After listening to Shylock's question, Ye Feng couldn't help staring at Shylock for a long time. Then he said, "they occupied Huke bay to achieve their goal. If I control Huke Bay, I have my own goal!"

Shylock directly asked Ye Feng, "well, in my opinion, there is no difference between you two in essence. It's just that you want to do something in Huck bay!"

Ye Feng continued to say to Shylock, "let me tell you the truth, my goal is to change the whole eisf, and their goal is to change the middle class society of the whole eisf, so that the middle class society will also have an opportunity to come out..."

Shylock shrugged and said, "I still don't know the difference between you two! Don't you all want to change Elsie? Even your ideas are no different from ours! "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "there is a big difference. The reason why your opposition opposes the government is that your goal is to fight between the social elites and fight for power between the two elites. What Jock Emma wants is to let the middle class have the opportunity to be promoted to the elite class. There is an essential difference between you. That's why Jock Emma is an elite What's the ultimate reason why the opposition has not completely compromised like you for so many years? "

Shylock suddenly nodded when he heard what Ye Feng said. He looked at Ye Feng with a penetrating look on his face and said, "I see. The problem is here. I've always wondered, isn't it unnecessary for Jack Emma to do the same thing as us instead of agreeing to our opposition?"

Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "but you just said the difference between our opposition and Jock Emma. Then what is the essential difference between you and us? I'm all ears

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "what I'm talking about is not only the elites at the top and the middle class below, but also the fireflies and the poor people in the waste cities. What I want to change is not a certain class, but the whole world! So you should be able to understand me! "

Shylock can't help but be shocked when hearing the speech. She looks at Ye Feng for a long time and doesn't speak. She just looks at Ye Feng and is full of desire to speak, but finally she doesn't speak.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, but at this time toward Shylock way, "what do you want to say directly say, we are friends now, friends should be frank! What do you say? "

Shylock then said to Ye Feng, "to tell you the truth, my wife was also a firefly. Our acquaintance was very accidental. That was the first time in my life that I heard that there was such a group of people in the world. When she took me to see his parents, I was shocked beyond measure!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at Shylock in surprise. If Shylock didn't say it himself, he really didn't know that Shylock's wife was one of the fireflies.

Shylock continued at this time, "since then, that picture, that scene, as long as I remember it, I still remember it! To tell you the truth, I once told my wife that if I had a chance, I would change there! "

Speaking of this, after a bitter smile, Shylock sighed, "but after so many years, I feel that I am more and more far away from that ideal or dream. Even if you don't mention it today, I even forget that there is still such a dream, and I once said such things to my wife!"

Thinking of this, Shylock's eyes turned red, and then he said to Ye Feng, "so, I must save my wife and children. My wife has suffered too much in the first half of her life. I can't let her and children like this!"

Ye Feng assured Shylock, "don't worry, I will save your wife and children, and I believe that director gulina will also be able to help on this point."

Shylock can't help nodding. He actually knows what Ye Feng means. After all, gulina is in charge of the system defense security of Huke Bay, and any network signal and telephone signal can't escape the eye of the system defense Bureau. As long as gulina is willing to help, didn't he talk on the phone with his wife and children just now? Gulina's system defense bureau is totally different Ability with just a phone call, can lock to his wife and children's position.

Thinking of this, Shylock took a deep breath and said to Ye Feng, "after hearing your ideal, I put down my last layer of vigilance. Now I can tell you that I am your man. In the next days, you can call me heartily, and I will help you complete your dream as much as I can!"

Ye Feng corrects a way however, "this word is wrong, it is our dream!"

Shylock was shocked, and then solemnly nodded, "yes, it's our dream!" Then he said, "I hope that in my wife's lifetime, I can see that the place where she lived as a child can become better!"

Ye Feng immediately said to Shylock, "I will see it, and it will be better because of your participation!"

Shylock heard Ye Feng say so, can't help nodding, then toward Ye Feng way, "thank you!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you don't think it's good for me to hurt you. Thank youShylock solemnly said to Ye Feng, "this thank you is sincere. You not only didn't harm me, but also saved me. You let me change my soul from the past, as if I were reborn."

Ye Feng also said seriously to Shylock, "people can be confused, but we should learn to know where to go. Like you, I have been in a muddle for so long. The important thing is that we have all found ourselves and been redeemed!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng continued, "but not everyone is as lucky as you and me. Since we have the ability and you also have the right, we should make good use of these abilities and rights to help those who have not lost their way yet, or even be pushed astray because of others!"

Shylock could not help nodding and said to Ye Feng with deep approval, "I deeply agree with what you said, so I know you. Today I really found the organization!"

Ye Feng smiles and doesn't speak, because the buildings of SDB have been seen in front of him.

After Ye Feng stopped the aircraft, as soon as he got off the aircraft, some soldiers on one side said, "director gulina is waiting for you, follow me!"

Ye Feng and Shylock are led into the elevator by the soldiers, and then they go to gulina's office. This is Shylock's first visit. He looks around curiously at this place which is under his jurisdiction, but not under his jurisdiction at all.

Seeing Ye Feng and Shylock, gulina immediately stood up and said, "Mayor Shylock is here in person. I'm sorry to meet you from afar!"

When Shylock saw gulina, she immediately said, "my wife and children have been kidnapped. I just talked to my wife and children on the phone. Can you follow the phone and find out where they hid my wife and children?"

Gulina was stunned by Shylock's sudden request and looked at Shylock for a long time. After all, Shylock is also the mayor of Huke Bay and the top decision-maker of local administration. She always feels superior. She didn't expect to speak to herself in such a pleading tone when she came to her land for the first time.

Ye Feng immediately said to gulina, "director gulina, please help mayor Shylock. After all, that's his close relative!"

Gulina immediately nodded and said, "I'm sure I can help you!" Then he went to his desk, picked up the phone, dialed a number and said, "help me check all the phone calls in this period and outside, and see if there are any special calls sent to my computer!"

Then he hung up the phone, and Shylock looked anxiously at gulina and said, "so one by one, when can I find out?"

But gulina said to Shylock, "mayor, don't be impatient. Now it's completely intelligent to check these, and no one needs to look for them. As long as you input the command in the central computer, you will naturally find what we want!"

Then gulina stretched out her hand to Ye Feng and Shylock and said, "you'd better sit down first!"

Ye Feng also patted Shylock on the shoulder and said, "believe director gulina!"

Shylock couldn't help but sit down and wait for the news.

Gulina said at this time, "help to check the location of the phone. I can help you with this kind of small help, but we are the system defense agency after all. If you want me to let mayor Shylock work here, I'm afraid I can't help it!"

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