Ye Feng did not speak, but staring at jesterfield for a long time, that pair of eyes like a scanner, looking at jesterfield all feel uncomfortable.

Jesterfield looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you have anything to say to me? How do I feel when you go out and come back

Ye Feng listens to jesterfield's question and immediately takes a deep breath. He secretly says that he must not be influenced by the words of the moon shadow without sleeves. Otherwise, everyone will feel that he is a traitor.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng still looked at jesterfield and said, "can I believe you?"

Jaster fee can't help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean?" Then he saw that Ye Feng was still looking at himself. He immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "I'm not sure. If you think I can believe it, believe it. If you think I can't believe it, don't believe it!"

Ye Feng still stares at jesterfield. After looking at him for a long time, he says, "I believe you!" Then, without waiting for jesteffe to speak, he immediately said, "we have a spy here!"

On hearing this, jesterfield looked at Ye Feng and said, "what? Is there a mole? " Said the facial expression to slightly move to looking at leaf maple way again, "so, you just doubted me?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I only know that we have spies here, but I don't know who they are, so now I'm not only suspicious of you, but all of them are within my scope of suspicion!"

Jaster fee looked at Ye Feng in amazement and said, "but why do you finally believe me?"

Ye Feng shrugged, "intuition, intuition tells me you are not!"

Jesterfield can't help sighing, "it's intuition again. What if your intuition isn't right?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I deserve to be trapped! I don't know what to do

After listening to Ye Feng's words, jester Fei sighed, "it hasn't changed for so many years, and it's still like this..."

She didn't know whether she was talking to herself or to Ye Feng. Then she immediately said, "since you believe me, should you say something to me?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "in fact, behind the two bombings, I have a general idea of what happened, but it's still just my Your intuition that hasn't changed for many years, so there's no evidence! "

Jesterfield smell speech complexion slightly move ground looking at leaf maple way, "so you mean, you know behind the scenes mastermind is who?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders to jesterfield and said, "even if it's not 100% accurate, it's almost ten! But for the time being you don't need to know! "

Then, without waiting for jesteffe to speak, he immediately added, "not because I don't believe you, but because there are several key factors I haven't found yet, so I have to find them!"

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't care. If you like to say it, I'll listen. If you don't like to say it, I won't ask!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "you need to do me a favor now, that is to observe all the people here and tell me who is suspicious!"

Jess fee, then, to Ye Feng Road, "you didn't tell me before that. I've been secretly investigating, but for the time being, I didn't find anything suspicious. The only thing I could think of was what CISCO was missing now."

At this point, jesteffe immediately said, "you said the traitor, should not be him?"

Ye Feng immediately said to jesterfield, "he does have a problem, but he is not a traitor. At most, he is an outsider. The traitor I said is the person close to us!"

Jastefer suddenly nodded and said, "so, do you want me to stare at Dixie, Scarlett, Zhuo wanqiu and Monica?"

Ye Feng said immediately, "and your three friends!"

Jesterfield nodded and said, "I know. I mean, I've been watching them for a while, and there's nothing wrong with them!"

Ye Feng continued, "there are Gu zhaohuichi and Joanna, but their nature is the same as Jia Sike. If they have problems, they also belong to adultery!"

Jesteffe immediately nodded and said, "I know. I'll continue to observe, but I guess it's not a big problem! First of all, they all came from the micro universe with us. Many of them know the root and the bottom. I believe that some of you will not easily doubt them, and some of my friends will not easily doubt them. The only one who can doubt now is Dickie. She also has the identity of Esther. Only she can! "

Ye Feng listens to what jesterfield says and nods, but he doesn't doubt Dixie much. However, after what jesterfield says, Ye Feng is a little suspicious. Yueying wusleeve tells him how much truth there is if there is a spy here.

However, he does not suspect that Yueying Wuxiu is deliberately lying to himself. It is likely that there is something wrong with her source, or even that the person who disclosed the news to her has ulterior motives.

Ye Feng immediately took a deep breath, he also did not care, toward Jester fee way, "is to pay attention to the line, do not go up the line, lest people panic!"Jestefeld said to Ye Feng, "if you say there's a spy, I'm already in a panic!" Then he immediately nodded to Ye Feng and said, "OK, I know how to do it. Don't worry!"

Just as Ye Feng was about to say something, he heard Li Bo Zhihui's voice coming from behind him, "are you back? I'm looking for you everywhere

Ye Feng immediately said to jesteffe when he heard that you were busy. Then he turned to see Li Bo Zhihui walking towards him. When he saw jesteffe walking towards one side, he couldn't help staring at her.

After walking to Ye Feng's side, Libo Zhihui asked, "what are you talking about?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "just have a chat!" Then he immediately asked Libo Zhihui, "are you looking for me everywhere? What's the matter? "

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "Oh, well, now that the teacher is gone, my hands have been transferred to the police station, but they used to help maintain order, but the teacher is missing. We can't take it seriously. We have to find the teacher's whereabouts!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, "so you think of me, want me to go with you to trace the whereabouts of your teacher!"

Libo Zhihui immediately said to Ye Feng with a smile, "I'm afraid you are the only one who has the ability in the whole Huke Bay now. Besides, our branch office has been bombed, so there's nothing wrong for the moment!"

Ye Feng smiles and shrugs to Li Bo Zhihui, "it seems that the Branch Bureau has not been bombed, so I am very busy."

Li Bo Zhihui said with a smile, "so now I can only come to beg you!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "OK!" Said immediately the front of the words a turn a way, "but do you have any clues?"

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "the teacher was kidnapped once. It was done by the pioneers of geeks. This time, it should have something to do with them, right? Shall we go down this line? "

Speaking of this, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, he immediately said, "and last time you didn't pretend to be a geek pioneer and sneak into their interior? You must have a certain understanding of them. That's actually the main purpose I'm looking for you! "

On hearing this, Ye Feng looked at Libo Zhihui and said, "so you want me to take you to them?"

Libo Zhihui immediately nodded and said, "yes, I want to go there personally to see what happened there. If the teacher is really in their hands, we have to find a way to save him!"

Ye Feng originally wanted to say that he didn't think this time had anything to do with the geek pioneer, but then he thought of what Yueying Wuxiu said to him. Ricksen was probably Rickett's business.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately nodded his head and said, "OK, I'll go with you!"

Libo Zhihui obviously didn't expect Ye Feng's promise to be so straightforward. He immediately excitedly said to Ye Feng, "do you really want to go with me?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's nothing I don't want to do. Now the most important thing is to rescue Jock Emma. It's easy to say anything else!"

As soon as Li Bo Zhihui heard this, he immediately said, "OK, let's go now!"

Ye Feng asked Libo Zhihui, "now there are two consecutive explosions in Huke Bay. The system defense must have locked the airspace of Huke Bay. You have to apply to gulina, otherwise we can't leave Huke bay at all!"

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "that's right. Let's get on the aircraft first and apply later."

Ye Feng's heart is suddenly a Lin, staring at Libo Zhihui for a long time, also didn't say a word.

Libo Zhihui has turned around and walked several steps. Seeing that Ye Feng didn't keep up, he can't help looking back at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what's the matter?"

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