After listening to gulina's words, Ye Feng immediately frowned. What the girl said was the same as what she didn't say, but she said to gulina, "so what director gulina means is that there are only two possibilities to leave Huke Bay, and now the air sea has been completely covered by your system defense Bureau, right?"

Gulina immediately said, "yes, unless the other party is immortal and can move instantly, it is absolutely impossible to leave Huke Bay. For this reason, I would like to thank your three friends. Without them, we may still have some loopholes in our defense at sea."

Ye Feng quickly thanks gulina and hangs up the phone. Then he looks at Li Bo Zhihui standing in front of him and says, "did you hear what I asked just now? There is no loophole in the current defense system, which allows people to leave Huck bay at will! "

Libo Zhihui has been listening to the phone call between Ye Feng and gulina in front of Ye Feng. At this time, his face moves slightly, then shrugs his shoulders and says, "so it seems that there is no need to leave Huke bay!"

Ye Fenggang was about to speak, but Libo Zhihui said, "however, hukewan island is not big or small. It's very difficult to start the investigation from the island, that is, there are countless natural caves around. It's very difficult to find them. If hukewan is another city, it's OK to say, but hukewan is a temporary island city Many facilities on the island can't compare with those in inland cities, otherwise we can use robots to investigate, but we can't do that in Huke Bay, so we still have to start from the source! "

When he said that, Libo Zhihui immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "now we have no clue. The only clue you have is the dens of geek pioneers you have been to before. For the safety of teachers, we can't give up any opportunities. We must seize every opportunity. If they do it, even if we can't rescue the teachers immediately, we can catch at least two of them It's good to exchange important people as hostages. What do you think? "

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart suddenly moved. That is to say, even now he knows that Jock Emma is still on Huck Bay Island, he still insists on leaving Huck Bay. Is the purpose too clear.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "but have you ever thought that if we apply to leave hukewan Island, then the SDB will open a special case for us and open a mouth of the defense system!"

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "before you want to leave Huke Bay, I also apply like this. It's inevitable!"

Ye Feng stares at Libo Zhihui and says, "if so, maybe Jock Emma was still on the island, but it's because we applied to leave, so that the bandits can take the opportunity to leave with Jock Emma. Although hukewan island is not small, it's an outlying island after all. As long as we want to find it, sooner or later we can find Jock Emma, but once the bandits leave with Jock Emma Kaihuke Bay, that's really a mud ox into the sea. If you want to find it again, it's global! "

Li Bo Zhi Hui listened to Ye Feng's words, and immediately looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully and said, "so what? Do you want to leave Huck bay with me? "

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, he immediately said, "if you say so, can I doubt that the reason why there were two vicious explosions on hukewan island was that I applied for opening the island's defense system for you last time, so that the bandits could have a chance to land on the island? In this way, aren't you the culprit? "

When Ye Feng heard Li Bo Zhihui say this, his heart suddenly moved. Did this guy throw away the pot, or did he want to feel guilty, so he agreed to leave Huke bay with him?

Just thinking about it, Libo Zhihui immediately said, "of course, I'm just giving an example. It's not necessarily a fact. It's like we're going to leave this time, and the bandits won't know. As long as we leave, the system defense function will be shut down again immediately. How can it be so coincidental that when we open this way, the bandits will know immediately, and they will also know Can we leave Huck Bay in a short time? "

Ye Feng listened to what Libo Zhihui said. Then he looked at Libo Zhihui and said, "logically, it is so. But if, I said if, if someone on our side can get in touch with the bandits, do they know when we turn on the system? Even now the cat is somewhere, waiting for this side to turn on the system defense? "

As soon as Li Bo Zhihui hears Ye Feng's words, he suddenly looks at Ye Feng and says, "what do you mean by that? Do you mean, I collude with the bandits, I apply to leave Huck Bay, and then send a message to the bandits to inform them to leave Huck bay at the same time? "

Without waiting for Yefeng to reply, Libo Zhihui immediately said to Yefeng, "you can be so suspicious, but have you ever thought that it's my teacher? I'm determined to save him. How can I do this to harm him?"

At this point, Libo Zhihui immediately snorted, "I regard you as my best friend. You suspect that I will collude with the bandits. Forget it, I'll go myself. I'll call gulina and apply now!"

With that, Libo Zhihui immediately turned around and left. At the same time, he took out the phone and dialed gulina's phone. Soon after he got through, gulina said what she meant. Gulina immediately refused, and clearly told Libo Zhihui, "the Huke Bay bombing case has attracted great attention from the top, and the top has sent someone to come here. In this case No one can leave Huck bay until the investigation is clear! "Speaking of this, gulina also explained to Libo Zhihui, "I'm sorry, director Libo, don't get me wrong. This is not what I mean. It's the meaning above. The full text of the meaning above is that from now on, Huke Bay will completely open the closed mode, and no one can enter or leave at will! Sorry, director Libo, I can't help you! "

With that, gulina hung up the phone and stopped giving Libo Zhihui another chance to talk. Libo Zhihui stopped and stood in the same place, holding the phone for a while.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, at this time toward Li Bo Zhi Hui walked to come over a way, "how? Did gulina refuse? "

At this time, Libo Zhihui put away his mobile phone, turned to look at Ye Feng and said, "you just called gulina, did you give her a code?"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "code?"? When I called just now, you were nearby. What code can I call? " When he said this, he immediately lowered his voice and said, "besides, why do I want to play the code?"

Li Bo Zhihui immediately stares at Ye Feng after hearing the speech, and then sneers and says, "I can roughly know some secret signals of the FBI!"

Ye Feng stares at Li Bo Zhihui and says, "if you have to think so, I can't help it!"

Libo Zhihui stares at Ye Feng for a long time, but he doesn't speak. His face becomes colder and colder, and he has no expression at all.

Ye Feng is still standing in the same place, looking at Libo Zhihui, "how? Is it coming out? "

Libo Zhihui looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you doubt me long ago?"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's nothing. It's just now! If you hadn't insisted on leaving Huck bay to save Jock Emma, I wouldn't have found out! "

"It seems that I'm too worried," he said

Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "your move is very clever. You can think of using yourself to apply to open the island's defense system and give the other side the chance to leave. Originally, this plan can be said to be seamless, but you should never take me with you!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately said, "but looking back, maybe taking me out of Huck Bay is part of your plan."

Li Bo Zhi Hui's face moved slightly, his eyes still fixed on Ye Feng and said, "it's really Satan. I can't hide anything from you! Since it's exposed, I have nothing to say... "

As he spoke, Libo Zhihui immediately reached for the laser pistol at his waist, but Ye Feng immediately said, "in fact, you are just a chess piece. There are others who really play chess!"

When Li Bo Zhihui heard that Yan's face was moving, his hand holding the pistol stopped at his waist. After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, he sneered, "yes, I'm a chess piece, but you'll never guess who is the next player!"

But Ye Feng shrugged and said, "that's not necessarily true!"

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