Ye Feng heard the voice, immediately heart is a Lin, the man's voice, although not much to listen to, but Ye Feng can hear, this is the voice of Dante Emma back to love.

At this time, Dante Emma on the phone continued to say to Ye Feng, "I'm really sorry, but I have to show up as opposed to you. I feel helpless too!"

Ye Feng immediately said to the phone, "I knew it was the ghost behind you!"

Dante Emma giggled and said, "if you know, what can you do? But unfortunately, I thought we should be on the same front this time, but I didn't expect it to be the same in the end. It seems that no matter on the earth or in essf, this is the destiny between you and me, and no one can escape it!"

Ye Feng is toward Dante Emma angry way, "less pull these useless, what do you want?"

But Dante Emma said, "to tell you the truth, although we are old enemies, I always appreciate you. After all, the feeling between the strong may exist between you and me?"

But Ye Feng sneered, "the strong? You deserve it, too? "

Dante Emma still said with a smile, "it doesn't matter whether you are worthy or not. I can be your enemy several times in your life, and I still live to the present. From this point, you have to admit that I am a strong man!"

But before Ye Feng spoke, Dante Emma immediately said, "but it's meaningless to say that. Now you have only one choice, that is to die, because I know that it's useless to persuade you!"

Ye Feng immediately asked Dante Emma, "how is the owner of the phone now?"

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "I'm sorry, I was trying to cheat you that the owner of the phone was caught by me, but I don't care to use this method. The person you're looking for has escaped. The phone is left here, and I hear it ring!"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears what Dante Emma said. He doesn't know if what Dante Emma said is true. If they all run away, Dante Emma can really use this phone to deceive herself into saying that Jesse is in his hands and then coerce herself into doing something.

But Dante Emma did not do so, and also took the initiative to tell himself these situations, which is indeed a little unexpected.

Dante Emma still said with a smile, "are you surprised by what I'm doing? Wondering if what I said is true? That's right. I'm just trying to keep you guessing me! I also want to tell you that I'm not what I used to be. Our game has just started. I'm looking forward to it! Ha ha ha... "

After a burst of laughter, it was the busy sound after the phone was hung up. Ye Feng looked at the mobile phone in a puzzled way. Thinking about Dante Emma's last abnormal laughter, he could not help muttering, "is this guy crazy?"

Gulina asked Ye Feng, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it's OK. I met a madman!"

Gulina looked at Ye Feng puzzledly, and then asked Ye Feng, "haven't the people over there contacted you yet?"

Ye Feng immediately shakes his head, and then calls Dixie. After thinking about the phone for a long time, no one listens. Ye Feng immediately calls Zhuo wanqiu, and then he gets through.

Zhuo wanqiu's voice came from the phone, "brother Satan, how did you call back? We were attacked, you know?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I know now, where are you now?"

Zhuo wanqiu's voice suddenly changed. "I'll talk about it later. Someone's coming..." Then hang up.

Ye Feng can't help but look at the mobile phone in consternation, and then said to gulina, "the two phone calls just now, if you want to find out the location, it should not be difficult!"

Gulina shrugged and said, "Shylock's wife, they are not in Huke Bay. They can all be found out, let alone on Huke bay island. It's a piece of cake!"

With that, gulina went to operate the phone and began to check the signal source just now.

At this time, the phone on gulina's desk rang. Gulina connected the phone while operating the computer. After listening to the voice on the phone, she nodded and said, "come here first!"

After hanging up the phone, gulina continued to operate the computer, and said to Ye Feng, "filick is back!"

Ye Feng nodded, and at this time, Shylock on the sofa woke up again. After looking at Ye Feng and gulina, she burst into tears.

Ye Feng and gulina are all silenced by Shylock's cry. Unexpectedly, Shylock starts to cry. The voice is very sad and infectious.

Ye Feng motioned gulina to continue to check the phone, he did not go to comfort Shylock, such a big thing happened, Ye Feng knew that Shylock needed a way to vent at this time.

When felik knocked at the door and came in, he saw Shylock lying on the sofa wailing. He couldn't help but have a look in amazement. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "what's the matter with him?"

Ye Feng said nothing, and then asked Philip, "what's the situation outside now?"Felik said to Ye Feng, "it's not clear yet, but there seems to be a lot of people on the other side. When we withdraw, we can see that many streets have been blocked by their people. Now there are few people on the streets of Huke Bay. It seems that the ban has been tightened!"

Ye Feng can't help whispering that the uncle and nephew of Jock Emma and Dante Emma have some skills. They have organized so many people secretly.

At this time Shylock also stopped crying, stood up and said in a loud voice, "I want revenge!"

Ye Feng took a look at Shylock and said, "of course, revenge!"

Shylock came quickly, reached out to Philip and said, "give me a gun!"

Felik looks at Shylock puzzled. He doesn't know what happened. Then he looks at Ye Feng and asks for his advice.

Ye Feng stands in the way between felik and Shylock. Looking at Shylock, he says, "I can give you a gun and let you go to seek revenge for Jock Emma. But before that, you have to think clearly that you have not received any professional training. Even if I give you a gun, you may be caught by Jock Emma's people as soon as you leave here. At that time, you can't kill Jock Emma Ma took revenge and probably took himself in! "

Shylock immediately said to Yefeng, "I know I'm not their opponent, but My wife and child are dead. Do you want me to think nothing happened? "

Felik understood why Shylock was crying so miserably just now. It turned out that his wife and child had died.

Ye Feng said to Shylock, "of course, you can't take it as if nothing has happened, but you can't stop it from happening. You have to keep it in mind. Revenge is not the courage of a man who tries to be brave for a while, but the courage and resourcefulness!"

Shylock heard Ye Feng say so, can't help but take a deep breath of the airway, "then what do you want me to do?"

Ye Feng reached out and patted Shylock on the shoulders and said, "be calm. Even if you kill Jock Emma now, your wife and children will not be able to revive! Your wife and children can be said to be your most precious things, so it's useless for you to kill Jock Emma. You have to find a way to take away his most precious things before you can get rid of your hatred! "

When Shylock heard what Ye Feng said, his eyes suddenly began to have a spirit. He immediately asked Ye Feng, "what is his most precious thing?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders to Shylock and said, "of course, those he believes in. The more you believe in those, the more you want to do them, the more you have to try to stop them, or even destroy them, so that Jock Emma has nothing. This is your best revenge action!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, charlotten pondered and stared at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he nodded solemnly and said to Ye Feng, "I understand. I'll do nothing for the rest of my life. I'll just do one thing, which is to deal with Jock Emma!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "if so, you are wrong again!"

Shylock can't help but frown and say, "it's not what you said. How can I be wrong to destroy everything he has?"

Ye Feng said to Shylock, "revenge can't be all you have. If your wife is still alive, will she want to see you like this? You can't let go of your hatred, but don't forget that there is an agreement between you and your wife to change the fate of the poor people in the city

Shylock was stunned when she heard what Ye Feng said. Yes, she was dazed by hatred just now. After listening to Ye Feng's reminder, Shylock remembered that there was such an agreement between herself and her wife.

Thinking of this, Shylock's tears came down again, and finally squatted on the ground and began to cry again. However, this time, he did not cry, just kept tears silently, thinking about the agreement with his wife, and he must complete the agreement, so that his wife can rest in peace.

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