At this time, gulina stood up and said to Ye Feng, "we have found the location!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng immediately went over and looked at the display of the computer. Then he whispered to gulina, "Shylock, just watch it. Don't let you leave here!"

Gulina takes a look at Shylock. She understands what Ye Feng means to prevent Shylock from going out to take revenge on them.

But gulina immediately realized something, immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you going to save people?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "this little thing is no problem. The big problem is that you must not let something happen here!"

With that, Ye Feng turned and left. Gulina didn't say what she wanted to say. She just said to be careful. On one side, felik said to Ye Feng, "instructor, I'll go with you. Maybe I can help you?"

Ye Feng side head looked at a flick, and then a thought is also, more people more than a helper, thinking then nodded, agreed to flick with him.

Filick also gives Ye Feng a laser gun for self-defense. They leave gulina's office together.

When he got to the ground, he wanted to drive the aircraft, but Ye Feng grabbed him and said, "now, except for these vehicles flying in the sky, there are no vehicles on the ground?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, felik immediately nods and says yes. Then he takes Ye Feng to a garage on one side, where there are several vehicles that look like motorcycles.

But different from motorcycles, these motorcycles have no wheels, and there is a magnetic levitation board under them. Felik said, "it also needs to float in the air, but the height is not very high. In principle, it belongs to the ground vehicle!"

Ye Feng nodded and immediately sat on a magnetic levitation motorcycle. As soon as it started, the motorcycle that had originally stopped on the ground began to float, but it was less than half a meter away from the ground.

Felik also stepped on a plane, threw a helmet to Ye Feng, and put one on himself. Then he said to Ye Feng, "let's go?"

After Ye Feng put on the helmet, he nodded and closed the windshield in front of the helmet. As soon as he turned the accelerator, the maglev immediately rushed out of the garage and jumped out.

There is no friction between wheel and ground. In principle, the speed of this kind of Maglev motorcycle is unlimited, but after all, it still has to carry people on it. People's recognition ability is the standard of speed limit.

In addition, there is a huge screen in front of the posture bar of the maglev motorcycle, which also has the option of automatic driving. As long as you press it, the motorcycle will instantly switch to the mode of automatic driving.

Ye Feng takes the opportunity to input the address that gulina told him before from the screen, and then press the autopilot again. After that, the maglev immediately starts to run according to the route set by Ye Feng.

However, although the maglev motorcycle can drive automatically, it is essentially different from the auto driving car. The car can fasten the seat belt to ensure its own safety. However, even if the maglev motorcycle is self driving, its hands should firmly grasp the handlebars.

Ye Feng has the impression that he should have a maglev when he was in eisf, so he can't start it so fast. From the moment he sits on it, it seems that all the functions of the maglev are completely in his mind.

Looking at the trees on both sides of the road whizzing like arrows, Ye Feng looked at the navigation map again and knew that it was not far from the target. Then he began to slow down and stopped in the periphery of hukewan town.

Felik has been following Ye Feng. Seeing Ye Feng stop and get off, he immediately stops his motorcycle and asks Ye Feng, "do you want to go to the city on foot?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's why I don't want the aircraft. The goal is too big. Our goal is not to be found!"

Felik immediately took off his helmet and put it on the handle of the car. Then he took out his laser gun and held it in his hand. He followed Ye Feng down an alley and headed for the inside of hukewan town.

However, there are some private houses here, some of which have even been abandoned. There are no people shuttling through the alley, and no one has noticed.

Ye Feng took out his mobile phone and looked at the navigation map. When he saw that the target on the map was not too far away from here, he immediately began to move on with Philip.

But when Ye Feng came to a door and looked at the position on the navigation map, he couldn't help but move. Isn't this the yard with no sleeves?

Ye Feng eyebrows can't help but a wrinkle, difficult not into Jester fee, they are all cabin shadow sleeve less yard?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng still knocked on the door in the past, and at the same time, he turned back to let felick put away his laser pistol.

Felik just put away the pistol, the door opened, or last time for Ye Feng to open the door, but don't help Ye Feng find the man who has no sleeve.

When he saw that it was Ye Feng, his face suddenly moved. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's you again?"

Ye Feng shrugged at the man and then called Philip into the door. When he got to the yard, Ye Feng immediately asked the man, "where's your master?"The man immediately said, "I don't know. I'm not at home this time, and I haven't been told where I've been!" Said he also looked at an upstairs, toward Ye Feng way, "don't believe words, you go up to have a look!"

Ye Feng looked up at the window upstairs and knew that the man probably didn't speak. The shadow of the moon without sleeves was not here.

Ye Feng then took out his mobile phone to take a look at the navigation map, found that the map is marked here, there will be no mistake.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately asked the humanitarian, "it's ok if your master is not here. I'm here to find you!"

That person smell speech facial expression to move a way, "seek me?"? What can I do for you? "

Ye Feng immediately asked, "is there any place like dark Pavilion passage?"

The man said, "no! There's only one back door... "

Ye Feng frowned and looked at the humanitarian, "so now in addition to you, who else is there?"

The man said blankly, "there is no one but me..." He said, looking at Ye Feng and glancing at felik again, "and the two of you!"

Ye Feng then made a look at Felix, and immediately went to the humane place. "It seems that you will not teach you a lesson. You will not tell the truth!"

As soon as Ye Feng's voice fell, felik immediately raised his gun against the man's skull.

That person's face color suddenly changes greatly, connect voice way, "really have no other person, don't believe you can search!"

Ye Feng let filick continue to control the man, he went into the room to have a simple look, there is no other look.

After waiting for Ye Feng to return to the yard, that person immediately toward Ye Feng way, "search to have no, I said, here is only me!"

Ye Feng is cold hum a way, "we lock the telephone signal is like this, can't make a mistake!"

When the man heard this, his face immediately moved and said, "locked phone signal?" He immediately reached into his pocket.

Seeing this, felik immediately put on his pistol and said, "what are you doing?"

But the man even said, "don't get me wrong, I'm not holding a gun, I'm holding a phone, the phone I just picked up..."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, immediately signal that person take out the telephone.

After the man took out a mobile phone, he said, "not long ago, I heard someone knocking on the door. When I came out to open the door, I found that there was no one outside, but there was such a phone on the ground, so I picked it up!"

Ye Feng took the cell phone, then took out his cell phone, to Zhuo wanqiu's phone dial in the past, immediately the other cell phone rang up.

Ye Feng's face suddenly moved, staring at the mobile phone in his hand, then hung up the phone and immediately asked the humanitarian, "when you go out, you really don't see anything?"

The man shook his head and said, "I really didn't see anything, but it seemed that I heard a sound of footwork. It didn't sound like a person. I ran to the other side of the alley. Then I heard the sound of hasty footsteps coming from the other side of the alley. I rushed into the yard and closed the door."

Ye Feng remembers that before Zhuo wanqiu said that someone had come, and then hung up. Maybe when she called her, they had just come here and heard someone chasing them, so they hung up in a hurry. In the process of escape, the phone fell outside the door.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately asked the humanitarian, "before your master left, he didn't tell you anything?"

The man shook his head and said, "don't say anything. I don't know when she left!"

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