At this time, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders toward the shadow of the moon, "they have been dead for several years! You have been in Huck bay for so long, I believe you must know some rumors about Satan! "

The moon shadow has no sleeves to smell speech to stare at Ye Feng to see for a long time, the facial expression on the face all have no, also can't see is disappointed of extreme, still already almost despair.

Ye Feng immediately continued, "when Satan's confidant, Dixie, died, there was a micro universe plan in Huck Bay, which could send Dixie's consciousness to the micro universe, so Satan signed up for Dixie. In order to ensure that Dixie could enter the micro universe, he also signed up, as the only living experimenter, to enter the micro universe Zeus, that is to say, he and disis went to the micro universe. Maybe they survived in another planet, another world in the micro universe, in another identity and even as a species. But as far as the civilization of eisf and the world of eisf are concerned, they died in this world, completely dead! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Yueying rushes to the window. Her steps are messy and hasty. She holds the bedside tightly with one hand and looks at the window with dull eyes. She still doesn't say anything.

, as Ye Feng said, the moon shadow sleeveless came to Shanghai's Cove bay for so long. Chalk Emma's microcosm experiments were heard more or less. Even after her own secret investigation, Satan did take Disis to participate in this experiment. What was the result of the experiment after all? Clear, so this matter has been hanging, there is no accurate result, so for the moon shadow sleeveless, she would rather believe that Satan just went to perform a special task, sooner or later will come back.

But for so many years, in Huck Bay, the shadow of the moon has no sleeves. It can be said that all the flowers and trees are familiar. Even the whole Huck Bay, as long as she can see people, she has seen them, just to find the trace of Satan in the crowd. But for so many years, there is still no news.

Even Yueying Wuxiu has sneaked into Jock Emma's lab to see the so-called microcosm experiment, but she still hasn't found anything after entering. The only thing she can do is wait for the news of Satan in Huck Bay, but she didn't expect to wait for the news that he has died today.

Ye Feng sees that the moon shadow's sleeve less back is facing him, and his shoulders tremble slightly. When he sees this, his heart is also somewhat lost. After all, a person who loves himself so much tells her that he has died. This is an indescribable depression, even pain, for both the moon shadow's sleeve less and himself.

Ye Feng wants to comfort Yueying with a few words, but he doesn't know where to start. At this time, Yueying standing in the window takes a deep breath, reaches out his hand and wipes the corner of his eye. Then he turns his head and looks at Ye Feng, but doesn't speak.

See the shadow of the moon without sleeve so, Ye Feng can't help but frown, don't know what the shadow of the moon without sleeve at this time in the heart in the end.

At this time, the shadow of the Moon said to Ye Feng, "you just said that Satan participated in the experiment of the micro universe?"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded a way, "right! This project is no secret! "

, moon shadow sleeve, immediately followed a bit of a head, "what is not a secret, I have secretly investigated a lot of micro cosmic project, also know a lot!"

Ye Feng heard the speech and nodded, "since you all know..."

Before Ye Feng finished, Yueying immediately said, "if so, then Satan participated in this research many years ago!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right. When Dixie just died, her consciousness was not completely lax. We must seize the time to hand her over to Jock Emma. First, we should gather her consciousness together, and then we can carry out the experiment of microcosm!"

Mouth so say, leaf maple heart but some hesitation, moon shadow sleeveless suddenly asked so detailed, what is the meaning?

I don't want to say with a smile, "that is to say, Satan has been dead for many years in the world of eisf or civilization!"

Ye Feng smell speech suddenly realized what, his words is a loophole, and this loophole is still found by the shadow of the moon.

At this time, the shadow of the moon still looked at Ye Feng with a smile, "if Sasan has been dead for four or five years, you told me that you have been in contact with him all the time, how do you contact him? Can you connect with people in the micro universe? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "before, I just don't want to tell you the truth that Satan is dead, so that you won't be sad!"

The moon shadow without sleeves still stares at Ye Feng and says, "according to the results of my investigation, the purpose of the micro universe experiment is to create a micro universe, but there is no witness, so we don't know whether the experiment is successful or not. This is the reason why we have the micro universe project. We recruit some people who have just died and have not completely lost their consciousness to participate in the project. The ultimate goal is to create a micro universe What's more, let these people be the witnesses of the micro universe, and finally return to the world of eisf through technical means. Am I right? "

At this time, Ye Feng's heart suddenly looked at the shadow of the moon, but he didn't say anything.And Yueying Wuxiu continued, "so, how to prove the success of the micro universe? Only volunteers who participate in the experiment come back to the eisf civilization can prove the success of the experiment!"

Then the shadow of the moon lowered her voice and said, "just two or three days ago, you, Ye Feng, and your colleagues in the special service group of the Federal Bureau of investigation in Huck Bay suddenly appeared on Huck bay island without any Huck Bay entry and exit records. On that day, several bodies were lost, and the number of these bodies was the same as you and your friends Friend, there is only one difference

Leaf maple heart can't help a Lin, he knows that the shadow of the sleeve and himself said these, means that she already know everything.

At this time, the shadow of the moon continued to say, "and I have investigated the whereabouts of all of you. You suddenly appeared in Jock Emma's lab, but there is no record of you entering the lab, only the record of you leaving!"

Then Yueying stepped forward to Yefeng and continued to say in a low voice, "I'm just guessing, do you think there is a possibility that Jock Emma's Micro universe project has actually been successful, and some of the volunteers who participated in that year have come back. The way to come back is to use corpses to transfer the consciousness of those volunteers in the micro universe to those corpses Body, so as to achieve the effect of rebirth? And you And your friends are all volunteers of this microcosm experiment? "

Ye Feng heard that the moon shadow had no sleeves, and immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you go to write science fiction, it must be very popular!"

The moon shadow has no sleeves but looks at Ye Feng with a smile and says, "what is this? The best is still to come

At this point, after a pause, moon shadow continued to say, "you know so much about Satan, but as far as I know, the people who participated in the micro universe project came from all walks of life, and there were not many people from the FBI, and even if they all came from where, they may not know each other, but you just seem to know so much about Satan, even your words and behavior, It's similar to Satan... "

At this point, the shadow of the moon immediately deliberately stopped, no longer continue to say, but just with a pair of eyes staring at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is a little bit awkward to see by the moon shadow's sleeveless eyes, but there is still nothing abnormal on his face. He just looks at the moon shadow quietly and says, "and then?"

Moon shadow without sleeve is still looking at Ye Feng, mouth calmly said, "next still need me to continue to say?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "a good story is always easy to move the audience! You have the potential to be a writer

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech but didn't refute, but stare at Ye Feng to see after a long time, this just after taking a deep breath, continue a way, "forget it, these are just my guess, I don't want to force you to say anything!"

Ye Feng smell speech looking at the shadow of the moon without sleeve, then slightly a sigh tunnel, "thank you!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech to see a leaf maple after, immediately walk toward the window, looking out of the window way, "forget it, this matter has come to an end, say, what do you want to ask!"

Ye Feng knows that Yueying Wuxiu already knows who she is, but she doesn't take the last step and calls her name directly. She doesn't know what her purpose is, but she doesn't continue to ask, so she doesn't have to answer.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately said to Yueying, "there are two explosions in Huke Bay today. You should be familiar with them, right?"

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