As soon as Libo Zhihui heard this, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "what?"

Ye Feng then repeated a way, "I say that also not necessarily!" After a pause and looking at the surprised expression of Libo Zhihui, he said slowly, "the real chess player is your teacher, jock Emma!"

Sure enough, when Ye Feng said the four words "Jock Emma", Libo Zhihui's face suddenly turned pale. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you say?"

Ye Feng shrugs and reaches for his cigarette, but Libo Zhihui immediately pulls out his laser pistol and says to Ye Feng, "raise your hand!"

But Ye Feng still put his hand into his pocket and said to Libo Zhihui, "don't be nervous, I just smoke a cigarette!" Then he slowly took out his cigarette box and put a cigarette on it. Then he threw it to Libo Zhihui and said, "you can have one, too!"

Libo Zhihui reaches for the cigarette, but the pistol of the other hand is still facing Ye Feng. After Ye Feng lights the cigarette, he lights one. But Ye Feng can see that Libo Zhihui's hand is shaking slightly.

Ye Feng took a puff of cigarette, and then he said to Li Bo Zhihui, "in fact, I've suspected all this for a long time. I just missed you, but now I think that you are just a chess piece. It's normal to miss you, so I'm relieved!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately said, "the purpose of my saying this is not to humiliate you, but to say that you are only dispensable in the whole layout of Jock Emma. You don't know much about it!"

Libo Zhihui held the cigarette in his mouth with shaking hands. After taking a sip, he immediately said, "what do you know? Do you think you can see everything with that intelligence? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if I have a choice, I would rather not know anything. The world is too chaotic. Comparatively speaking, I prefer the earth That's where I live in the micro universe! "

Libo Zhihui clenched his gun again and said to Ye Feng, "now that you know everything, you have two choices, either join us or die!"

But Ye Feng looked at Li Bo and said, "do you think you can kill me?"

Libo Zhihui took a deep breath, threw the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out. Then he said, "even if it's not your opponent, I can't let you disclose this secret to the public! The teacher's plan can't be broken by anyone! "

Ye Feng looked at Libo Zhihui and said, "looking at what you look like now, I suddenly think of an agreement between us before!"

He said without waiting for Libo Zhihui to say, "at that time, we were joking. If we were on the opposite side one day, would you shoot? At that time, you said you didn't know! This kind of thing will be known only then! "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng took another deep puff of his cigarette and then stared at Libo Zhihui and said, "now it's time, you should know?"

Libo Zhihui looks at Ye Feng thoughtfully. He immediately holds his slightly trembling hand with his other hand and tries not to show nervousness. He says, "we are doomed not to be friends!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, we are not destined to be the same kind of people. You have your faith, and I have my pursuit. Your faith is your teacher, and my pursuit is freedom!"

Libo Zhihui said, "it's better for you to come back from the micro universe for a few days. What kind of world is eisf? I believe you know very well. What kind of freedom is there in this world? Only by breaking the world and creating a new one can you realize the freedom in your mind

Speaking of this, Libo Zhihui immediately said to Ye Feng, "these words, if I remember correctly, are also what you said to the teacher when you want to win him over? Since your goals are the same, why don't you join us? "

Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "the goal is just the same appearance. The freedom your teacher pursues may not be the freedom I want, nor the freedom of those fireflies in the abandoned city!"

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "those poor fireflies are no longer saved. They are doomed to be like that. Eisf is a city of elite culture, and the people at the bottom are doomed to be like that. Only the real elite are worthy of freedom. Those people, I don't look down on them. They have been uneducated for generations, and they are very sad The illiteracy rate will be more than 90%, or even higher. To save them, you just need to turn some well-equipped cities into those abandoned cities! What we are pursuing is the thorough clarity of the elite class, so that more elites at the bottom can have more opportunities, instead of wasting opportunities on those helpless fireflies. Your freedom is too idealistic and does not conform to the actual situation at all... "

Ye Feng stares at Li Bo Zhihui and says, "what you said is what your teacher, jock Emma, told you?"

But Libo Zhihui shrugged his shoulders and said, "up to now, I will not hide you. Yes, the teacher told me, but the teacher also told me that although your idea is surreal, you are capable. If you can, you must join us! So I'll ask you again, "would you like to join us?"Ye Feng continued to smoke cigarettes, looking at Libo Zhihui and said, "different ways do not conspire with each other. If I tell you, are you willing to abandon your teacher and join us now?"

Libo Zhihui snorted, "do you want me to fight for freedom for those fireflies? Am I crazy? I may risk my life all the time to fight for those who are waiting to die. What can I get in the end? "

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette at this time and asked Libo Zhihui, "so now you go to fight for Jock Emma, what can you get?"

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "I have been idealistic, but the reality tells me that we live in this realistic environment, I need to live, my wife and children also need to live, not only to live, but also to live better!"

Speaking of this, Libo Zhihui immediately said, "although we live in a normal city, do you know how much pressure our life has? We are the fireflies in the normal city! It's just that we still have the right to receive education. Under education, our hearts drive us not to become fireflies in the abandoned city. Our education tells us that we can make our life better through our own efforts! "

Libo Zhihui then said in a deep voice, "but this damned education is actually deceiving. What can make you better through your own efforts, and what knowledge can change your life are all the means of rulers and stupid people. The only way to change your life is power. With all your strength, you will have money, status and everything you want, and that's all It's impossible to achieve everything in eisf, because the top elites are inherited by the family. As long as you are the top, you will always be the top. Our so-called middle class are not willing to compare with the fireflies of the abandoned city, but in fact, the only difference between us and them is that we have been brainwashed by the education of top-level design! "

Ye Feng looked at Libo Zhihui and said, "you are fireflies in a normal city. You may not live well, but at least you can get three meals a day through your own struggle. Your children can receive education. Although it may be brainwashing education, you have at least mastered a certain amount of knowledge. But have you ever thought about the poor people in the abandoned city, In your eyes, what they worry about every day is whether they can live to tomorrow. What they struggle with is whether they will kill their children to eat once they are hungry to the limit! What you think of is the quality of life, and what they think of is just to live. If all people are like you, and no one cares about them, they will always be like this. What do you think is the value of the existence of eisf civilization? Since you all know that the top level is always the top level, and you want to change these, don't these fireflies think about it? You live in a normal place, where can you live for generations, don't they want to change these? "

After speaking of this, Ye Feng looked at Libo Zhihui and said, "maybe the right to study is not equal, the right to live is not equal, but the right to live should be equal for all, right? Why do you think these people can never be saved? Have you ever thought that the top elites you resent also think so about you so-called middle class

Libo Zhihui was stunned when he heard what Ye Feng said, but then he shook his head and said, "I don't need to listen to what you said. It's useless to me. I only believe in my teacher!"

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