Yueying Wuxiu didn't speak all the time. At this time, she said to Yefeng, "now Huke Bay is in chaos, and the mayor doesn't know where to go, so I've decided to join you for the time being!" Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "I don't know if you are welcome?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, welcome!" With that, Ye Feng immediately went to court again, "by the way, I forgot to tell you a good news. Our new organization was just established half an hour ago!"

The cat face person a listen to this words, complexion can't help looking at leaf maple way, "half an hour ago? I thought it had been set up since we came to eisf! "

Jesteffe then asked Ye Feng, "what new organization? Is it about us? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "of course, all the people present are included in me! In fact, to put it bluntly, we have a tacit understanding of the organization for a long time, but the name has not yet been decided. Half an hour ago, the name was decided! "

Everyone can't help but ask what Ye Feng's name is. Ye Feng says to Philip, "Philip, tell them, what's the name of our organization?"

After hearing this, felik said to the public, "the action group!"

Hearing the words, everyone was shocked, and then they all recited the name of the activist, while Ye Feng said to the public, "it doesn't matter what the name is, but since our organization has a name, from now on, we will have centripetal force, to improve our organization and strengthen our organization!"

The shadow of the moon murmured at this time, "activist? You have to do something! "

Gu Zhaohui gets up and says to Ye Feng, "master, can I join in?"

Joanna could not help frowning at Gu Zhaohui and said, "what do you call him? Master

Gu Zhaohui was stunned when he heard the speech, and then explained to Joanna, "Joanna, listen to me, it's actually like this..."

At this time, Ye Feng stepped forward and said, "there is one more thing I want to announce at this time. I don't think it's necessary for me to hide my identity in eisf. From now on, I'm both Ye Feng and Satan. I can't deny it and I can't get rid of it. So Ye Feng and Satan are both me!"

The moon shadow has no sleeves, and her face moves slightly. Although she has known that Ye Feng is Satan for a long time, she is still curious to hear Ye Feng admit that he is Satan in front of so many people.

Joanna looked at Ye Feng, and muttered, "you are Satan..." He kept saying, "it's impossible. I've seen Satan. He's not like this!"

Gu zhaohuichi was still thinking about how to explain to Joanna, but Ye Feng announced it himself. At this time, he sighed slightly. It's good to say that in secret, and he doesn't have to worry about saying something wrong.

He listened to what Joanna was saying, and immediately said to Joanna, "he's Satan. He can't be wrong!"

Joanna can't help staring at Gu Zhaohui and said, "you already know?"

Gu zhaohuichi quickly explained, "in fact, it's just a little earlier than you. It's Shifu who won't let me expose his identity. Now that he's exposed himself, I'm relaxed!"

Jesterfield said to Ye Feng at this time, "have you admitted your identity as Satan in public? Yes? Is your memory fully restored? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it has nothing to do with memory. As long as I still have some memory, I know who I am and what I want to do, it's OK. There's no need to tangle with others. Let it go!"

Then Ye Feng lowered his voice and said to jesterfield, "as you and I all know, Satan is a symbol and an influential symbol on the planet of essf. Many people worship Satan and pursue Satan. This name is far more effective than the three words of action school. If we don't do free advertising, where can we start our name of action school?"

Jester fee can't help but be surprised when she hears Ye Feng's words. She still thinks why Ye Feng wants to announce her identity. She still ponders several reasons in her heart. Unexpectedly, Ye Feng's idea is so pure and direct, just to advertise and attract more people.

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "you can make use of your previous name as a banner, but not all your admirers and admirers, but also your enemies and enemies. Once you disclose your identity, you can naturally enjoy the honor and benefits brought by this name, but there must be pursuit and hatred."

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you can't get all the benefits in the world. Now that you get the benefits, you have to accept the negative disadvantages. This is fair. As long as our activists grow up, I'm not afraid that those who want to kill me will come to me. On the contrary, I'm afraid they won't come!"

At this time, the moon shadow said to Ye Feng, "there are also those romantic debts you used to leave under the name of Satan. I'm afraid that if you make it public, I don't know how many women are rushing to Huck bay!"

Ye Feng can't help laughing, "the women's army is also useful, as long as you can join us, no matter who he is, we can accept it!"Everyone knows that Ye Feng is forced to change his concept, and he doesn't want to mention the romantic past, so he can't help laughing.

But at this time, Joanna suddenly said, "what kind of activist? You're in rebellion, you know? As soon as we get wind from longarsene castle and send an army over, the island like Huck Bay will be gone in an instant! "

Jesteffe said to Joanna, "there are more than thousands of organizations on the continent of eisf? But what you said is true. Generally, these private organizations are anti federal government organizations. The federal government has been cracking down on so many people every year, but they have not disappeared in an instant! "

As soon as Joanna heard this, her face moved and she looked at jesteffe.

Ye Feng also said to Joanna at this time, "Joanna, you are the daughter of the federal president. It is reasonable for you to defend your father, so no one will blame you. But what happened in the industry of abandoned city? I believe you will never forget it in your life. Please think more about it for them. Your father at least has you to defend him. Who will defend their life ?”

Joanna immediately said to Ye Feng, "if there is a problem with the system, we will reform the system. If there is a problem with the officials, we will punish the officials. Although I can still remember the scenes of abandoning the city, I still believe that the federal government is good on the whole and wants to actively do something for them!"

Ye Feng sighed, "a tree is swallowed by termites, even if it still remains the same, but it is rotten wood. The reason why it still remains the same is that it has not experienced a storm. As long as the storm comes, it will destroy Gula immediately. This kind of tree has no medicine to save. Even if its roots are not rotten, it can't go back to the sky. The only way is to protect it Change a tree, a new tree full of vitality

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Joanna suddenly a burst of silence, for a moment don't know what to do, then brain read a way, "do you remember? My father and I both received you. At that time, you were respected as a federal hero. It was my father who personally presented you with the trophy! "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "your father must be a good father, or he may really want to do something for the Federation. But he may be a problem of ability, or maybe it's due to other reasons. However, the reality is that Mrs. ace's mind has changed. Your father is really not a competent president. You can't change anything else That's the truth

What else did Joanna want to say? Ye Feng immediately said, "but you can rest assured that we are against the system of the federal government, not against your father. If possible, we hope not to hurt your father!"

On hearing this, Joanna immediately asked Ye Feng, "can you promise not to hurt my father?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "this guarantee has no practical significance. Many times, the development of things will be dominated by the specific events in the situation as time goes on, which is not controlled by human power! So I can't give you any promise! "

Joanna's face could not help but move again. At this time, jesteffe immediately said to Joanna, "but have you ever thought of a question: no one can control your father's final ending here, and the only one who can control your father's fate is you!"

Joanna can't help looking at jesterfield in surprise and said, "me?"

Jestfeld nodded for sure and said, "yes, it's you, it's just you!"

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