Gulina a listen to this, immediately toward Ye Feng a nod way, "then we have a deal!"

Victor's cell phone also rings. When you pick it up, you can see it's Shylock. You don't need to answer it. It must be related to the bombing of the police station.

Although he was very reluctant, Victor still got through the phone, but Victor still got through the phone. As soon as he got through, he heard Shylock cursing in the phone, "where have you been? Don't tell me you don't know what happened to the police station

Even if Victor didn't turn on the hands-free phone, Ye Feng around Shylock's voice was clear to them. Victor instinctively moved his mobile phone away from his ear, frowned, and listened to Shylock's complaint on the phone. After that, he put his mobile phone close to his ear and said, "I already know the truth!"

When Shylock heard Victor's tone, he was very angry. He was just like nobody. He immediately began to attack again and said, "do you know? You know you didn't report to me? Do you still have me as mayor? I tell you, if I'm dismissed because of this, you can't run away. I think your position as chief of police has come to an end! "

Victor listened to Shylock, but relaxed, "if so, I'll take the initiative to resign!" With that, he hung up Shylock's phone directly, and then turned off his cell phone.

Ye Feng, Libo Zhihui and gulina can't help but look at Victor, especially gulina and Libo Zhihui. They only see that Victor has been submissive to Shylock for many years, just like a dog beside Shylock. How dare they talk to Shylock like this today?

However, Libo Zhihui also knows that Victor has a lot to do with his teacher, jock Emma. Thinking of this, he suddenly moves his heart and says to Ye Feng and Victor, "my teacher My teacher is still in the police station! "

When Ye Feng and Victor heard this, their faces could not help but move. Victor said to gulina, "let's leave first!"

With that, Victor immediately ran out of the office. Libo Zhihui even said goodbye to gulina. Ye Feng said to gulina, "don't randomly adjust the forces of the system defense Bureau. We'll make up our mind about the rest!"

Gulina hasn't had time to say a word with Ye Feng, but they have already left their office in a hurry.

After Ye Feng left, gulina looked at the direction of the door in a trance, as if ye Feng's voice, appearance and appearance were still fresh in my mind.

Gulina looked at it for a long time, then went back to her desk. In her mind, she thought of another person and murmured, "if you're not dead, he should be like you! You don't blink when you lie

As she spoke, gulina took out a yellowed picture from the drawer, on which was a tall and upright man. On one side of the man, there was a little bird leaning woman, holding his arm and leaning her head against his shoulder.

The woman looked like a young gulina. She was still pretty and even a little bit raw in the photo. But although she was taking a picture, her eyes didn't look at the camera, but glanced at the man on one side. Her eyes were full of worship.

Gulina looked at the picture for a long time. Even when she saw it, her eyes were in a trance. It seemed that the time of this moment began to turn back. She went back to the scene of that day and the man in the picture. The corners of her mouth could not help rising slightly, showing a smile.

At the moment, the smile on gulina's face is no longer as cold as it used to be, but a sunny feeling of spring flowers blooming and snow melting.

After reading for a long time, gulina put the photo back in the drawer and put it in a book. After putting it in place, she couldn't help reaching out and touching the man's face for a moment. Then she reluctantly closed the book.

At this time, Ye Feng and the three of them had left the system defense Bureau. When they got to the ground, they immediately left here by aircraft. Victor immediately drove the helicopter to the police station in the direction of hukewan town.

No one said anything along the way. If it wasn't mentioned by Libo Zhihui, everyone forgot that Jock Emma was still in the detention room of the police station before the explosion. If so many police officers were not spared, then Jock Emma would be more or less vicious.

All three of them have a heavy heart, especially Libo Zhihui, who is his favorite teacher. If the teacher dies, he even feels that his belief in life is not the same.

Victor is also nervous. After all, jock Emma is in the police station under his jurisdiction. If he dies, he doesn't know how to tell Libo Zhihui, or even Shylock.

When Jock Emma came from the first place, Shylock said hello and asked him to have a good life. He just had an attack on the phone. Maybe he didn't feel sorry for the police officers who died, but Jock Emma.

Even if we don't talk about the relationship between Bo Zhihui and Shylock, we are old friends for many years. Now that our old friend has died in our police station, we can imagine his mood.Ye Feng has no change of expression at all. Victor and Libo Zhihui don't know what Ye Feng is thinking.

Soon, the aircraft entered the sky above the town of Huck Bay. From a long distance, you can see the center of the town. There are two places with black smoke, but one is light and the other is strong.

The light side should be the Huck Bay FBI that exploded before, and the strong side is obviously the direction of the police that just exploded.

Victor directly flies the aircraft in the direction of strong black smoke, and soon Ye Feng and several of them can see the tragic situation of the police station.

Similar to the situation of Huck Bay Federal Bureau of investigation, the main body of the police building has been blown into ruins. At this time, there are still many fire engines parked there, flushing towards the ruins.

After the aircraft landed, Ye Feng and his three men immediately came down. At this time, many police officers who survived from death saw victor and immediately came to victor, crying about his life and death experience.

Victor is also a face of pain to appease his men, let them cheer up, mouth also said, "men have tears, don't flick, don't cry like women!"

Although his mouth said so, but see his subordinates left so little, eyes at this time can not help reddening, but still forced to hold back tears.

Libo Zhihui and Ye Feng rushed over at this time, and then asked a police officer who escaped, "what about the prisoners in your detention center? What are their casualties? "

The policeman immediately shook his head and said, "I don't know. When Li Bo Zhihui asked again, the police station cried with a roar," our colleagues are dead. Who cares about the prisoners? Who cares about us? "

Although Libo Zhihui was worried about the safety of his teacher, jock chiama, he knew that it was not easy to ask any more questions after listening to the police. Then he rushed into the ruins and began to look for people.

Victor sighed and asked his subordinates, "what's the situation with the prisoner?"

One of the policemen said, "the explosion was mainly the main building of the police station. There was no explosion in other places, but it was affected by the explosion. There should be no big problem with the damage!"

As soon as victor heard this, he immediately looked in the direction of the ruins. After passing through the ruins, he did see that the building behind was still there. Although the surface had been blackened by the smoke and some parts were damaged, the main body of the building was still there.

Ye Feng immediately rushed past, passing by Li Bo Zhihui's side, and said to Li Bo Zhihui, "there's nothing wrong with the prisoner. Don't mess around here!"

As soon as Li Bo Zhihui heard this, he was shocked. Then he looked up and looked forward. He saw that the building behind the police station was still there. With a sigh of relief, he immediately caught up with Ye Feng and ran to the building behind with him.

They quickly ran up to the back of the building, one by one to open the window and ask if there was Jock Emma in the room, but they asked several rooms in a row, but they didn't ask where Jock Emma was.

Victor caught up with them at this time and said to them, "when do you ask from room to room, jock Emma is a special prisoner. Of course, he won't be held with other people. Come with me!"

Ye Feng and Libo Zhihui immediately moved their hearts when they heard this. They thought to themselves, too. Then they followed victor. Victor must know where Jock Emma is being held.

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