Shylock's face suddenly changed when he heard the words. He didn't expect gulina to refuse so simply, and he didn't even give himself a chance to speak. He hung up the phone directly. Shylock stood in the same place, as if he hadn't recovered from his strength.

Victor felt funny, but he didn't laugh. He just stood on one side and asked Shylock, "mayor, when will the soldiers from director gulina arrive?"

In fact, Victor knew the result of the phone call. He just asked this on purpose. After asking, he stared at Shylock and looked at Shylock expectantly, waiting for his answer.

Shylock then angrily looked at Victor and said, "when it comes to something, people won't borrow it. Try to find a way for yourself!"

Victor knew it was going to be like this, but he frowned a little and said, "well, director gulina is not going to give the mayor face!"

Shylock snorted. In the whole Huke Bay, except for Libo Zhihui, gulina was the only one who didn't sell her face. She didn't expect that she would have to eat the two men's shrivels in her own place because of her own advantages. Shylock was not happy when she thought about it.

At this time, Victor tentatively asked Shylock, "then the subordinates of director Libo..."

When Shylock heard the name of Libo Zhihui, he immediately frowned on Victor and said, "you can do it by yourself. Anyway, if you can't do it well, you will..."

Originally, I wanted Victor to resign voluntarily, but I thought Victor did resign voluntarily not long ago. Now if I say this, will it stimulate this guy to resign.

Thinking about the front of the story, he said, "if it's not done well, I'll see how to deal with you!" After that, Shylock's cell phone rang again before waiting for Victor to call. He quickly went to one side to answer the phone.

After receiving the phone call, Shylock immediately got on the plane again, and left the police station without even saying hello to victor.

After seeing Shylock go, Victor was completely relieved. It was funny to think of Shylock's appearance just now. However, seeing the ruins of the police station in front of him, Victor could not help but have another headache.

At this time, Ye Feng is standing at the entrance of an alley, looking at the door of a house without any characteristics in the distance, walking slowly towards that side step by step.

After arriving at the door, Ye Feng lit a cigarette and stood smoking at the door, but he didn't knock on the door, just looked up occasionally.

A cigarette time did not see people in and out of the door, Ye Feng finally stamp out the cigarette, then step forward, knocked on the door.

After several knocks, a voice came from inside and said, "come on, come on, don't knock!" The door of the conversation room has been opened. There is a man less than 1.7 meters inside. He looks very thin and small. He looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "who are you looking for?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "the shadow of the moon has no sleeves!"

The short man frowned and took a look at Ye Feng. He immediately said that he didn't have this person. He found the wrong person and then he was about to close the door.

But Ye Feng stepped forward, one foot into the door, against the door, and then forced to open the door, directly went in.

After entering the door, I found that it was a small two-story single living courtyard. The courtyard was not big, and there were many potted plants. Behind it was a door, and there were stairs leading to the second floor on one side of the door.

The short man immediately followed Ye Feng and said, "what's the matter with you? I said there's no one here!"

Ye Feng also doesn't talk nonsense with that short man, directly took out the laser gun to resist that person's skull way, "I said, I want to see the moon shadow sleeveless!"

Seeing this, the man's face suddenly moved. He quickly raised his hands slowly and said to Ye Feng, "there's really no one here..."

Ye Feng sighed a little, "the world always does not see the coffin does not shed tears ah!" Then he opened the safety of the laser pistol.

The man immediately said, "just a moment, I'll report!" Then he turned and left.

Ye Feng immediately fired a shot at the man's side, smashed a basin of bonsai, and the broken tiles fell to the ground. The man immediately stopped, raised his hand and said, "don't shoot!"

Ye Feng said, "don't report, take me directly!"

The man immediately said, "OK, she's on the second floor. Follow me up..."

Just then, a window on the second floor opened, and a voice said, "don't embarrass my subordinates, just come up by yourself!"

Ye Feng smell speech looked up at the second floor window, but did not see people, listen to the voice know is the shadow of the moon without sleeve, it seems that his guess is not wrong.

Thinking of Ye Feng immediately put away the gun, came forward to pat the short man's shoulder, and then went up to the second floor.

When I got to the second floor, I saw that the door opened slowly, and a faint fragrance came from it. Then came the voice of the moon shadow, saying, "come in!"

Ye Feng took a look and went in directly. After entering the door, the fragrance was even heavier. There was a huge translucent screen at the door. A woman was sitting behind the screen. According to her figure, Ye Feng could conclude that she was the moon shadow without sleeves.Ye Feng frowned slightly and said, "is this your residence?"

The shadow of the moon behind the screen says, "what? Are you disappointed? "

Ye Feng did not speak, but walked slowly towards the screen.

Do not want to shadow sleeve but said, "you enter a woman's boudoir, is it so rude?"

Ye Feng stopped and said, "I just want to ask you a few questions!"

The moon shadow behind the screen did not speak. At this time, she stood up and came out from behind the screen.

Ye Feng saw that the moon shadow's sleeveless dress today is a bit similar to the Oriental cheongsam on earth, but it still has many Western characteristics, which is the product of the reform and integration of eastern and Western civilization.

However, in the eisf civilization, there will be no difference between the East and the west, just because their civilization is similar to the earth, so maybe some things are similar, including clothes and so on.

Moon shadow no sleeve see Ye Feng is staring at himself up and down, can't help but smile, "how? You're not used to it, are you

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's nothing I'm not used to. It's very good. A woman should be like a woman! It's better than fighting and killing like a man all day long! "

After staring at Ye Feng, Yueying walked slowly. Then she went to the half open window and looked downstairs. Seeing the bonsai damaged by Ye Feng, she shook her head and said, "what a pity!"

Ye Feng doesn't know what the moon shadow has no sleeve to say, can't help but frown a way, "what a pity?"

The moon shadow without sleeves said, "I brought the bonsai from longarsenbao. It cost me a lot of money!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "how much money can I compensate you, but now you have to answer my questions!"

The moon shadow without sleeves looks at Ye Feng and says, "why should I answer your question? 1、 We are not friends. I have no obligation to answer. Secondly, we may still be hostile, so I have no need to answer you! "

Ye Feng can't help but look at the shadow of the moon and say, "I'm not in the mood to argue with you here!"

Moon shadow can't help laughing, "it's like I have time to quarrel with you here. In this case, I won't give it away!" Then he turned around and walked towards the screen.

Ye Feng see immediately a shoulder forward, stretched out his hand to pull the shadow of the hand, force to pull back.

The moon shadow without sleeve is along the strength of Ye Feng's hand forward, Ye Feng immediately reached out to hold her waist, and the moon shadow without sleeve is sideways looking up to Ye Feng, "do you usually ask other people questions like this?"

Ye Feng will be the shadow of the sleeve to support the right way, "before I answered you a lot of questions about Satan, this time as you return me!"

After standing up straight, Yueying said with a smile to Yefeng, "before I asked you questions, I didn't force you to answer as rudely as you do. You volunteered to answer them!"

Ye Feng sighed, "then how can you answer? Say what you want

The moon shadow without sleeve immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "my request, you always know!"

Ye Feng frowned at the shadow of the moon and said, "do you want to see Satan?"

Moon shadow can't help but smile, "fair trade, the old and the young are not deceived!"

Ye Feng looked at the shadow of the moon without sleeves for a while. After a long time, he said, "I can't do it!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve, the facial expression is tiny to move a way, "why?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "Satan is dead! I can't take you to a dead man, can I

On hearing this, the moon shadow looked at Ye Feng and said, "what? Is Satan dead

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