Ye Feng stares at gulina and says, "equality for all is not a slogan, but a practical action that benefits everyone! You are everyone! You can benefit from it, of course

Shylock immediately reminded gulina, "for example, you also have the opportunity to become the director of your system defense bureau!"

Gulina doesn't need Shylock's reminding. She naturally knows what Ye Feng means. She looks at Ye Feng in silence and says calmly, "so, like Jack Emma, you also want to capture our system defense Bureau for your use?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "the meaning is almost the same, but the words are not right. How can we say occupy? I'm going to be able to take over your whole system defense Bureau on my own? I'm not that good! You can understand it as either wooing or Zhao'an, but it's definitely not an occupation. That's what jock and Emma think! "

Gulina asked Ye Feng, "well, what if I don't agree? Are you going to do that? "

But Ye Feng frowned at gulina and said, "I didn't think about it!"

Gulina sneered, "you're very confident. Didn't you think I would refuse? So, before you came, you had already decided that I would agree? "

Ye Feng shrugged at gulina and said, "yes, that's because I know you. I really can't think of the reason why you refuse!"

Gulina but eyebrow tiny pick ground looking at leaf maple way, "do you know me?" He said with a smile, "I dare not even say that I know myself. Do you know me? I remember we haven't seen each other before! "

Ye Feng said to gulina, "since the last time I came here, you and I fought against each other, I knew that you must think I am like your old friend, so you will be like this. Am I right?"

Gulina a listen to this, complexion immediately a ground to look at leaf maple way, "what do you say?"

Ye Feng looked at Shylock and said, "mayor, who am I?"

Shylock didn't quite understand Ye Feng's meaning. He looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "ah? What? Who are you Said immediately will have meaning, immediately Oh a voice, "Satan!" Then he took a look at gulina and said, "he's Satan!"

Gulina a listen to this, suddenly a pair of pupils are in dilation, the whole body feel trembling, instant whole people stand up, looking at Ye Feng way, "you are Satan?"

Ye Feng shrugs at gulina, then takes out a cigarette to light it. Then he looks up at gulina and says, "how? Was it a surprise? "

Gulina's mood at this time was more than an accident. She was shocked. Before that, she felt that Ye Feng had a sense of deja vu. But after all, Ye Feng's appearance was different. Although she looked similar from a certain angle, it was not.

But now Ye Feng actually admitted that he was Satan directly in front of himself. How could gulina not be surprised? How could she not be surprised.

But soon gulina came to her senses from the accident. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she said, "it's impossible. I don't deny it. I know Satan, and you are very similar to him, but you can't be him!"

Ye Feng then smoked a cigarette, this just toward Gu Li Na way, "why? Why can't I be him? "

Gulina sat down slowly, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "you do have a lot of places, even looks a little like you, but it's just like you. You are definitely not Ye Feng. He can't want to help the poor people in the abandoned city and fight for these benefits! Satan won't do these things! "

Ye Feng said to gulina, "then who is Satan you know?"

Gulina stares at Ye Feng and says, "he is the best agent of the FBI. He even saved the life of the federal president. He is a hero of eisf. But in addition, he is also a bohemian and cold-blooded man. He will not pity anyone around him, including his colleagues. It can be said that he is proud, lonely or even cold-blooded Of course, I'm not saying that it's bad for him to be cold-blooded and merciless. To be honest, although I don't know the FBI, I also know that to be a top secret agent, you must have these conditions, but you don't have these characteristics of him! "

Listening to gulina's words, Ye Feng sighed, "I didn't expect that I used to be such a person!" Then he immediately said, "yes, maybe I used to be such a person, but I can't rule out my mentality, because after something happened, it changed dramatically. People always change. "

He was also the mayor of Huck Bay appointed by the federal government, and Jock Emma was also a doctor of the Federal Research Institute, but so what? Is it that they have just entered their own posts when they come to this stage? They have changed their mentality bit by bit. They are like this. Naturally, I will be like this, and so will you! "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, gulina takes out a book from the drawer, opens one of the pages, and then takes out the photos inside.

Ye Feng took a look at the photo. It was a group photo of a man and a woman. The man looked cold, arrogant and heartless. He was himself before, and the girl beside him was full of adoration. It was the young version of gulina.Gulina then picked up the photo, looked at the photo for a long time, and then looked at Ye Feng. After two comparisons, she said, "you are really him!"

Ye Feng shrugged at gulina and said, "it's not as cool as before, but it's really me and I'm really him!"

Gulina immediately said, "then tell me, when did you and I take this picture, and under what circumstances?"

But Ye Feng sighed, "sorry, I really can't remember!"

Gulina immediately sneered, "don't you remember? Or you don't have this memory in your memory, because you are not Satan at all

Ye Feng explained to gulina, "I am indeed Satan, but because I have participated in the experiment of microcosm, although people are back, most of my memory is still the memory of microcosm. There are only some fragments in the memory of eisf, so it can be said that you are right, there is no such fragment in my memory!"

Gulina continued with a sneer. "I admit what you said is true. Your memory has really disappeared, but how do you know that I think you are very similar to Satan?"

Ye Feng shrugged at gulina and said, "the last time I came with Libo Zhihui and Victor, your eyes betrayed you. I think a familiar look can be seen by anyone who has a little heart. I know that I come from the micro universe. In the world of eisf, if I feel like a familiar person, I will be with you My identity in eisf is related to Satan. Does that need to be explained? "

Gulina stares at Ye Feng for a long time, and after listening to Ye Feng's explanation, she also thinks that Ye Feng's explanation is reasonable, and she really thinks so at that time.

But gulina still said to Ye Feng, "even if you explain the past, so what? Do you think you are Satan, a hero of Elsie, who came to tell me that if you want to betray Elsie, I should stand on your side without hesitation? Support you unconditionally? "

At this time, Shylock stares at the photo on the table, listens to gulina's words, and immediately says, "look at the picture, you worship Satan. If it's yours in the picture, I believe it's right, you will support Satan unconditionally!"

Gulina immediately said, "at that time, I was young and I didn't know the world. Now I have a completely different mentality from before."

But Shylock sneered, "it's totally different? I really can't see it. If it's really different from before, I don't think you will keep this photo till now, will you? "

Gulina smell speech face slightly move, but did not answer Shylock's words.

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "when no one is familiar with the world, it also proves what I said. People will change. You have changed yourself. Don't you allow Satan's mentality to change?"

Gulina said at this time, "I don't care whether you are Satan or not. Please forgive me for my helplessness in this matter. I can't rebel against the federal government. You've got the wrong person!"

Shylock just wanted to persuade gulina a few more words, but Ye Feng said first, "if so, of course, everyone has their own aspirations, no one can force anyone, then you can call someone to catch us!"

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