When Ye Feng heard Shylock's words, he stopped and looked back at Shylock.

And Shylock immediately said, "I admit that the phone call was made by me. You should know exactly what my original intention was! What did you get for Jock Emma? We tried every means to get that thing, but the Huck Bay FBI branch, although it is in Huck Bay, I have no direct jurisdiction. I can only take this opportunity to access the investigation branch! "

Ye Feng came back slowly and said to Shylock, "but have you ever thought that maybe I've given this thing to Jock Emma, even if I haven't given it to him, I'll always stay on myself!"

After Shylock took a puff of cigarette, he said to Yefeng, "I've thought about what you said, and I've explained it to my superiors, but the pressure is tight. What can I do? I can only do this. There's no way to do it!"

After a few puffs of cigar, he continued, "who ever thought there was a bomb in Huck Bay FBI? I wonder if someone knows my plan in advance? "

After sitting opposite Shylock, Ye Feng said, "because of your bad policy, you almost turned yourself into the mastermind of the explosion case, you know?"

Shylock shrugged his shoulders and said, "several blasting experts I said hello to died in the explosion..."

Ye Feng reminds Shylock, "but the reporter is still alive. Although the space card he used is more difficult to check, it's not that he can't find out at all. It's just a little time!"

Shylock shrugged his shoulders to Ye Feng and said with a smile, "it doesn't matter if I find out. I called myself. I'm the reporter. How can this kind of thing be handled by someone else? The space card can be found, but what if it is found? You can't find me! It can only prove that I have made a phone call near me. It may be a passer-by who passed me by? Oh, you can rest assured that the space card I use is a separate mobile phone, that mobile phone I have destroyed

Ye Feng can't help frowning at Shylock for a long time. He didn't expect Shylock to do things so carefully. He thought about the fake case for a long time.

He then said to Shylock, "call yourself. The phone card is a space card. Even if you find the space card, you can't be found, but several blasting experts still know your order. That is to say, even if there is no explosion, you will be killed after you finish your work?"

Shylock listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "kill? Why do you want to shut up? Do you think things are too complicated? Even if I really know that I'm looking for someone to sneak into the investigation bureau, I don't have to shut up, do I? "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "it's based on the premise that if blasting experts find something, they don't check it. If they read it or copy it, the result will be different!"

Shylock listened to what Ye Feng said, and after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "I don't want to discuss these hypothetical problems with you. Now anyway, the explosion has happened, and several of them are dead, and I haven't found what I'm looking for. I can admit that I called the police, but I don't know when I went out!"

Speaking of this, Shylock shrugged to Ye Feng and said, "I've said what I should say now. Now it's time for you to tell me your true intention!"

Ye Feng took out a cigarette and lit it. After a slow puff, he said with a smile to Shylock, "since it's here, it must be good for you and me!"

After taking a deep puff of his cigar, Shylock pointed to Ye Feng with his cigar fingers and said, "I knew that your boy is definitely not simple. Won't you just agree to all my conditions?"

Ye Feng then said to Shylock, "the conditions that I promised you are trivial. Besides, the dead waiter you raised is not short of me. If you want to do something that you can't see, you may not be able to use me!"

Shylock frowned and looked at Ye Feng and said, "all of my people think that it's a small thing to deal with those things that you can't see in your eyes. They even disdain to do them. They think that they should do bigger things with their own abilities. I don't mean that I don't give you such an opportunity. First of all, you convince me, why?"

Ye Feng then said to Shylock, "I don't know about the others. I'll just say I'm here. You want me to help you, but you just treat me as one of the dead attendants in your group..."

Shylock said immediately, "to correct it, it's better than them. I never negotiate with these people myself. You are the only one!"

Ye Feng asked Shylock, "the difference lies in the relationship between me and Jock Emma?"

Shylock shrugged and said, "it's good to have self-knowledge!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "but you are not good at using my relationship with Jock Emma! I have what you want! "

Say Ye Feng took out that u disk pen, in Shylock's in front of a flash, continue to say, "you try hard to get things, on my side!" Then he threw it on the tea table.

Shylock's face suddenly changed. He immediately snuffed out his cigar and tried to get up to get the U-disk pen. However, he finally sat down and looked at Ye Feng and said, "this is what you give me for such an important thing?"Ye Feng said to Shylock, "I don't think the things here are very important!"

Shylock looked at Ye Feng and said, "is this really the one that Jock Emma asked you to look for?"

Ye Feng said to Shylock, "our dialogue is based on mutual trust, and I'm not stupid enough to tell you such a naive lie in a place that can be confirmed immediately!"

Shylock just got up and picked up the U disk pen on the desk, then took out his mobile phone, and wanted to connect the U disk pen directly to the mobile phone to check.

Ye Feng sees this, but says to Shylock, "if I were you, I would never do this!"

But Shylock looked at Ye Feng, looked at the U disk and said, "do you mean this U disk is fake?"

Ye Feng said to Shylock, "if so many people try their best to get something, it shows how important it is. It goes without saying that if you are Jock Emma, if you ask me to help you get back such an important thing, will you put it on my side instead of taking it back?"

Shylock smell speech face suddenly move a way, "so say, is this still false?"

Ye Feng then said to Shylock, "I never said the authenticity of this thing. I just told you that this is what I got for Jock Emma, but as for what's inside, I don't know! I advise you not to want to know! "

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Shylock said, "have you seen the things inside?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I'm curious to kill the cat. Maybe that's why Jock Emma didn't take it back and put it on my side!"

Shylock's face suddenly moved, "what do you mean? Is that what he wants you to see? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "maybe you too!"

When Shylock heard this, he looked at the U-disk pen in his hand. After pondering for a long time, he looked at Ye Feng with awe inspiring heart and said, "there must be a virus in it. Does he want to hack into our network?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if it's just hacking into the Internet, it's not terrible!"

Shylock looks at Ye Feng and says, "what else is there?"

Ye Feng said immediately, "paralyze the defense system of Huke bay!"

Shylock's face suddenly moved again, and then he said with a smile, "this is what you think, isn't it? Our system and the system security agency's system are separate. If he wants to paralyze the defense system of Huck Bay, he should give it to gulina. What's the use of giving it to you? "

But Ye Feng said to Shylock, "don't you know that the virus can be mutated and transmitted? And although the system of SDB and the local system are two, the network is shared, don't you know? "

Shylock looked at Ye Feng and said, "I suddenly understand what you mean by that You mean, today's light up explosion, is it... "

Ye Feng immediately nodded to Shylock and said, "the mayor is really wise. I think so soon!"

Shylock immediately stood up and said in surprise, "isn't Jock Emma in the police station?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I have already run! And made a false impression of being held

Shylock stared at Ye Feng, but he didn't come back for a long time. Finally, he sat down and looked at Ye Feng for a moment. Then he said, "you won't tell me this without any reason. What's your purpose?"

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