The man in black didn't say much, so he turned around and left. However, when he came to the door and put his hand on the doorknob, an electric current suddenly spread to his whole body. However, just at this critical moment, the man in black suddenly opened his hand and stepped back.

At this time, he felt that his hand touching the doorknob was still slightly numb, but his eyes were staring at the door. After a long time, he didn't hear anything outside. At this time, his hand felt better. Then he pulled out the laser gun, went to the window on one side and looked at the door from there.

Shylock didn't know what happened. She couldn't help looking at the man in black in surprise. Before she asked, she saw that the man in black made a silent gesture towards him. Then the man in black looked at the door, but he didn't find anyone.

The man in black immediately opened the window and jumped out of the window. He immediately aimed the laser pistol at the door, but still didn't find anyone. He leaned against the wall behind him and continued to walk to one side. His eyes were scanning every corner of the courtyard in front of the villa to prevent people from hiding in places he didn't pay much attention to.

After the man in black carefully walked around the yard, he didn't see anyone. He couldn't help hesitating. Just now, Ye Feng was the only one who could feel the current. Obviously, Ye Feng didn't go far, but why didn't he find anyone?

Then the black hearted man immediately turned around and walked towards the door. After kicking open the door, he found that Shylock, who was standing there, had disappeared from the living room of the villa.

Seeing this, the man in black was shocked. The secret way was really a plan to get rid of Shylock. His purpose was to save Shylock. He thought in a loud voice, "don't hide it. There are few people who can control electricity. Who else can you have besides you?"

After that, the whole villa was still silent and there was no sound. At this time, the man in black walked towards the stairs leading to the second floor step by step. Suddenly, he heard something behind him and immediately turned to shoot.

But after a shot, he found that behind him was Shylock's machine steward. At this time, he just shot his head, and the line around his neck was crackling with sparks.

Black clothes heart next move, immediately toward the direction behind the machine housekeeper, mouth still said, "even if you take Shylock is useless, his wife and children in our hands, he can't help you anything!"

Just then, the man in black suddenly felt a chill on his head. He immediately looked up and shot in the air. But before pulling the trigger, the gun in his hand was kicked away.

After waiting for the man in black to stand, he saw Ye Feng standing in front of him. He observed the situation and estimated that Ye Feng jumped directly from the railing on the second floor, but he still didn't see the whereabouts.

At this time, Ye Feng stares at the man in black in front of him. After a long time, he says, "are you the leader in their mouth?"

The man in Black said with a cold smile, "you know a lot of things, but it's useless..."

Ye Feng is immediately toward the black humanitarian, "although you deliberately change the voice, his voice will become deep, but I still hear it!"

Hearing this, the man in black looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you hear?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "Libo Zhihui, if I can't hear your voice, what else can I do?"

The man in black smelled that his face was moving again. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he reached out and took off the black cloth on his head. He shrugged to Ye Feng and said, "I knew I couldn't hide it from you for long!"

Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "as long as you don't show up, I don't know that you are the leader of the opposition's death servant. Even if you know it sooner or later, it's better than now!"

There was no expression on Libo Zhihui's face. He stared at Ye Feng and said, "what can I do now? What can you change? Wooing Shylock? I'm afraid you've got the wrong person. He's just a puppet mayor left here by the opposition! "

Ye Feng asked Libo Zhihui, "in this case, why do you risk exposing your identity and come to him in person?"

Libo Zhihui didn't speak. After a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "you're not helping him, but harming him. As long as we don't see him within the specified time, we will kill his wife first, and then kill his children if we don't see him for a long time!"

Ye Feng listened to Li Bo Zhihui's words and said with a cold smile, "I really didn't expect that you would use women and children to coerce people!"

Libo Zhihui shrugged his shoulders and said, "as long as we know what we are going to do, other things will not affect us to run to our ideals!"

Ye Feng sighed a little, "in order to run to the ideal, you can see other people's lives as grass?"

Libo Zhihui snorted coldly, "you don't have to say that. You are also the same. Don't you care about other people's feelings for your own goal?"

Ye Feng smell speech is a tiny sigh way again, "I remember before I said with you, after that time I won't be merciful again!"Libo Zhihui immediately said, "no need to show mercy, and I will not show mercy!"

But Ye Feng said, "but you should know that you are not my opponent at all!"

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "there are many things in the world that we know we can't do!" Said here, immediately a strong step toward the leaf maple rushed in the past.

Ye Feng jumps up and kicks Libo Zhihui in the head. Libo Zhihui is kicked to one side by Ye Feng.

But Libo Zhihui stood up immediately, didn't even wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then rushed up to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is the same old style. He still jumps to fly and kicks Libo Zhihui away again. Libo Zhihui gets up from the ground again and comes to Ye Feng.

So many times, Libo Zhihui wants to stand up again, but he can't. He just lies on the ground and looks at Ye Feng and says, "it's useless for you to defeat me!"

Ye Feng goes to Libo Zhihui, squats down, looks at Libo Zhihui and says, "where is Shylock's wife and children?"

At this time, Libo Zhihui had no strength at all, and his face was black and blue. Libo Zhihui was a good hand, but in front of Ye Feng, he was not an opponent at all.

At this time, he tried to look up at Ye Feng and said, "don't ask. I said that you are not helping him, you are harming him. As long as I don't leave here within the specified time, his wife will die..."

At this time, Shylock immediately rushed down from the second floor, quickly ran to Libo Zhihui, grabbed his collar, "where is my wife and children?"

Libo Zhihui takes a look at Shylock and sneers, "you'll be reunited soon. On the way to hell, the whole family will be reunited..."

As soon as Shylock heard this, he immediately picked up the laser pistol on the ground and put it on Libo Zhihui's head. He said angrily, "I only ask you one last time. I really can shoot..."

Libo Zhihui didn't say a word, but chose to close his eyes. He looked as if he was dead. He didn't care that Shylock pointed a gun at his head.

Seeing Li Bo Zhihui like this, Shylock's face moved. He immediately threw the laser pistol aside, knelt down in front of Li Bo Zhihui and kowtowed to him. "Director Li Bo, please tell me where they are!"

Libo Zhihui opened his eyes and looked at Shylock. Then he sneered and said, "it's no use asking me!"

Shylock even said, "you want to kill me, they are innocent, my wife and children don't know anything!"

Libo Zhihui said coldly, "every day in this world, many people die without knowing anything, which is a kind of happiness for them."

Shylock quickly said, "I can do whatever you want me to do. Just let my wife and children go!"

At this time, Libo Zhihui tried to hold his body and sit up. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Then he looked at Shylock kneeling in front of him and Ye Feng standing on one side. Then he said with a smile, "now that he knows everything, you are useless. You commit suicide. You are dead. Maybe I can think about it and let your wife and children go!"

When Shylock heard this, he was stunned and looked at Libo Zhihui. He didn't speak for a long time.

Looking at Shylock, Libo Zhihui suddenly laughs and says, "what do you say that you can die for your wife and children? Now you're showing your nature? Scared to death, right

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