Ye Feng said, "in fact, we can understand your worries, but I'm afraid what you don't know is that the sky is going to change in Huke bay!"

Gulina couldn't help staring at Ye Feng and said, "changing sky? Today's weather is good. I've seen the weather forecast! "

Ye Feng knew gulina couldn't understand what she said, but he was just pretending to be confused. He immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "how? You still don't believe me? "

Gulina also looked at Ye Feng and said, "why should I believe you?" At the end of the sentence, the phone on the desk rang, and she connected the phone, then said a word, and hung up when she knew.

Then gulina immediately turned on her computer and turned out the virtual screen. While operating the computer, she said to Shylock, "your wife and children's address has been found..."

While speaking, Shylock's wife and children appear on the virtual screen. Both of them are tied, and their mouths are blocked. Their wives and children are all in tears.

Seeing this picture, Shylock's just recovered mood suddenly began to get excited again, and immediately asked gulina, "where are they now?"

Gulina is still operating on the computer and continues to say, "they must not be in Huke Bay. I have contacted the local system defense Bureau. I hope they can send troops to help you rescue. The other side has readily agreed. What we have to do now is to wait for a rest!"

Ye Feng listen to gulina so a say, can't help but also toward Shylock way, "have gulina director help, you can rest assured now!"

Shylock certainly knows that the military is behind the local system defense Bureau, which is a global rule. After all, the system defense in every place is related to the security of the whole city.

Listen to gulina say so, Shylock immediately got up and bowed to gulina, "you are my wife and children's savior, I have nothing to say, only thank you!"

Gulina said to Shylock, "mayor, you're welcome. It's our duty of the SDB. Otherwise, the government won't have to set up us! As long as the mayor doesn't get angry with me for refusing to send troops to the city to help the police maintain order! "

Shylock immediately said, "no, no, I can understand, I fully understand!"

Gulina shrugged her shoulders and said, "I'm just like this. I'm duty bound to help if I can, but I won't agree to anything if I can't, such as the previous troop deployment and now the mayor's office in our system defense Bureau. I really can't help it!"

Ye Feng said to gulina, "now the police department and the FBI branch of Huke Bay have been bombed. The three departments responsible for Huke Bay security are only one department of your system defense Bureau, and they are still in danger. Huke Bay has entered an extraordinary period. Can some regulations of the extraordinary period be changed?"

Gulina shrugged her shoulders and said, "no matter what you say is reasonable or not, don't forget that I can't be the master of this kind of thing. I still have the head supervisor of the federal defense agency, and I have to be responsible to him!"

Ye Feng said to gulina, "who is the director of the General Administration of system defense now?"

Gulina immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "what? Oh, by the way, you're from longarsenic castle. Maybe you know each other, don't you

Speaking of this, gulina immediately said, "the current director of the general administration is Fenghai Wuliang, the nephew of Fenghai fanlang, the former director of the General Administration!"

Ye Feng smell speech brow a wrinkly way, "as far as I know, abundant sea Pan Lang age should not have retired?"? And Fenghai Wuliang is now in his thirties at most. How can he be the director of the General Administration of system defense? "

Gulina can't help shrugging at Ye Feng and said, "Fenghai fanlang was injured in an accident, so he retired early. He has no son, only nephew, so before he retired, he recommended his nephew! Isn't that normal? "

Ye Feng can't help but take a look at gulina. Then he says to Shylock, "do you hear me? My uncle has retired and replaced his nephew. What's the difference between this kind of work and hereditary work?"

Shylock heard Ye Feng say so, can't help sighing, "but the federal government is almost like this now, either son and son-in-law, or brothers and sisters, or nephews and nephews and so on, all these years has been like this!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right, so they want to fight against Jock Emma. What they fight against is the elites at the top of the government. They turn a good federal government into a feudal society. As long as you are an official, your family will be an official from generation to generation, and the people below will hardly stand out!"

Shylock sighed, "that's right, so I belong to the middle class with no hope of promotion!"

Gulina then looked at Ye Feng and Shylock and said, "it's useless for you to complain. People like us were born with these fates. It's good for you to work in the local area. How? Do you still want to be mayor of longarsenic castle? "

Shylock sighed after hearing this. He used to feel that these things were normal. He was a member of the opposition, so he deeply knew that even if the opposition came to power, they were doing the same thing, just changing a group of hereditary people.But the reason why they rebel is that they have room to rise as a middle class, and let those positions be occupied by those who are capable. It is not that the father does what the son does and the son does what the grandson does.

What Ye Feng thinks is even broader. He wants all the people in eisf to enjoy this right, and let those fireflies have the right to choose their own life and even survive.

Think of here, don't Ye Feng and gulina say what, Shylock immediately toward gulina way, "can you accept these?"? Can you accept that those people will always be higher than you for generations? "

Gulina looked at Shylock for a moment and then said, "I'm sorry, I'm not an opposition..."

Ye Feng immediately said, "yes, you are not the opposition, but you are also a member of eisf. Eisf is not the interest group of that gang, but the eisf of the whole world!"

Gulina stares at Ye Feng for a moment. Then she shrugs her shoulders and says, "so, you're here now. Are you planning to rebel against me?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "rebellion depends on people. Some people are willing to be slaves and enslaved by others forever. No matter how much you talk to them, it's useless!"

Gulina frowned and said, "are you saying I'm a slave?"

Ye Feng shrugged at gulina and said, "I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about us, all of us, all of us in the eisf Federation. We are all slaves at the top level, slaves!"

Gulina smell speech face slightly move, stare at Ye Feng to see a moment later, this just said, "I just thought I didn't hear your words..."

Without waiting for Ye Feng to say anything, Shylock immediately said to gulina, "are you willing to do this?"

Gulina looked at Shylock and said, "although you are an opposition, you are also an official appointed by the federal government. Even you say such a thing?"

Shylock said immediately, "I don't want to be such a mayor."

But Ye Feng said to gulina, "everyone should have the same right to live and survive! I should be, so should mayor Shylock, and so should you

Gulina stood up at this time and said, "I don't accept your brainwashing. If you say that to me again, I'll send someone in to arrest you directly!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you won't do that. If you are the kind of people who are willing to become slaves, we have already been arrested by your people when we say the first sentence. Maybe you should be in your temporary prison now!"

Gulina stared at Ye Feng for a long time, then slowly said, "well, what do you want me to do? With you? Leave the SDB entirely to you? "

Ye Feng immediately shrugged to gulina and said, "don't give it to us, you can continue to be your director, but your mentality needs to be adjusted. You can listen to the above orders, but do it or not, you can do it yourself!"

Gulina was still staring at Ye Feng and said, "that's me. If I risked being shot to help you, I didn't get anything in the end? Is it for the sake of equality in your mouth? "

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