Although the establishment of the action group indicates that there may be a whirlwind on Huck bay that will cause a rapid response from the whole island, at present, no one, except Ye Feng, will foresee that in the near future, there will be action groups all over the planet.

Ye Feng immediately asked felik to send someone to take over Dixie and jiestfei. After all, the temporary office is the site of the FBI branch led by Libo Zhihui. Jiestfei is not very suitable there. Now only the system defense bureau is their site.

Felik listen to Ye Feng's command, immediately with a team of people, began to go towards the direction of the town, to meet Dixie and jasterfeld them.

However, as soon as the front foot of felik left, gulina received the phone call. After listening to it, she looked at Ye Feng with a big change of face. Finally, she answered and hung up.

Ye Feng sees gulina's eyes are different, and his heart can't help but move. When he sees gulina's eyes looking at Shylock intentionally or unconsciously, he immediately knows that this phone call must have something to do with Shylock.

Ye Feng immediately makes a few winks at gulina, indicating that she should not tell Shylock at this time. What can make gulina's face change greatly must be related to Shylock's wife and children.

But gulina didn't notice Ye Feng's eyes. Instead, she looked at Shylock and said, "Shylock, I just received a phone call..."

Shylock looked at gulina in surprise and said, "what phone?" Said heart is also a move, immediately looking at gulina way, "is not rescued my wife and children?"

Gulina sighed at this time, "no, when the SDB people over there arrived, they found only the body..."

When Shylock heard this, her face suddenly changed. She felt as if she had been hollowed out. After a moment of rotation, she fell to the ground and fainted.

Ye Feng and gulina were surprised. Ye Feng went to pick up Shylock and let him lie on one side of the sofa. After giving him a pulse, he found that he just couldn't stand the stimulation, so he fainted.

At this time, Ye Feng said to gulina, "don't you see that I keep winking at you?"

Gulina shrugged her shoulders and said, "I didn't notice. I just didn't want to lie to him. Now I cheat him. Later he finds out, but it's not good!"

Ye Feng sighs. It's no use complaining about gulina now. Shylock doesn't know and already knows it. Now he can only deal with it according to the result Shylock knows.

Gulina this time saw a dizzy Shylock, it seems that he is not too direct, can not help but ask Ye Feng, "is he OK? Did I really do something wrong? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "he's OK. He just can't stand the stimulation and fainted. You didn't do anything wrong. You're right. If you don't keep it from him at this time, he may think we cheated him in the future!"

Gulina nodded, then sighed, "I didn't expect to go there a bit late. If I found out earlier, I might be saved!"

Ye Feng said to gulina, "now it's meaningless to say that. Now we have to think about how to persuade Shylock when he wakes up! It's up to you! "

Gulina was stunned, "I speak too straight, I'm afraid I can't speak well!"

Ye Feng looked at gulina and said, "even if you help me, you can make up for it."

Gulina nodded and said, "I'll have a try."

At this time, gulina's phone rings again. Gulina's face moves again when she gets on the phone. Then she says to Ye Feng, "felik says that after they go to the destination, there are no people there, and there are signs of fighting!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately a Lin, and gulina continue to listen to the phone, then face is greatly changed toward Ye Feng way, "not only that, now they also met the attack!"

Ye Feng must have said this, and his face suddenly moved. Then he went to take the phone in gulina's hand and asked Philip, "who attacked you, are you sure?"

As soon as he heard what happened on the phone, Ye Feng's voice immediately said, "drillmaster, when we found no one and were ready to withdraw, an aircraft was bombed, but we didn't find any trace of the other party. It's obvious that they were acting secretly!"

Ye Feng smell speech complexion is tiny to move again, immediately say, "person didn't hurt?"

Felik said immediately, "only one pilot was injured. Fortunately, he was found early. When he left the aircraft, he was stabbed, but it's not a big problem!"

Ye Feng immediately said to felik, "well, you come back first, and don't care about anything else. If you are attacked again on the road, don't fight back, come back first!"

Philip heard Ye Feng say so, immediately nodded, "yes, instructor!"

After hanging up the phone of felik, gulina immediately said to Ye Feng, "is it Jock Emma's person who attacked them?"

Ye Feng said, "under the situation of complete blockade of Huke Bay, how many people dare to fight the soldiers? Who else could they be? "Gulina can't help nodding, and then asked Ye Feng, "what about your friends?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I believe they can protect themselves. I'll contact them later to have a look..."

Just then, Shylock on the sofa whimpered and opened her eyes, but her mind immediately thought of what gulina had said before. She immediately sat up and looked at gulina and said, "what did you just say on the phone?"

Gulina was stunned and looked at Shylock, saying, "listen to me..."

Shylock's face suddenly sank, "what did you promise me before?" Said immediately also look to leaf Feng way, "you said, my wife and children will certainly be OK!"

Ye Feng apologized to Shylock and said, "I'm wrong about Libo Zhihui!"

Shylock didn't say anything, immediately came forward to give Ye Feng a punch, but Ye Feng didn't dodge, just ate the punch.

Gulina immediately stopped between Shylock and Ye Feng and comforted Shylock, "you've got the wrong person. You should hate jock and Emma. They took your wife and children, and their people killed your wife and children!"

On hearing this, Shylock immediately nodded, "yes, it's Jock Emma..." Then he turned around and ran out of the office.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately steps forward and looks at the back of Shylock's head. Shylock faints again. Ye Feng quickly helps Shylock to lie down on the sofa.

Gulina said to Ye Feng at this time, "to tell you the truth, I had a good impression of Jock Emma. I don't want him to kill women and children. It's worse than animals!"

But Ye Feng said to gulina, "although Shylock's wife and children are dead, it's a fact, but it may not be the meaning of Jock Emma himself!"

Gulina can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. "Don't you want to fight with him? You speak for him? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'm just talking about the matter! No one knows what's going on before this matter is investigated! Although you may not believe my intuition, my intuition tells me that it may not have something to do with Jock Emma! "

With that, Ye Feng didn't wait for gulina to finish. Then he looked at Shylock lying on one side and said to gulina, "now you still have to think about it. After Shylock wakes up again, he must go to find Jock Emma to get revenge!"

Gulina immediately said, "I can't do it. I'll buckle him up first and don't let him leave the SDB at will!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "look at his performance after he wakes up. If it's OK to listen to advice, if it's not, it's the worst way to do it!"

Ye Feng said to take out the mobile phone, want to give them a call, to see what the situation is over there, but after taking out the mobile phone, found that there is no electricity.

He immediately asked gulina to borrow the charger, charged the phone, and then turned on the phone. As soon as the phone was turned on, a lot of information popped up.

Ye Feng roughly looked at a lot of missed calls, while there are more than a dozen messages.

Ye Feng casually read a few messages, which were all sent by jesteffe and Zhuo wanqiu. They said that they were attacked by Libo Zhihui, and they had evacuated there and so on.

Ye Feng immediately picked up the phone and called jesterfield. After the phone rang several times, jesterfield got through.

Ye Feng immediately asked jesterfield, "what's the situation over there?"

But there was a man's voice on the phone, "Satan..."

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