When Ye Feng and jasterfeld went out, felik immediately followed and said, "instructor, I'll go with you, too?"

Ye Feng said to Philip, "you'd better stay here." Then he turned to felik and said, "I'm not here. It's all up to you. Check with the fire to see if there's any dark Pavilion. If there's any, leave first. Don't wait for us!"

Filic listen to Ye Feng so say, also want to say what, but Ye Feng immediately straight to filic way, "this is the order!"

Listen to Ye Feng said so, felik immediately stand at attention toward Ye Feng said, "yes!"

Ye Feng immediately pats Philip's shoulder, let him go, this just and Jester fee out of the door.

Jesterfield went out and asked Ye Feng, "do you think they can find this so-called dark pavilion?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word and shook his head. In fact, since he came in and didn't see the servant who had no sleeves, he felt that it was a bit suspended, but he didn't completely lose confidence in the moon shadow because of this.

Jester fee saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, so he didn't ask much. Instead, he continued to say to Ye Feng, "if something really happened to Yueying Wuxiu, which led to her group's delay, we can only follow the original route to find it!"

Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "if I can find any problem, I will find it when I come here! There's no need to look back! "

But jestfeld said to Ye Feng, "but how do you ensure that your route is the same as ours, the same as that of the moon shadow sleeveless group? From there to here, there are countless choices! "

Ye Feng can't help nodding when hearing the speech, and then he said to jestefeld, "the route can be different, but the area can't be changed. Unless it's Yueying Wuxiu who deliberately makes a big detour to come back, no matter how she takes a shortcut, we can't leave this area. Between two points, the straight line is closest!"

Jesterfield nodded and then said to Ye Feng, "let's go to find it separately?"

But Ye Feng said to jester, "let's go together. At this time, I don't want to find the shadow of the moon. They lost you again!"

After hearing this, jesterfield couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a few eyes. Then he said to Ye Feng, "well, do you think we should go left or right now?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "this way?" Then he walked out with a brisk stride, and jesteffe sighed and followed.

The two people didn't walk very fast in the alley. They both thought that if the moon shadow had no sleeves, they might encounter some accidents, and they might see some fighting in a hurry, or even some clues left by the moon shadow or Dixie.

However, the two people have been wandering in two alleys, and they have not found any clues worthy of attention. At this time, jesteffe asked Ye Feng, "if everything is guessed by me, what will you do?"

Ye Feng listen to Jester fee so a say, can't help but stop to see to Jester fee way, "are you guessed?"

Just then, Ye Feng suddenly saw a figure passing by at the entrance of the lane. His heart suddenly moved, and he immediately said to jester, "follow closely!" Finish saying immediately head also didn't return of toward front chase past.

Jester fee see this, heart move, although she didn't see anything, but Ye Feng must see someone, so it is so, she didn't ask, immediately followed Ye Feng out.

Ye Feng and jastefer chase in the alley for a while, and then find that in fact, the moment he sees the figure, he has lost the clue of the figure. Now he and jastefer are just like headless flies. They are chasing with their own intuition, and they may have run backwards.

Ye Feng thought to stop, jasteff followed, also immediately looked around, but found nothing, this asked Ye Feng way, "what do you see?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I saw a figure just now, but I found that I lost it! I don't think I found anything

Jesterfield looked around again at this time. Then he said to Ye Feng, "it's not that he didn't find anything!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but a wrinkly ground looking at Jie si te Fei way, "what meaning?"

Jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "look, it's almost night, but there are no people in these buildings. Don't you think it's strange?"

Ye Feng actually found this problem when he came back, but he was anxious to go to the moon shadow sleeveless side to meet him, and didn't pay much attention. Now he was reminded by jesterfield, and suddenly realized a problem.

Ye Feng thought and said to Jester immediately, "maybe the power of Jock Emma is far stronger than you and I imagined!"

Jestfeld immediately asked, "do you mean that the people in Huck Bay have already been developed into his people by Jock Emma?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "if not, it's hard to explain why there are fewer and fewer people on the street after the explosion?"Jesteffe said, "maybe they're worried about security here, so they're all running away?"

But Ye Feng said to jester, "run away? The whole Huck Bay is closed. Who can escape? "

Jesteffe nodded and said, "that is to say, when you want to persuade Jock Emma and use him to persuade the whole Huck Bay, jock Emma is talking to you with the attitude of watching you joke?"

Ye Feng can't help but be surprised when he hears the speech, but then he thinks that it's really such a thing. Someone else, jock Emma, has already controlled the whole Huke Bay. You've been there and hope that he can find someone to chat with and let the whole Huke Bay listen to himself. If it's himself, he may also look at each other with a funny attitude.

When Ye Feng thinks of this, he can't help admiring this Jock Emma. He is not a simple scientific researcher. He can go to the Federal Bureau of investigation to be an agent.

But Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "but we can't say that the whole Huck Bay, at least we are not their people, there are also people from the system defense bureau!"

Jesteffe immediately said, "then their next target must be the SDB. Besides, the SDB is still so important. It controls the security system of the whole Huck bay island. How people on the island get out and how people outside the island get in are all controlled by the SDB!"

Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "in fact, how people on the island get out and how people outside the island get in are small things. In Huck Bay, the proportion of people's importance in the war is not too high. One of the reasons why the real system defense bureau makes them have to attack is that the system defense bureau can control the space weapons. That is to say, if there is a problem in Huck Bay, he will be killed You are the people who can apply to the General Administration of system defense to transmit destructive space weapons to Huck Bay in space. In other words, the General Administration of system defense is a sword chosen on Huck Bay Island, and the person who holds the sword is gulina! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, jester immediately said, "so, you have won gulina!"

Ye Feng nodded, and then said, "but Jock Emma will not give up fighting for gulina. He should be using both soft and hard means!"

Jestefeld said immediately after hearing the speech, "then Yueying was the dead servant of the opposition before she had no sleeve. Whether she became the person of Jock Emma or not is the most important thing!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "I know, but so far I still prefer, she is not!" Then Ye Feng immediately said to jester, "if he is, Yueying wusleeve will not reveal to me Libo Zhihui, who is also the right man of Jock Emma!"

Jesteffe reminds Ye Feng, "you are wrong. She may not have disclosed it to you. Maybe Libo Zhihui or Jock Emma knows that you are already doubting the people around you. She just shows up and says yes and no, and is more sure of your idea. But the goal they want to achieve is that you really doubt the reliable people around you and achieve the goal I just didn't expect that you really found out Libo Zhihui! "

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard what jesterfield said. To tell the truth, jesterfield didn't say that. At the beginning, Ye Feng was so suspicious, but he didn't know why. Ye Feng gave up the idea and chose to believe in the moon shadow without sleeves, just like she still has no reason to believe in the moon shadow without sleeves. In fact, there is no reason at all, It's Ye Feng's inner intuition.

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