Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to the public, "well, nothing's wrong. You'll stay here first. I'll go to Shylock now. I believe he's worried too. One day of essf is too long. I don't know what's wrong until tomorrow."

With that, Ye Feng turned and left. At this time, Dixie and jesteffe said to Ye Feng in one voice, "I'll go with you!" Finish saying two people can't help looking at each other, obviously didn't expect each other to say so.

And Ye Feng at this time looked back at two people, then said, "you two don't need to go, I'll go myself!" Then he turned and left immediately.

But Dixie Si and jiestefei are standing in the same place, looking at Ye Feng left the yard, jiestefei then said, "you have been acting alone before, how suddenly become enthusiastic?"

"The situation was not serious before, but now uncle and nephew Jock Emma and Dante Emma have almost been exposed. Satan is totally putting himself in the opposite of them. The contradiction has completely escalated. I can't sit back and ignore it!" said Dixie

Jasterfeld nodded and said, "yes, contradictions have escalated, but don't forget that he is Satan. He has the ability to deal with everything. You should have this confidence in him!"

After that, without waiting for Dixie to speak, jesteffe immediately turned around, took a step forward, walked in front of Dixie and said, "you and he are facing a problem now. Satan's partial memory is missing, but most of your memory is missing. But have you ever thought that if you recover your memory I found that you were the biggest opposite. What would you do then? "

"What do you mean by that? Do you know about our past? "

Jesteffe then stepped back and shrugged his shoulders to Dixie. "I don't want to hide it. That's what I said to him. I do know something about your past, or a lot of things, but I don't want to say it from my mouth. I still want you to remember something after you recover your memory."

After staring at jestefeld for a long time, he said, "if you don't want to say it, why remind us? What is your purpose? " Say to sink a voice way, "don't catch the mouse for a long time, finally still have to leak a net?"

Jasterfeld could not help laughing and said, "don't worry about that. I'm definitely not a mouse. When your memory is completely restored, you will know that I may not be your friend, but I'm definitely not your enemy. It's you..."

Speaking of this, jesteffe looked at Dixie and said, "especially you, I have a friendly reminder that you should put more energy on yourself rather than on this matter. After all, although you have not recovered your memory, I believe you know well about Huck Bay, even without you and me He can handle it well with your help, but the later you solve your own problems, I don't think it's the best for you and him! "

"First of all, thank you for your friendly tips. Secondly, I don't think you are purposeless tips. Everyone has a purpose. You don't want to say your purpose, and I don't want to ask. But if I find that you don't respect Satan, I won't let you go!"

Jaster Fei said with a smile, "when you recover your memory, you can tell me this again." Then he turned and left.

Dixie is standing in the same place, a moment of wonder to look at jasterfeld, obviously jasterfeld's words, that she knows her past, and even know all about herself and Ye Feng, but she just said nothing, this makes Dixie some angry.

However, after pondering for a while, she adjusted her breath and tried to calm her mood. Although she didn't understand what jesteffe said to herself about the real purpose for the time being, she also knew whether there were jesteffe's hints. She also wanted to investigate what happened in the past.

According to the process of the micro universe project, I was dead at that time. I was brought to Huke Bay by Ye Feng and accepted the micro universe experiment of Jock Emma. Then why did I die at that time? Who killed himself or died in an accident?

There were more and more questions. When she thought of these, she took a deep breath. She knew that it was almost impossible to get close to the truth because she knew nothing about the past.

All of a sudden, Dixie's brain flashed. He knew that there was not only jesteffe, but also Dante Emma in the past. Didn't he completely recover his memory?

At this time, Ye Feng had already got on the aircraft and drove to Shylock's villa. After arriving at the villa, Ye Feng landed the aircraft and went directly there.

However, there was no one in the villa. Ye Feng went up to knock on the door. After a long time, a robot came to open the door and told Ye Feng that Shylock was at work. In addition to the two bombings today, he was too busy to come back.Ye Feng asks the robot housekeeper to call Shylock and say, "just say, I, Ye Feng, wait for him in his villa. It's urgent!"

The robot housekeeper nodded, but he didn't let Ye Feng in. Instead, he closed the door directly. After a while, when the door opened again, the robot said to Ye Feng, "he asked you to wait for him in the room. He will come back in 20 minutes at most!"

After leading Ye Feng into the living room, the robot housekeeper also asked Ye Feng what kind of tea he wanted to drink. He could help him here.

Ye Feng just asked the robot housekeeper to give him a bottle of pure water. He sat on the sofa and looked at the sea view outside the French window, drinking water while waiting for Shylock.

Shylock was on time. He said it was twenty minutes. He came back exactly twenty minutes. As soon as he entered, he looked in the direction of the living room and said, "I didn't expect you to come to me so soon! I remember we made an appointment to give you a reply tomorrow! "

Ye Feng turned to Shylock and said, "it's too long to wait for tomorrow. Besides, there are so many things happening in Huke Bay today. Some things are destined to be solved today?"

Shylock then went to the sofa in the living room and sat down. He asked the robot housekeeper to make a pot of tea for him. Then he lit a cigar and looked at Ye Feng and said, "so, have you thought it over?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "in fact, I had already thought about it after I walked out of the door of the mayor's villa!"

Shylock can't help staring at Ye Feng and said, "so, if you come to me now, just tell me your reply?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I do have an answer, but I want to talk about today's case first!"

Shylock frowned and said, "today's case is being investigated by people from the police station and the investigation branch. You are just the leader of a secret service team under the investigation branch. What do you want to say to me? Do you know who the killer is? "

After staring at Shylock for a long time, Ye Feng said, "before answering the mayor, I'd like to ask him a question. If the mayor doesn't answer truthfully, I'll get up and leave immediately. There's no need to continue the following topic!"

Shylock listen to Ye Feng say, can't help staring at Ye Feng after a moment, this just said, "so serious?" After smoking a cigar, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "then ask!"

Ye Feng immediately asked Shylock, "I want to know, Huck Bay Federal Bureau of investigation has a bomb alarm, is not the mayor you, or you instruct someone to fight?"

When Shylock heard this, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean? You mean, I'm involved in the two bombings today? Are you crazy? I'm the mayor of Huck Bay. Why should I blow up the buildings of important units in my city? "

Don't want to, Ye Feng immediately stood up, said a farewell, immediately toward the door of the villa.

Shylock immediately stood up, looked at Ye Feng's back and said, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng said, "I've explained in advance that as long as the mayor doesn't tell the truth, I'll pat my ass and leave. There's nothing to talk about!"

When Shylock heard the words, he pondered for a while. Instead of stopping Ye Feng, he continued to stand and watch Ye Feng approach the door step by step until Ye Feng grasped the handle of the door. Shylock nodded and said, "yes, I arranged the phone! But the bombing has nothing to do with me! "

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