Ye Feng didn't speak. He just looked at Libo Zhihui. He just saw a problem he hadn't seen before from a sentence of Libo Zhihui.

At present, there have been two consecutive explosions in Huke Bay. According to the principle, the whole Huke Bay should be on the alert. That is to say, at this time, it is impossible for anyone who wants to leave or enter Huke Bay. Why does Libo Zhihui leave Huke bay to find Jock Emma?

Let's not talk about the teacher-student relationship between Libo Zhihui and Jock Emma. After all, they are both teachers and students, and their feelings are only known by themselves. However stupid Libo Zhihui is, he should also think that under this situation, jock Emma can't leave Huke Bay, but he just wants to leave Huke Bay?

This makes Ye Feng can't help thinking that the reason why Libo Zhihui does this is to make the air defense system of Huke Bay stagnate at a certain time. If someone wants to take advantage of this, he can do a lot of things.

Li Bo Zhi Hui saw Ye Feng looking at himself and said, "what's the matter with you? Don't you want to go? Or did you find something wrong? "

Ye Feng still didn't say a word. At this time, he went to reflect on Yueying Wuxiu and said that there might be a spy around him. Maybe it wasn't Dixie and them, but Libo Zhihui. It can be said that after he came to eisf, Libo Zhihui was the only friend. If it was him, it would definitely be a spy.

In addition to the situation that he thought of, it seems that all these things have gradually begun to clear up. Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but secretly scold himself for being too stupid, forgetting that apart from Dixie and others, the closest thing to him is Libo Zhihui.

But Ye Feng also knew that all this was just his own speculation, and he didn't get any supporting evidence, so he couldn't prove anything at all.

Think of here, Ye Feng immediately said, "nothing, I just suddenly think of something!"

Li Bo Zhi Hui hears speech, ask Ye Feng way immediately, "thought of what?"

Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "since the explosion of our branch, the whole airspace of Huke Bay should be blocked. In other words, if your teachers are rescued or taken hostage, they should still be in the island!"

Li Bo Zhi Hui's face moved slightly. After pondering for a moment, he nodded and said, "yes, according to the common sense, it should be like this, but you should not forget that before they left Huck Bay, they were not in the airspace, but in the sea, so the opposite side may also take the teacher along the sea line!"

Ye Feng, listening to what Li Bo Zhihui said, thinks that it is possible. If so, the suspicion of Li Bo Zhihui is completely eliminated.

But Ye Feng doesn't know if it's because the moon shadow's sleeveless words have taken root in his heart. Now he's becoming suspicious. He thinks that since he has begun to doubt Libo Zhihui, he must find out. Either Libo Zhihui is still innocent, or let Libo Zhihui show his original shape.

At this time, Ye Feng ponders in his heart, trying to recall the intersection between Li Bo and Zhihui. He remembers that Li Bo reminded him to be careful of Jia Sike before.

Now think about it, if that's the case, Libo Zhihui should not remind himself. However, he does not rule out that Libo Zhihui and Jia Sike may not be in the same camp. He handed over Jia Sike just to make up with himself and draw closer the relationship between him and himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to Libo Zhihui, "do you have gulina's phone?"

Li Bo Zhi Hui's face was slightly moved again and said, "yes, what do you do?"

Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "I want to ask a few questions, which may have a great impact on saving Jock Emma!"

Libo Zhihui takes out his mobile phone at this time, but he seems to be full of doubts about Ye Feng in his eyes, but he still gives gulina's phone to Ye Feng.

After calling gulina, Ye Feng looks at Li Bo Zhihui in front of him and waits for gulina to answer the phone.

After a while, the phone was connected, and gulina said, "who's calling?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said with a smile, "it's me!"

Gulina recognized Ye Feng's voice and immediately said, "Ye Feng? How did you get my number? "

Ye Feng said, "it's not easy to find your phone. I'd better get to the point."

Gulina immediately asked, "what's the point? Tell me, what's the matter

Ye Feng immediately asked, "what are the aspects of the defense system of the SDB?"

Gulina said with a puzzled look, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "Oh, I just want to ask, now that there have been two consecutive vicious explosions on Huke Bay Island, has the SDB completely blocked the possibility of entering and leaving Huke Bay?"

Gulina heard what Ye Feng said and immediately said, "that's right. In fact, since the last attack on the police station, we have started the panoramic protection mode. Any aircraft entering or leaving Huke Bay, whether civilian or shared, must be reported on our side, so we can't enter or leave at will!"Ye Feng immediately said, "if you say that, is it possible for a fly to fly out of Huke Bay as long as you start this panoramic protection mode?"

Gulina immediately said, "of course!" Then he said to Ye Feng, "what do you mean by these questions?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "before in your office of SDB, didn't you ask me why there were three people when I went out and six people when I came back?"

Gulina immediately said, "right? What do you want to explain to me? "

Ye Feng immediately said to gulina, "I want to tell you that the three extra people left Huke Bay not long before I left Huke Bay, but they didn't take the air route. Why didn't you notice?"

Gulina immediately said, "what do you mean? Do you mean there's a loophole in our SDB system? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "director gulina, what prejudice do you have against me? I'm not trying to find fault. I just want to ask for something. Can you explain it?"

Gulina said on the phone, "but that's how you make me feel!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "if I give you this feeling, it must be my own problem. I'm here to apologize to you!"

Gulina sneered, "not all apologies can be exchanged for forgiveness and understanding. I can choose not to accept your apology!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "director gulina, I'm here to remind you that these questions I asked you are absolutely not critical to you. They are just for solving the case and catching the real behind the scenes!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng deliberately looked up at Libo Zhihui standing in front of him, and then continued, "so your question is very important to solve the case!"

Gulina listen to Ye Feng said, this just said, "well, if so, I temporarily forgive you!"

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "director gulina is really a large number of adults, so can you tell me now?"

Gulina said on the phone, "to tell you the truth, there are some blind spots in the system defense system, but not many people know about the blind spots, unless they are people inside our system defense Bureau or system developers, and we have tried our best to make up for these blind spots. Your three friends left Huck bay before they really took advantage of our department But after they came back, the blind area has been made up by us. Therefore, we have improved the system defense of the sea route, and there is no such possibility as you said... "

At this point, he immediately added, "Oh, there's another possibility! You can avoid the system and leave Huck bay! "

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately move, immediately ask, "what is possible?"

Gulina said with a smile to Ye Feng, "unless it's digging a hole from Huke bay to get through the tunnel from Huke bay island to the inland! However, as you know, Huke Bay is an outlying island. If you want to dig a tunnel to go inland, it's a sea crossing project. I believe that if someone does this, it must be a big move, and it also needs considerable technical support. Moreover, not a few people can do it. There must be a complete technical team, but even so, it can't be completely hidden So, in terms of technology, it is absolutely impossible for this kind of thing to happen! "

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