Shylock felt cold behind him at this time. He looked at Libo Zhihui and couldn't say a word. In fact, it's not surprising that Libo Zhihui said so. In fact, when people are not in a critical moment of life and death, they always speak with awe inspiring righteousness, but only when they are really alive and dead, will they know whether they are big words.

Even if his wife and children want to die for them, everyone will, but at this time, Shylock found that his heart was hesitating.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, but at this time Chao Li Bo Zhi Hui says, "he has a wife and children, you also have a wife and children, do you have to do so absolutely?"

Li Bo Zhi Hui looked up at Ye Feng and said, "my wife and children, you will never find them!"

Ye Feng slowly squatted down, a pair of eyes staring at Libo Zhihui said, "Oh? really? I haven't found anyone yet! Why don't we try? "

On hearing this, Libo Zhihui is stunned. Shylock doesn't know Ye Feng's real identity, but Libo Zhihui is clear. Previously, the number one agent of the Federal Bureau of investigation, Satan, is there anyone else who can't be found? What does the bureau do? Isn't it just an investigation?

At this time, Shylock still grabbed the aurora pistol on the ground and put it in his mouth. When Ye Feng saw it, he snatched it. Before Ye Feng spoke, he suddenly made a "bang" sound. Then there was a flash in the living room and white smoke came out.

Ye Feng heart next move, immediately seized Shylock, if the other party is toward him, will certainly take advantage of this white smoke to come in and rob people.

But then Ye Feng also thought that the other party might have come to rescue Libo Zhihui, thinking that he immediately stretched out his hand in the direction of Libo Zhihui, but he didn't want to touch an empty.

Ye Feng suddenly knows that Libo Zhihui must have taken advantage of the chaos to escape. Instead of catching up, he pulls Shylock out of the door of the villa. Only then can he see that an aircraft is slowly taking off. Libo Zhihui is sitting at the window and looking at them.

Shylock sits on the ground and says to Ye Feng, "why stop me and don't let me die?"

Ye Feng said to Shylock, "it's easy to die, but it's hard to live!"

Shylock could not help but look up at Ye Feng, and then said, "but my wife and children are still in their hands!"

Ye Feng said to Shylock, "I know what they asked you to do. You have no use value for them, so they should not attack your wife and children!"

Shylock said immediately, "but it doesn't rule out their killing, or even venting their anger..."

Ye Feng sighed, "of course, I don't rule out this possibility, but I just told Libo Zhihui that he also has a wife and children. If your wife and children have something to do, I can also find his wife and children. I believe he will listen to it!"

Shylock can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. At this time, he doesn't know whether he should give the life of his wife and children to Ye Feng, but now he has no choice.

Ye Feng then took a look at Shylock and said frankly, "now you have no other choice, you can only believe me!"

Shylock looked at Ye Feng and said, "I can believe you, but you still don't believe me. Tell me, who are you? Why is Libo Zhihui so afraid of you? "

Ye Feng squatted down and said in Shylock's ear, "I'm Satan!"

Shylock's face suddenly changed when he heard the words. Instinctively, he lay on the ground with dull eyes. He looked at Ye Feng like a ghost, and said, "are you You are... "

Ye Feng immediately made a silent movement way, "so you must believe me, I said can keep you, will be able to keep you!"

Shylock sat up at this time, staring at Ye Feng, and said, "so, do you work for the Federal Bureau of investigation? Are you from the federal government? "

Ye Feng said to Shylock, "you are also an official appointed by the federal government. Are you working for the federal government?"

Shylock was asked by Ye Feng, then sighed, "since you don't say, I don't ask, from now on, I'm your man!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately stood up and said, "I have no hobbies!" Then he said immediately, "this villa is not a place to stay for a long time. You have to change places!"

Shylock got up and looked at Ye Feng, "where are we going? I didn't expect that the leader of the dead waiter was Li Bo Zhihui. It means that my dead waiter can't be used. The FBI is not safe, and Li Bo Zhihui's men are all over the place... "

Ye Feng nodded after hearing the speech. After pondering in his heart, he immediately said to Shylock, "there is a place suitable for you to go, and it can absolutely guarantee your safety. At the same time, it can let you continue to be your mayor!"

Shylock looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you mean Gulina's system defense bureau? "

Ye Feng immediately nodded to Shylock and said, "you are smarter than I thought!"But Shylock said, "it's not smart. There are only three security departments on Huck Bay Island, one FBI branch, one police department, and the other is SDB. And if it really comes to security, it's SDB. After all, it's the military behind it!"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Shylock immediately said, "but administratively, although the system defense Bureau and the investigation branch are all in Huke Bay, they are not under my control. Moreover, before I wanted to transfer some soldiers from gulina to temporarily act as police to maintain the order of Huke Bay, they were all rejected by her. She may not agree with me to go there?"

Ye Feng said to Shylock, "I suggest that she don't call soldiers at will. Jock Emma, their ultimate goal is the system defense bureau!"

Shylock was stunned when he heard this. Ye Feng didn't say much to Shylock. Then he got on the aircraft with him. Ye Feng immediately flew the aircraft in the direction of the system defense Bureau.

At the same time, Ye Feng asked Shylock to call gulina. After dialing the phone, Ye Feng took the phone and said to gulina, "Mayor Shylock and I, come to visit you in person!"

Gulina sneered on the phone and said, "take refuge when you say you want to visit!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "it seems that what happened here to mayor Shylock can't escape from director gulina's insight!"

Gulina said, "our SDB is not a refuge. Are you in the wrong place?"

Ye Feng said, "remember what I said to you before? Their target is your system defense Bureau, so mayor Shylock can only go to you at present. He can't be wrong! "

Gulina then said to Ye Feng, "at that time, you said they would come to the SDB, and you also said your intuition was never wrong, but it turned out that they blew up the police station You're not forgetful, are you

Ye Feng immediately said, "what I said is that their ultimate goal is you. No matter where they blow up in the process, their final goal will not change!"

Gulina thought, "but why should I believe the words of a suspicious person?" After a pause, he immediately said, "it's easy for me to accept Shylock. Tell me your identity. Maybe I can think about it!"

Ye Feng said to gulina, "are you interested in my identity, or are you just interested in me?"

But gulina said, "don't be so amorous. I haven't met anyone more cheeky than you!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's really my honor. Since you are so interested in knowing, when we arrive, I'll tell you face to face!"

As soon as gulina heard this, she immediately said, "all right, come here!"

After hanging up the phone, Shylock said to Ye Feng, "if their ultimate goal is the SDB, then their goal may be to capture the whole Huck bay!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "isn't that obvious?"

Shylock looked at Ye Feng and said, "isn't the purpose of looking for me to control the whole Huck Bay?"

Ye Feng smell speech and looked at Shylock way, "I just said, you are smarter than I think!"

When Shylock heard this, his face suddenly moved, "so you take me to SDB In fact, your ultimate goal is the SDB? "

Ye Feng immediately hit a ring finger way, "all right, get the system defense, get Huke Bay, this is very obvious..."

Before Ye Feng finished, Shylock immediately asked, "so what's the difference between you and them?"

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