intuition is wrong this time? After all, your intuition has been wrong once! And the price of being wrong is the innocent lives of the police! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath. He knew that gulina wanted to force himself to make a military order. After pondering for a moment, he immediately said to gulina, "if it's wrong again, I'll leave it to you!"

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