1402 insurance

I don't know what the reason is. Generally, the street lights in the whole city of Huke Bay should be on at this time, but today none of the lights on the road are on, and even the lights in some buildings are scattered, which makes the whole street look more dim.

When Ye Feng and others came out, they walked all the way along the alley, but they didn't meet anyone. However, Ye Feng always felt that something was not right. When they arrived at the gate of the courtyard with the shadow of the moon, they didn't meet anyone. They felt that it was too smooth.

Ye Feng knocks at the door, and the door opens quickly. After entering, he finds that felik and cat face are all there, but Yueying Wuxiu and the second group of Joanna, Dixie and Gu zhaohuichi don't come back.

According to reason, Yueying sleeveless is the second group after Felix, and this is Yueying's sleeveless house. She is more familiar with the route of coming back than anyone else. Even if she doesn't catch up with Felix and they come back first, she will definitely have been there for a long time before Ye Feng and they come, but the result is that Ye Feng in the back of the palace and all the people in the third group have arrived, but they don't come back First set out for ten minutes of the shadow of the moon sleeveless, their second group has not yet arrived.

Ye Feng felt that it was a bit strange. Jasfield said to Ye Feng, "this moon shadow has no sleeves. Do you trust her so much?"

Ye Feng frowned at jesterfield and said, "what do you mean?"

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "I'm not very familiar with her. Everything is just my guess. Think about it. Who is in her group? Joanna and Gu zhaohuichi... "

Ye Feng listened to what Jester fee said, and immediately looked at Jester fee and said, "do you mean that the shadow of the moon has taken away Joanna and Gu zhaohuichi?"

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just guess. After all, everyone knows Joanna's real identity now. Anyway, she is also the daughter of the president of the federal government. If you catch her, you can coerce the president of the federal government into doing many things you don't want to do!"

Ye Feng pondered for a moment. He was thinking about the possibility of Yueying Wuxiu doing this kind of thing. He also analyzed with jesteffe, "it was Yueying Wuxiu who told me that there might be a spy around me, and later Libo Zhihui was found to be wrong!"

But jastefer interrupted before Ye Feng finished saying, "it can only prove that at that moment, she really wanted to tell you that there was a spy around you, or to say something ugly, or for some other reason, she had to tell you so, and all this, no matter what reason she did it, had nothing to do with her kidnapping Joanna!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's just your speculation. It's just your imagination to take Joanna away. Maybe she met something we don't know on the way!"

Jesterfield looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you so sure? So believe her? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm always dubious about her. I'm sure it's not because I believe in her, but because I believe in Dixie!" Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately said, "the reason why I put her in the same group with Dixie is because I don't trust her enough!"

Jester fee listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately a stunned looking at Ye Feng way, "originally you let Dixie with them a group, because don't trust her?"

Ye Feng nodded and said at random, "I can't say that I don't trust her at all, but she still has many mysteries that I don't understand. Maybe after solving these mysteries, I can get rid of these feelings of distrust!"

Jesteffe said immediately, "can I understand that? Although you are still dubious about her, you still tend to trust her subjectively, or you want her to be worthy of your trust, so you deliberately arrange for her and Joanna to be in a group? "

Ye Feng immediately a smile, and then added, "and or in the announcement of Joanna and my own identity, just deliberately so arranged!"

Jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "but it's too risky for you to do so! After all, Joanna's identity is special. If we can make use of her, it will be good for our activists. Anyone who catches her can directly or indirectly put forward some conditions to the federal president, even conditions that are unlikely to be seen in ordinary days! "

Ye Feng said to jester, "since I want to test her, of course, I want to give her some temptation to accept the test, but at the same time, I also bought an insurance for the test!"

Jestefeld said to Ye Feng, "you said that the insurance is Dixie? I think if you want to buy insurance, you should work with her. That's the biggest insurance! "

Ye Feng can't help frowning at jesterfield and said, "what do you mean, you want to tell me that you are even suspicious of Dixie?"

Jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "if you know why Dixie died in those years, if she has completely recovered, or partially recovered her memory, you will be as suspicious as I am!"

Ye Feng listen to Jester fee so a say, can't help but frown at Jester fee way, "do you know what I hate you most?"

Jesterfield shrugged at Ye Feng and said, "I know you want to talk about me. Every time you mention your past, but you don't tell me directly, do you?"Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, my memory recovery may be a year or a lifetime. I don't have the time and patience to listen to it. Every time I mention the past, I pretend to be mysterious!"

Jesterfield sighed to Ye Feng, "originally I really wanted to wait for you to recover your memory before telling you, but since you said so, I'll tell you directly that you killed Dixie in those years!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he was stunned and looked at jastefer. Jastefer immediately said, "so I didn't want to tell you and Dixie because you haven't recovered your memory. If I told you this, you would think I was provoking you! But this is true. In fact, you can ask Gu zhaohuichi or Joanna in the future. They adore you so much. Maybe they know something about you and Dixie! "

Ye Feng immediately suddenly looked at jesterfield and said, "so you have been doubting Dixie, because you have been worried that Dixie may recover his memory, just pretending not to recover?"

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know if it's the reason, but I always think she is suspicious intuitively. Maybe it's the problem you said. In a word, if it's true, if you killed her that year, if she recovered her memory, would there be a mentality of revenge?"

But Ye Feng said to jester, "in fact, we all know about it!"

Jester fee smell speech complexion to move to looking at leaf maple way, "do you know?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I have this clip in my memory, maybe she also has it. We all know that I killed her, but we don't know why!"

Jester Feiyan stares at Ye Feng and then says, "you know, do you still believe in Dixie? Let her look at the shadow of the moon without sleeves? "

Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "no matter why I wanted to kill Dixie, my intuition tells me that it must not be my intention, and Dixie will not hate me for this!"

But jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "but you can't do things by intuition!"

Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "you are the second one to tell me that, but I still believe in my intuition. If Dixie is not worth believing, then I can tell you that no one in the world, no matter the major planets in the micro universe, the earth, or the so-called main universe, is worth believing!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, jester Fei couldn't help staring at Ye Feng. After a while, he came back to himself and said to Ye Feng, "OK, I understand!"

Ye Feng see this, immediately want to say what, jesterfield immediately said, "you don't need to explain anything, I fully understand!"

Ye Feng said to jester, "you don't understand! You may not know, can't realize that trust is from the heart, or even carved into the bone marrow, sometimes I can't understand, how can you understand! "

Jester fee said to Ye Feng, "you're not me. You know that, I can't understand? Is this a difficult question to understand? So why do I trust you so much? Anyone who says you have a problem, I will not believe it. I only trust you. I trust you from my heart and from the bone marrow. Do you still think I can't understand it? "

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned when hearing the speech, but he sees that Jester fee turns around and says faintly, "well, it's meaningless to argue about this. I'd better go out and see what happened to them?"

Ye Feng immediately followed and said, "I'll go with you!"

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