On hearing this, the moon shadow could not help looking at Ye Feng and said, "what does it mean to be no stranger? You mean I did the lighting up? Or is it about me? "

Ye Feng looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "listen to your tone, then it should have nothing to do with you?"

The moon shadow without sleeves looked at Ye Feng and said, "if I say it has nothing to do with me, will you believe it?"

Ye Feng stares at the moon shadow without sleeves for a long time, but sees that the eyes of the moon shadow without sleeves are full of deep love. It seems that after she sees her identity, her eyes become so.

After seeing a moment, Ye Feng turned his head and looked out of the window. "If you say it has nothing to do with you, I will believe it!"

Moon shadow no sleeve is surprised to survey a leaf maple, then asked, "why? We just met by chance. Do you believe me? "

Ye Feng took out a cigarette and asked if she would mind if the moon shadow had no sleeves. After all, this is her boudoir, and many women would mind.

However, Yueying shrugs her shoulders to show that it doesn't matter. Ye Feng lights a cigarette and says, "no matter who you work for or what you do, you can be so devoted to a person and prove that your essence is not bad, so I believe you!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help but side head stare at Ye Feng to see after a long time, this just murmur tunnel, "do you think so?"

Ye Feng continued to smoke cigarettes, slightly shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't have any other advantages. The only advantage I can hold is that I can see people fairly accurately. I can't be wrong!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve at this time staring at Ye Feng to see a moment later, this just nodded a way, "thank you to believe me!"

Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders and says you're welcome. Then he looks at the moon shadow and says, "I've been here before..."

Without waiting for Ye Feng to finish, the moon shadow immediately said, "you mean, JASCO?"

When Ye Feng saw that Yueying had no sleeves to say so, she knew that she didn't intend to hide herself. She immediately nodded and said, "isn't he a geek pioneer? Why do I have contact with you? "

The moon shadow has no sleeves but looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "is he a geek pioneer? I don't know! "

Ye Feng's heart suddenly looked at his ambition and said, "isn't he a geek pioneer? In what capacity is he contacting you? "

Moon shadow without sleeve immediately said, "he is my contact in the opposition, any news I pass on through him!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately complexion move, Zheng Zheng ground see to have ambition way, "he is the person of opposition?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve and says to Ye Feng, "a lot of things can't just look at the surface!"

Ye Feng can't help looking at the shadow of the moon without sleeves, feeling that she seems to mean something, can't help but frown and say, "so have you heard of ricksen?"

Moon shadow shrugged her shoulders and said, "geek pioneer, leader of a few opposition groups, I believe many people have heard the name! Do you have an intersection with him? But I heard that he died in the conflict with the geek pioneer many years ago, but it's just a legend! Not exactly

With that, Yueying immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "that autopsy should be with you Oh, it should have something to do with Satan. It is said that richson died in the hands of Satan! "

After hearing this, Ye Feng's face suddenly changed again. Previously, Jia Sike said that it was not ricksen's younger brother Richter who died in his own hands. How could he say that ricksen died in his own hands on the side of moon shadow?

See Ye Feng a look of consternation, the shadow immediately said, "Oh, forget to tell you, ricksen has a younger brother, named Rickett, they are twins, but he is the opposition people!"

Listening to the moon shadow without sleeve, Ye Feng suddenly felt that something was about to flow out of his brain, but the feeling was also fleeting, and he didn't get any effective information.

Ye Feng pondered for a while at this time. His memory of eisf is missing, so many things depend on others to say, including the current matter, whether he killed Richter or richson, and it depends entirely on other people's mouths. He has no impression at all.

But at this time, he believed that the moon shadow had no sleeve. Now he began to doubt JASCO's identity. After a while of calculation in his mind, he finally wanted to understand something.

In other words, jaske may not be a geek pioneer from the beginning to the end, and ricksen is not ricksen, but Rickett, ricksen's younger brother, who is pretending to be ricksen. Rickett and jaske are the dead attendants of the opposition. They pretend that the geek pioneer came to Huck bay to rescue Jock Emma.

Think of here, Ye Feng heart suddenly a Lin, another doubt surged into my heart, that is, does Jock Emma know this? Was he deceived by the fake ricksen?

And what's the purpose of Richter's impersonation of his own brother richson in order to get the holy things of the geek pioneer? Or does Richter now live entirely as richson, who has successfully entered the geek vanguard, leading the minority opposition of the geek vanguard as his brother?In other words, all these are possible. If Richter enters the geek vanguard as richson and leads a few opposition groups, wouldn't it be more than one stone?

Moon shadow no sleeve see Ye Feng brow locked smoking cigarettes, then said, "you have too many things to think about!"

Ye Feng came back and looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "I How did Satan get to know you? Have you always been a servant of the opposition? "

The moon shadow has no sleeves, smell speech face slightly move, immediately a long sigh way, "since Satan has died, you don't know anything, why ask that year's matter again?"? I've decided to forget! "

Ye Feng said to Yueying, "although some things have passed, the time is not short, but what happened is what happened! You can't really forget it

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Yueying no sleeve sighed, "it seems that you really don't remember a lot of things. Aren't you afraid that I'm making things up now?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "if you do that, I really can't help it! But I'm sure you won't! "

Yueying looked at Ye Feng without sleeves and said, "just because I love you Is it a passion for Satan? That's why you believe me? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Yueying said, "yes, I was the death servant of the opposition, and I was ordered to kill Satan!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at the shadow of the moon and says, "to kill Satan? Your ability, it seems... "

Moon shadow immediately said, "yes, with my ability, there is no way to kill Satan, but we know that Satan is better. Color, so..."

Ye Feng immediately continued, "so you approach Satan with your beauty But why didn't you succeed in the end? Because you're in love with him? "

Listening to Ye Feng's words, the moon shadow was confused in her sleeveless eyes. Finally, she sighed a little and nodded, "yes, I'm not only in love, but also in love with my heart and soul...."

Ye Feng heard that the moon shadow had no sleeves. He couldn't help looking at the moon shadow, and then asked, "then what happened when you didn't succeed in the assassination?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech, the complexion is tiny to move again, immediately see to leaf Feng, a pair of desire speech and stop of appearance, finally shook to shake head a way, "nothing!"

Ye Feng saw from the eyes of the moon shadow sleeveless, in fact, how can it be nothing, after the assassination failed, the moon shadow sleeveless life in the opposition may not be easy.

However, since the shadow of the sleeve is not willing to mention, Ye Feng is not much to say, just toward the shadow of the sleeve way, "if there is a chance, or leave the opposition it!"

The moon shadow without sleeve then looked at Ye Feng and said, "if I can leave so easily, I won't wait until today. Some things are not decided by myself at all!" Speaking of this, after taking a deep breath, Yueying said, "forget it, what else do you want to ask?"

Ye Feng then stares at the shadow of the moon. After looking at it for a long time, he shakes his head and says, "there were a lot of problems when I came here, but now I don't have any!"

The moon shadow has no sleeves and says to Ye Feng, "I will talk to you today. If you want to ask, just take advantage of now. After today, you can ask me again. I won't say anything!"

Ye Feng smell speech saw one eye moon shadow have no sleeve, still shook to shake head a way, "have nothing to ask of!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve then looking at the leaf maple way, "are you worried to make trouble for me?"

Ye Fenghe shook his head and said, "no, there are some questions. I already have the answer in my heart!"

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