Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words. What happened to the moon shadow without sleeves? That's why I left here in a hurry, so I didn't say a word?

Thinking of Ye Feng motioned to Philip to put down his pistol, and then said to the man, "I'll leave you a number. After your master comes back, you let her contact me!"

After leaving his phone number, he immediately took Zhuo wanqiu's mobile phone and Felix out of the door, and asked the man at the door which direction Zhuo wanqiu was running towards.

After the man pointed to a direction, Ye Feng nodded his thanks and immediately left the gate of the yard with Philip, running in the direction that the man pointed to.

At the same time, Ye Feng also took out his mobile phone and began to dial Scarlett's mobile phone. As soon as the phone was connected, Ye Feng saw that a group of people not far ahead seemed to find them and were walking towards them.

Ye Feng immediately turned to another alley and said to Scarlett on the phone, "send a location. I'm near you!"

And the people behind have begun to speed up towards Ye Feng and Felix to catch up, Ye Feng said nothing more, directly hung up the phone, at the same time remind Felix to be careful.

Ye Feng and felik continue to run in the alley, while Ye Feng is still holding a mobile phone, waiting for Scarlett to locate.

At this time, felik ran and asked Ye Feng, "those guys don't seem to be opponents. Why do we run?"

Ye Feng said to Philip, "the purpose of our coming here is to save people, not to make trouble. After saving people, you can deal with these guys whatever you want!"

Felik snorted and looked back at the people who were closely behind them. He pinched the butt of the laser pistol in his hand and said in his heart that if ye Feng hadn't stopped them, they would have been killed.

At this time, Scarlett's mobile phone sent a positioning, Ye Feng looked at it, just in the front of the direction he ran to, he carefully looked at the map, immediately put away the mobile phone, and said to Felix, "solve the back several people!"

Felik a listen to this, can't help a surprised, just leaf maple don't let oneself do, this will let oneself solve the person behind?

But for felik, Ye Feng's words were orders. After a little hesitation, he immediately nodded, drew his gun, stood in the same place, quickly pulled the trigger and fired the machine gun.

The person who was still chasing Ye Feng and feilik immediately fell to the ground, and the person behind immediately dodged to find a shelter.

And filick has been staring at that side and shooting continuously. The walls of some houses have been knocked off by filick's laser gun. He just put away his gun and kept up with Ye Feng.

See Ye Feng and looked at the mobile phone, felik will understand Ye Feng's meaning, they are going to find the rescue people, can't take these guys to the past.

Soon Ye Feng came to one side of the wall of a house and looked at his mobile phone. After confirming that it was this, he immediately jumped over and went in directly from the wall.

Seeing this, felik immediately followed Ye Feng and turned over from the wall. After jumping in, he saw that Ye Feng had gone towards the house, and he immediately followed him.

When Ye Feng came into the room and saw that there was no one in the lobby, he immediately took out his mobile phone and called Scarlett. At this time, Philip heard the voice of the phone coming from the yard.

Ye Feng also heard, immediately left the lobby, went to the yard, followed the sound, and went to the corner. At this time, he reached for the corner and found that it was a valve.

At the same time, Scarlett's voice rang on the phone, and Ye Feng immediately asked, "where are you hiding? I have arrived! Is it the dark Pavilion in the corner

Scarlett immediately said that Ye Feng immediately opened the door of the dark Pavilion and asked Philip to go in with her. This is a narrow tunnel that can only be passed by one person.

When Felix enters, Ye Feng signals Felix to close the door behind him, and the tunnel is suddenly in darkness. Ye Feng immediately turns on the flashlight with his mobile phone and goes on ahead.

Soon the tunnel in front of him became spacious. Ye Feng noticed that there were several people standing inside. They were jasterfeld, Scarlett, Dixie and Zhuo wanqiu.

But at the same time, there was one more person. Ye Feng fixed his eyes and frowned, "how can you be here?"

The man shrugged his shoulders and said, "why can't I be here?"

Jesteffe immediately came and explained, "she's the one who took us to hide here!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look to that humanity, "so say, you that guard don't know when you leave, you actually go out to help them?"

This person is the shadow of the moon without sleeves, listen to Ye Feng said, immediately nodded, "I was on the second floor, see someone chasing your friend, of course can't stand by!"

Zhuo wanqiu came over at this time and said, "brother Satan, I lost my cell phone. Originally I wanted to call you back..."

Ye Feng immediately took out Zhuo wanqiu's mobile phone and gave it back to Zhuo wanqiu. Then he asked jester, "did you lose your mobile phone?"Jesteffe shrugged. "Of course, they went to surround the house all of a sudden, and we left in a hurry, so for a moment, we probably fell on the spot!" Say to see to leaf Feng way, "you also found my mobile phone?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, I didn't go back, but I called you and got through!"

On hearing this, jesterfield couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "are you still connected? Is anyone impersonating me? "

Ye Feng immediately said no, and then said, "it's our old acquaintance, Dante Emma, who answers the phone!"

When people heard the name, they could not help but feel awed. The cat faced man said angrily, "this guy is really Haunted!"

Gu zhaohuichi and Joanna, who were hiding in the corner, were also moved. Joanna immediately said to Ye Feng, "Dante Emma? She called you brother Satan? What's going on? "

Ye Feng is too lazy to explain to Joanna. Recently, he has explained to many people whether he is Satan or not.

Gu Zhaohui immediately said to Joanna, "don't ask, let's leave here!"

But Joanna said immediately, "the man named Jock Emma dare to rebel. If I can get in touch with longarsenic castle, the army will come down every minute and take Huke bay!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at Joanna when he hears the speech. At this time, he says to jestefeld and Dixie, "this time, if there's no accident, it's him again!"

After taking a deep breath, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "if you want to kill me again this time, I will never ask for half a word of love!"

Ye Feng takes a look at Dixie. He knows that Dixie is sorry for pleading for Dante Emma when he was on the spaceship. If he had killed Dante Emma directly at that time, instead of just banishing his consciousness, maybe it would not be like this now.

However, Ye Feng still comforted Dixie and said, "you don't have to blame yourself too much. Since consciousness can last forever, even if we killed him at that time, we can't destroy his consciousness. Maybe the result doesn't make much difference!"

Although she knows that Ye Feng is just comforting herself, now she can only think so to seek a self consolation. However, she is thinking that if one day, she must solve the problem of Dante Emma herself.

And Ye Feng then looked around a circle, toward the shadow of the moon sleeveless way, "hiding here is not the way, we have to leave here again!"

The moon shadow without sleeves said to Ye Feng, "now the town of Huke Bay has been completely occupied by their people. As long as you go out, you will meet them!"

The cat face man immediately said, "it's better than hiding in the rat hole. The big deal is to do something. What are you afraid of?"

Ye Feng then said, "what she said is right, we can't meet each other at the moment!"

The cat faced man said, "why? Do you want us to be turtles

Ye Feng said to the cat, "do you know how many of them are there? How much firepower is there? Their distribution? "

The cat faced man shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. Then he said," what does it matter? "

Ye Feng said to the cat, "it's very relevant. What we are going to face next is a long-term war for Huck Bay. We can't care about the temporary gains and losses. We must have a long-term plan!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately said, "we don't even know who the other party is. We have to be aware of all these, so we have to bear it for a while, but it won't be too long! Don't worry about that! "

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