Gulina listen to Ye Feng so say, can't help frowning at Ye Feng way, "do you think I won't find someone to catch you?"

Ye Feng continued to stare at gulina and said, "if you really want to catch us, you won't listen to our nonsense. The first time you know our intention, you should find someone to catch us all. Why wait until now, and I want to remind you!"

Gulina did not speak, Ye Feng immediately added, "in other words, in your subconscious, the first reaction is not intended to catch us, and even in your first reaction, at least subconsciously, there may be a moment of identification with us!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng deliberately looked at gulina, and then slowed down, "I'm not wrong, am I?"

Gulina immediately snorted, "don't use your intuition in any place. Your intuition is not accurate at all, so you're wrong!"

With that, gulina immediately picked up the phone on the desk, then dialed a phone and said, "a team of soldiers, come to my office!"

Gulina immediately hung up the phone, then looked at Ye Feng and Shylock in front of her, sneered and said, "now do you still think I agree with you?"

Shylock can't help but take a nervous look at gulina, and then look at Ye Feng, want to say something, but see Ye Feng is still a smile, staring at gulina in front of him.

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders at this time and said, "if it is like this, I think it's wrong. I thought director gulina was a person with lofty ambition and ideals just like us. It seems that I think director gulina is superior to him!"

Said Ye Feng also did not forget to say sorry to Shylock, "mayor, I'm really sorry, woman heart needle, I guess wrong, now drag you into the water!"

Shylock reluctantly looked at Ye Feng and shrugged, "since I promised you, I expected that there would be such a risk, and that's also something I can't do!"

Gulina is still looking at Ye Feng, then sneer a way, "if it is Satan, he will not because of my refusal, in this bunch to die?"

Ye Feng looked at gulina and said, "the former Satan was the former Satan, and now I'm Ye Feng. You can think that Satan is my past style, and Ye Feng is my present style. Maybe Ye Feng doesn't care about the way Satan behaves in the past

Gulina fixed her eyes on Ye Feng for a long time, then said faintly, "if so, can I understand that Ye Feng is Ye Feng, and Satan is Satan, you two are not alone at all?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I care about your own understanding. If you have to understand it like this, I respect it. However, although I may be different from Satan now, Satan is my past, which can't be changed. I don't agree with everything done under the name of Satan, but I can't deny everything done under the name of Satan!"

Gulina then said with a faint smile, "I don't have the energy to discuss these almost philosophical issues with you!" After looking at the time, he continued to say to Ye Feng, "you can talk to the soldiers who are coming to catch you later. Maybe they will be interested!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "in terms of the speed of soldiers, it takes only ten minutes to get into the elevator from outside and get to director gulina's office, but so far your soldiers haven't come. What does that mean?"

Gulina frowned a little, Shylock also wondered, how gulina called soldiers to catch them, why did these soldiers not come?

At this time, Ye Feng leaned forward to look at gulina and said, "this shows a problem. Director gulina didn't dial out the phone just now. He just made an appearance in front of mayor Shylock and me!"

Shylock can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. Then she looks at gulina and says, "director gulina? Is that so? "

After several changes in gulina's face, she finally shrugged her shoulders and said, "yes, I didn't dial this phone, just to scare you!"

Shylock immediately said to gulina, "director gulina, why are you suffering? Scaring US doesn't change anything, does it? "

Ye Feng went on to Shylock's topic and said, "scaring us really can't change anything, but it can change director gulina's view on us!" Then he immediately looked at gulina and said, "am I right?"

Gulina snorted coldly, "of course, it's wrong. It's not that I changed my view. My view of you has not changed since the phone call before you came here. My intention is to see if you will forget your dreams and ideals because you are under pressure."

Ye Feng said with a smile to gulina, "if you say that..." Then he said to Shylock, "director gulina is testing us!"

Shylock immediately looked at gulina and said, "I see. So, director gulina, do you agree with us?"

Gulina said to Ye Feng, "since you have decided to do this, are you ready enough?"Ye Feng immediately said to gulina, "if everything is ready, we only owe director gulina the east wind. Now as long as the system defense bureau is on our side, then controlling the whole Huke Bay is not a problem!"

Gulina can't help but immediately say, "but you don't find a problem!"

Ye Feng then immediately classical swine fever Gu Li Na way, "what problem?"

Gulina frowned at Ye Feng and said, "just like you, dare you say everything is ready?"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, he immediately said, "although I am the director of the system defense Bureau, and the orientation work of our bureau is managed by the military, it does not mean that we are the military. This is the essential difference!"

Shylock looked at gulina puzzled and said, "what do you mean? Don't you have the same ability to dispatch soldiers of SDB? "

Gulina immediately said, "dispatch is one thing. After all, they want to protect the security of our SDB. Of course, they have to cooperate with our work to a certain extent! But remember, they just cooperate with our work! But what are you going to do? It's treason! Is this a job? Will they cooperate? "

Shylock's face suddenly moved after hearing this, and immediately looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng immediately asked gulina, "that is to say, this team superficially listens to you, but under special circumstances does it listen to the military?"

Gulina shrugged and said, "yes, that's what it means. So if you want to really control the SDB, the first thing you need to do is deal with this team!"

Ye Feng immediately asked gulina, "who is the captain?"

Gulina said immediately, "Felix!" Then he called up the virtual photo of Felix on the computer and put it in front of Ye Feng and Shylock to show them.

Shylock couldn't help but say, "that is to say, we have to deal with this guy named Philip?"

Ye Feng also stares at the picture of felik for a long time, and then says to gulina, "you ask him to come here now!"

Gulina could not help but move when she heard the words, "what? You want to kill him? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not a killer. I'm going to kill anyone! There are many gentle ways to solve this problem. You don't have to see blood to be useful! "

Gulina stared at Ye Feng for a moment, then immediately said, "I understand, you know him! I remember that this felik was born in the FBI before, but I don't know why he didn't pass the examination before joining the army! "

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "yes, I not only know him, but also served as his instructor for a year! He should be impressed with me, too! "

Gulina's face suddenly moved and said, "don't tell me that he didn't pass the examination in those years. It's you who washed him down!"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged at gulina and said, "I've begun to admire your intuition now. It's really more accurate than mine!"

Gulina can't help but immediately say, "if it's like this, then you can't persuade him at all!"

Ye Feng said to gulina, "I said, I have a gentle way. If I don't try, how can I know if it's ok? And I have absolute confidence that I can persuade him! "

Gulina can't help looking at Ye Feng suspiciously. Shylock is also curious. After all, it's Ye Feng who makes fun of Philip, and Philip turns to join the army.

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