Soon they followed Victor to a detention room. Victor immediately took out the key and opened the door. As soon as Libo Zhihui saw that the door opened, he rushed in and said in a loud voice, "teacher..."

However, as soon as Li Bo Zhihui's voice fell, he immediately stood on the spot. Ye Feng and Victor were stunned when they came in. It turned out that the back half of the detention room had been blown up, revealing most of it, and Jock Emma had already disappeared.

They were all stunned, and then Libo Zhihui said to victor, "doesn't it mean there's no attack here? Where's my teacher? "

Victor was stunned and said nothing. He immediately went out and stood on the corridor, shouting to a policeman downstairs, "where are the prisoners?"

The policeman is also at a loss. A policeman is just like that. Presumably, the other policemen don't know what's going on. Besides, at the present time of great disaster, everyone must take care of their own lives. Many of their colleagues have not escaped. Who will be in the mood to pay attention to the prisoners?

Victor knew he couldn't find anything from his subordinates, so he immediately thought of something and ran to another place.

Libo Zhihui and Ye Feng are still standing in the same place. Libo Zhihui said at this time, "did the other party hijack the teacher?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word. He knew that he couldn't rule out this possibility. Last time, someone in the geek vanguard had done this, and it was likely to be staged again. Moreover, the explosion of Huck Bay Federal Bureau of investigation before must have attracted the attention of Huck Bay. Who would pay attention to the police station? Isn't this just an opportunity?

But there is another doubt in Ye Feng's heart. He just looks at everything in front of him and thinks that the last time the geek pioneer robbed Jake Emma once, but put him back. This shows that this time it should not be for the geek pioneer, otherwise there is no need to let him go last time.

From this point of view, Ye Feng thinks that jaske's suspicion is much less. However, in addition to the geek pioneer, there is only the opposition led by Yi Shylock on hukewan island. Is it possible that the whereabouts of jaske Emma has been taken away?

However, at this time, several aircrafts flew in the air outside, and soon Shylock appeared in the crowd below. Shylock's face crossed. When he saw the survivors of the police station, he scolded them and asked them if they had seen the appearance of the suspect.

Ye Feng doesn't think Shylock is pretending to be angry. On the contrary, he doesn't think Shylock's possibility is very big. But besides the geek pioneer and the opposition, who else is so interested in Jock Emma?

Just thinking about it, Victor ran back and immediately said to Libo Zhihui and Ye Feng, "I just went to watch the surveillance video. Jock Emma was taken away by two people in black!"

After mentioning the man in black, Ye Feng suddenly thinks of the leader in black who was said by Chi Fengyu. This is the most suspect of the opposition.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to Libo Zhihui, "you go back to our branch to help maintain order. I'll investigate something!"

As soon as Li Bo Zhihui heard this, he couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "what are you investigating? Can I help you? "

Ye Feng immediately shook his head and said, "don't worry, since Jock Emma was taken away, instead of killing him on the spot, it means that he won't be in any danger for the time being!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Libo Zhihui nodded, and then said to Ye Feng, "well, you go to investigate. If you need any help, please contact me!"

Said also solemnly patted the leaf maple's shoulder, the way, "the teacher's safety gave you all!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything. He didn't even nod his head to agree with Li Bo Zhihui. He turned and left.

Libo Zhihui stood in the same place and looked at the direction Ye Feng left, while Victor on one side went to Libo Zhihui's side and said, "gulina's suspicion of him is reasonable!"

Libo Zhihui looked at Victor and said, "what do you mean?"

Victor shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm just suspicious. This boy's identity is too special. It makes people feel wrong in many places. However, jock Emma thinks highly of him. Is he really from longas castle?"

Li Bo Zhi Hui immediately shrugs his shoulders and sighs, "how do I know?"

Victor frowned and said, "brother Libo, don't hide it from me, he or even their group. But you just recruited into your branch, don't you know?"

Libo Zhihui said to victor, "I'm just following my teacher's instructions. I don't know anything else."

When Victor heard what Libo Zhihui said, he immediately pondered and looked at Libo Zhihui with half faith.

At this moment, Shylock's voice came from downstairs, "Victor, come down here! I know you're in there! "

Upon hearing this, Victor sighed helplessly and said to Libo Zhihui, "it seems that I can't escape before I resign. I'll go down first!"Li Bo Zhihui nodded and said, "I want to transfer the people from our Branch Bureau to help now!"

Victor nodded to Libo Zhihui, then hurried downstairs. Before he ran to Shylock, he saw Shylock with his hands on his waist, staring at him with tiger eyes.

When Victor came, he snapped, "I heard you on the phone. Are you going to quit? Did I hear you right? "

Victor was also angry at that time. Now when he saw the police station like this, he felt a heavy burden. Even if he had to resign, he would never be able to do it when his brothers needed him most.

Thinking of this, Victor immediately said to Shylock, "you heard me wrong, didn't I say that?"

Shylock frowned and looked at Victor for a long time after hearing what Victor said. After all, Victor was brought up by his trust relationship. If he really wants to resign, especially at this time, he really can't find another candidate to replace him.

So Shylock could only turn a blind eye and say to victor, "since I haven't said that, what do you say to do now? There are so many people dead in your police station, and there is a shortage of people. After two explosions in Huck Bay, people are in a panic, and even some people are going to leave here! "

Victor said to Shylock, "mayor, we're dead and wounded here, but we can't keep order..."

Before Victor finished speaking, Shylock immediately said, "I've already thought about it for you. It's just a matter of convenience at this time of turmoil. I'll help you to contact director gulina of the System Security Bureau later, hoping that she can transfer some soldiers to help temporarily!"

Victor immediately said, "no, director Libo Zhihui agreed and temporarily seconded his subordinates to help. After all, director gulina is from the military, which is not a system with us, and the system defense bureau is also very important. People from Libo Zhihui can handle it!"

As soon as Shylock heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "the people in gulina are not in the same system as us. Is the people in Libo Zhihui in the same system as us? Although all his people are secret agents, most of them are civilian workers. How can they be competent? Listen to me. I'll call you. Even if gulina doesn't sell my face, she will give me some face at least in this special period! "

Then Shylock took out his cell phone and began to dial gulina's number. Victor wanted to stop it. After all, he just came back from gulina and knew that gulina would not transfer soldiers.

But look at Shylock's face is positive look, also did not stop, looking at Shylock bang a nose of ash.

After the call, Shylock immediately said, "director gulina, long time no see!"

Gulina on the other end of the phone said, "the mayor doesn't have to go to the three treasures hall. It's better to have something to say."

Shylock immediately said with a smile, "I just appreciate the character of director gulina. It's like this..." Then he turned around and said, "there were two bombings in Huke Bay today. I believe you've already heard about them, haven't you?"

Gulina said on the phone, "you know? Yes? Do you need video evidence? I can have it sorted out and sent to you! "

Shylock said, "it's not this. It's more urgent. After the explosion in the police station, there is a shortage of manpower here, so I wonder if I can transfer some soldiers from you to help the police maintain order in Huck Bay. These are also the duties of the soldiers Do you think so? "

Gulina refused, "soldiers have their own responsibilities. Their task is to protect the security of our system defense Bureau. No soldier can go. I'm sorry, I can't help you. I still have something to do here. I'll talk about it next time!"

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