Joanna did not understand the meaning on her face. She looked at jesteffe in a dazed way. Jesteffe shrugged and said, "my words are so obvious. You can't hear what I mean. I don't know what to say!"

Ye Feng patiently said to Joanna, "you may not be very clear about the overall situation of eisf now. Let me tell you this. The people who are chasing us everywhere are also against the federal government. In addition, the geek pioneers, the opposition of the federal government, and countless organizations against the federal government, that is to say, if there is no us, your father will want us In the face of all this, there are so many people in a government who are against it. Do you ask yourself a question? "

Speaking of this, without waiting for Joanna to speak, he immediately continued to say to Joanna, "there is not only a problem, but also a big problem. In other words, you may not like to hear what is said. That is to say, such a government is bound to collapse, just to see who is in charge of it in the end! Now you know us. That's why we heard your defense to your father. But what about other organizations? Will they hear your excuse when they go to lonarsenic castle? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "she said that your father's fate is in your hands. It's absolutely right. Her words didn't point out directly, so you may not understand it. So I'll point out and tell you. That is to say, if you want your father to have a good death, you'd better join us. As long as you are our action oriented people, if we can finally If you had made enough contribution to the activists at that time, I believe that if you want to protect your father, no one would gossip. "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Joanna immediately understands Ye Feng's meaning. Although she knows that Ye Feng's words have some truth, she has to oppose her father by herself. No matter from the perspective of ethics or emotion, Joanna feels that she can't do it.

Ye Feng also saw Joanna's tangled mentality, immediately said, "of course, this is just our advice to you, as for how you choose, or you do it yourself."

Jesteffe also said to Joanna at this time, "yes, since Satan has spoken so plainly to you, I'll let it go."

Then jesteffe immediately continued to say to Joanna, "first of all, what I want to say is that you have no choice now. You can either join us or go back to longarsenburg to help your father. However, you should also have a rough idea of how many people are against your father's regime in the mainland of aesf. This regime is bound to perish, which is a historical necessity, No one can escape. It's useless if you want to hide, so you can only choose to participate. However, as for the side of the wheel of history, or the side that will be run over by the wheel of history, you should consider it carefully. What I want to say is that if you join us, you still have room for choice and maneuver, but if you join your father's side, then it's useless There's no room for it! Do you understand what I say? "

Joanna pondered for a while. Gu Zhaohui on one side could not help persuading Joanna, "what they said is very reasonable. Joanna, if you join them, you can also help your father. If you are someone else, you may not have this opportunity!"

Listening to Gu Zhaohui's words, Joanna couldn't help looking up at him and said, "you're going to join them, aren't you?"

Gu Zhaohui was stunned and said, "well, I'm my master's Apprentice. Of course, I have to be with him."

Said immediately began to persuade Joanna way, "Joanna, before we went to that waste City, you also see, those people live what life?"? But what kind of education do we receive in lonarsene castle? If we don't come here, we probably won't believe that there are such places in the world, and there are many such places. We have to do something. Don't you be moved by them? "

After pondering for a long time, Joanna said, "I can join you, but you must promise me a condition!"

Jesteffe immediately said, "we can promise not to kill your father, but to put your father at your disposal."

Ye Feng also nodded, "well, in addition, we can't give you any commitment. After all, our organization has just started, and we can't be sure of many things ourselves!"

As soon as Joanna heard this, she immediately went to Yefeng and jesterfield, and then solemnly said, "as long as you don't kill my father, I can join you!"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged to Joanna, then stretched out his hand to her and said, "welcome to join us!"

Joanna immediately took Ye Feng's hand and said in a deep voice, "but if you break your promise, I will die with you even if I die!"

Gu Zhaohui said to Joanna immediately, "my master's words are absolutely true. If my master breaks his promise, I'll help you find him!"

At this time, the moon shadow said, "you'd better think about how to leave here. The backbone of the action group is here. Don't just set up, it's ridiculous to be given a pot here."

Ye Feng can't help laughing when he hears this. Yes, almost everyone of the action group is here now. If Dante Emma finds out, it's really fun.Thinking of Ye Feng, he said to Yueying, "Huke Bay, you are familiar with it. Since you can take them here to escape, you must have a way to take them away?"

Yueying shrugged her shoulders and said, "don't bring me a high hat. I just thought there was a dark Pavilion here. I didn't think so much about it, so I came first. As for how to leave, I really didn't think about it!"

The cat face man immediately said, "shall I go out and find out what's going on?"

Ye Feng said at this time, "the sentence of moon shadow without sleeves awakens me. Yes, all the members here are the backbone of our action group. We have to ensure that everyone can leave here without a bad mistake."

At this time, felik walked up to Ye Feng and said, "I can contact my brothers and let them come to meet us!"

But Ye Feng immediately said, "absolutely not. Libo Zhihui's goal is to have a system defense Bureau. If you transfer the soldiers away, there will be a void defense. When the time comes, they will be given a chance to take advantage of it, and the gain is not worth the loss."

The cat face man immediately said, "then kill them directly and fight with them. Who is afraid of whom?"

Moon shadow said at this time, "if you still believe me, I know a secret way to get out of Huck bay town!"

Ye Feng smell speech brow can't help but a wrinkle to see to the moon shadow no sleeve way, "you say is your boudoir?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech to immediately smile a way, "seem you to my boudoir know really many?" Then he immediately said, "yes, in my boudoir, there is a secret road leading to the outside of Huck bay town! But we have to get out of here and go back to me first! "

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "it's best if we don't have a direct conflict, but we have a large number of people here and it's too easy to attract other people's attention. In this way, we will go out in batches and gather in the room with the shadow of the moon and no sleeves!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately assigned the people here, Ye Feng and Jester fee, as well as Zhuo wanqiu and Monica.

Then he asked felik to join Scarlett, cat face man, ugly face man and tree face man, but there was a cat face man who was uneasy. Ye Feng once again stressed to them that he would not have a direct conflict with each other.

At last, Yueying Wuxiu, Joanna, Dixie and Gu zhaohuichi are divided into three groups and act separately.

Yueying Wuxiu and Dixie are on the first move. Ten minutes later, Felix's second group is on the second move, while Yefeng is on the back of the hall.

Ten minutes after they left, they just left. Ye Feng emphasized to the cat face again, "don't make trouble!"

"The cat face man said immediately," I know. Do you mind if I'm such a troublemaker Then he left without looking back.

Jesteffe then said to the cat faced man, "pay more attention to safety!"

Cat face man listened to jesteffe and said to himself. After looking back at jesteffe, he nodded and said he knew. He immediately turned around and left.

After another ten minutes or so, Ye Feng said to them, "let's go!"

Four people immediately went out of the dark Pavilion. When they came out, they found that the sky had begun to dim, and the long day was finally over.

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