Gulina listen to Ye Feng so say, heart after a while calculation, this toward Ye Feng said, "well, I'll give you about him, you alone in a room to meet, as for how you say how to do, you do it yourself!"

Ye Feng nodded and asked gulina to arrange it. After all, this matter has come to this stage now, which means that there is no turning back at all. We can only go straight ahead.

Fortunately, gulina finally stood on Ye Feng's side, and now it's just like filick. Of course, if you can, you have to step in. If you can't, you have to find a way to step in.

Gulina immediately made a phone call to felik, but didn't say anything in the phone. She just said that she had something to do with him and asked him to come over. Then she got up and arranged a separate reception hall for Ye Feng, which was on the side of gulina's office.

Before entering the door, Ye Feng says thank you to gulina. In fact, the two simple ones contain deep meaning. After all, if gulina refuses to obey, Ye Feng really has no real way to take her.

After all, to occupy the defense Bureau of the system is not just to occupy a place. Ye Feng's goal is to make the place operate as usual. He wants the ability of the Department, not a piece of land.

So if that's the case, once gulina doesn't agree, even if ye Feng kills gulina, it won't help. This is not a problem that violence can solve. Maybe Jock Emma didn't see it clearly, so there were two bombings.

As soon as Ye Feng sat in the reception hall, he heard gulina and a man's voice outside the door, but the sound insulation effect of the door was pretty good. He hardly heard what he was saying, but he could imagine the general content.

After a while, the door of the reception hall opened. A young officer, who looked like 27 or 78 years old, stood at the door. After looking at Ye Feng in surprise, he looked to gulina and said, "didn't you say that someone I knew was looking for me? I don't know him at all

Gulina didn't speak yet. Ye Feng immediately said to the door, "felik, how dare you say you don't know me?"

Filic can't help frowning when he hears the words. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he still hesitates. However, he has come in now, but his eyes have never left Ye Feng.

Gulina said this time, "you talk first!" Then he closed the door of the living room.

Philip looked back at the door, but still went to the opposite of Ye Feng, or looked at Ye Feng with surprise and said, "do you know me?"

Ye Feng shrugged and asked Philip to sit down. Then he said, "think about it again..."

Gulina sat back in the office at this time. Shylock sat opposite and asked gulina, "do you think he can persuade him?"

Gulina shrugged at Shylock and said, "I don't know, but if you were expelled by Satan, now Satan comes to you for help, will you help?"

When Shylock heard this, he immediately said, "is that enough? Of course not? Not only don't help, but also take revenge

Gulina immediately shrugged her shoulders and said to Shylock, "so! I don't think there's much hope, either! "

Shylock immediately said, "do you think they will fight in it?"

Gulina shrugged and said, "it's hard to say..."

Just then, the door of the office had been pushed open. Ye Feng came in from the outside, followed by Philip.

Gulina and Shylock could not help looking at the door. Gulina wanted to ask something, but they felt as if something was wrong.

At this time, Ye Feng came in with Philip, and then he looked at gulina and Shylock in surprise and said, "what are you staring at us? We've already talked about it! "

Shylock was surprised and said, "are you ready?" Then he looked at Philip and asked Ye Feng, "did he agree?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there is no reason not to agree!"

On hearing this, Shylock could not help but be stunned. Like him, there was gulina. She also looked at Ye Feng and said, "you've only talked for less than ten minutes!"

Ye Feng looked at gulina and said, "ten minutes is a long time, one third longer than I expected! Do you think everyone is the same as you, and you want me to explain, and you have a lot of tests? "

Gulina still couldn't believe it, so she said to the silent Felix, "Felix? Is that true? "

Felick shrugged and said, "of course it's true..."

Before Philip finished, gulina said, "do you know who he is? Did he disclose his identity to you? "

Philip immediately said, "of course, isn't he Satan?"

Gulina looked at Felix more incomprehensibly and said, "yes, he is Satan, but didn't you just join the army when he swept out the door?"

As soon as felik heard this, he immediately said, "Oh, you said that. The instructor of Satan really didn't pass my examination at that time!"Shylock immediately asked, "so shouldn't you hate him?"

But Philip was immediately surprised, "hate him? Why hate him? It's too late for me to thank him. If he didn't recommend the army to me, I don't know what it would be like now? When I failed to be a federal agent, it was a matter of my own ability. Later, after joining the army, I learned that military career was more suitable for me! "

Gulina and Shylock can't help but be stunned. They were just discussing whether Ye Feng can handle Felix. They were just about to make a bet. They didn't expect that Ye Feng can handle it so quickly. Besides, Felix didn't hate Ye Feng at all, and he was also looking forward to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said to gulina at this time, "now I've solved the last problem. Is there no problem?"

Gulina stares at Ye Feng, then immediately takes another look at Felix, and finally sighs, "Felix has already promised you, what else can I say?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded his head and said, "then this is the base for us to march towards the world of eisf!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng took a look at gulina, Shylock and felik. After taking a deep breath, he solemnly said, "I can still give you the last chance to choose. Once you choose, there will be no turning back. Maybe you will face more cruelty in the future than in Huke Bay. Are you sure?"

Felik was the first to say, "what the instructor says, what I listen to, I listen to the instructor! I'm quite sure! "

Shylock shrugged at this time and said, "I'm not only helping you, but also my dream that I can't realize for many years! I'm sure, too! "

Then Ye Feng, Shylock and felik all looked at gulina standing on one side. Gulina immediately said, "what are you three looking at me for?"

Shylock immediately reminded gulina, "brother felik and I have made a statement. It's your turn!"

Gulina said, "what's good to say? It's better to say than to do. I don't want to say some experiments, but..." Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "the only thing I want to say is, I'm sure!"

Shylock and felik can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then they also look at Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction, and at the same time, he said to the three humanitarians, "from today on, emancipating the whole eisf is the only thing we have to do in our life!"

Felik can't help but say, "free all of eisf?"

Shylock also said, "liberation? Emancipate the whole eisf

Gulina just said something in her heart. Then she looked at Ye Feng and said, "what's the name of our organization?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng frowned and said, "I haven't thought about the name yet!"

Gulina then said, "call it activism?"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "action faction?"

Gulina immediately nodded and said, "yes, it's better to act for all the impractical words. We want to do practical things instead of propaganda all day long. We are the action faction who want to actually do things..."

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately nodded with a smile and said, "OK, it's called the action group!"

Shylock and felik immediately nodded and said, "we don't have any problem, just call it the action group!"

Shylock put forward a line: "now there are fewer people to be called activists, and later there will be more people to be called action parties!"

Ye Feng said, "gulina is right. We are a practical team. As for the formal meaning of the name, it doesn't matter whether we change it or not. Don't worry about the difference between faction and party!"

Shylock suddenly nodded, gulina proposed to have a celebration, the action group was established.

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