Jester fee saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "come on, your intuition tells you, I guess wrong, right? Well, I won't say it! "

At this time, Ye Feng made a silent gesture and said, "don't talk, someone!"

Jesteffe's heart immediately moved after hearing this, and immediately looked to one side along Ye Feng's eyes. At this time, she found that she and Ye Feng were standing at a crossroads. There were footsteps in the four alleys, and it seemed that many people were listening to the footsteps.

Although none of the four alleys had a light on, people could still be seen everywhere in the dim alleys. The people of the four alleys soon rushed to the crossroads and stood in the same place, staring at Ye Feng and jastefer.

Ye Feng and jastefer could not help looking at these people. They noticed that if they saw them on the streets of Huke Bay, they were just ordinary people. But at this time, their faces were surprisingly calm and full of murderous.

Before Ye Feng and jesteffe could see how many people there were, they heard a voice from the crowd saying, "Satan, you are the end of the system defense Bureau. If you don't make good use of such a good turtle shell, what are you doing here?"

Ye Feng recognized that the other party's voice was Dante Emma, and immediately sneered, "when did the SDB become a tortoise shell? I don't think you dare to stand up among these people, but you look like a tortoise. "

At this time, several people let go and came out from the back. A man dressed in black, with a top of politeness, looked like Britain in the last century on the earth. If you look at that face carefully, it's just the face changed in the laboratory before.

After standing up and staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dante Emma said, "how do you describe our current mood? You must want to tear me to pieces. I, on the contrary to you, have never felt that this cat and mouse feeling would be so good! "

Ye Feng reminds Dante Emma, "when you were on earth, you just died of talking too much. You still talk so much with me now. It's like you died once? Next time you're ready to rely on your consciousness to continue to flow to that planet? "

Dante Emma listened to Ye Feng's words, her face moved slightly and said, "OK, I thank you for your kind reminding, then I won't talk nonsense with you!" Said immediately from behind took out a laser machine gun, to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng saw this but said with a smile, "you have been hiding in the laboratory. You should know that I have passed the extreme electric experiment. You want to deal with me with this laser weapon. Do you think highly of yourself or underestimate me?"

Dante Emma immediately sneered, "I'm sorry, I don't look down on myself or you!" Then he immediately pulled the laser gun in his hand.

In an instant, a light came out of his laser gun, but the beam from the laser gun was not like a laser at all, more like astigmatism, and it was not concentrated at all.

But after the beam came, the whole light was like a net opened, and it immediately came towards Ye Feng and jasterfeld.

Ye Feng immediately blocks jesterfield behind him, and then uses his mind to control the extreme current in his body. However, at this time, he finds that he can't feel any current in his body. After repeatedly driving his mind, Ye Feng finds that there is no current left in his body, let alone extreme current.

However, the optical net that Dante Emma has created has already covered Ye Feng and jasterfeld, but it has not directly covered them. Instead, it has formed a cage that seems to be connected by light beams.

Dante Emma then handed the gun to the people behind him, then walked towards the beam cage, and said with a smile to Ye Feng, "first of all, thank you for your reminding. Now that I have you under control, I don't have to worry about my death from talking too much!"

Said Dante Emma looking at Ye Feng way, "you must be very curious, why your body will completely disappear?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'm not curious at all!"

Dante Emma can't help but wonder, "aren't you curious? Do you know why? "

Ye Feng continued to shrug, "I don't know, but I'm not interested in knowing!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dante Emma said with a smile, "I know that you deliberately say that, in fact, you envy me for being a winner now!"

Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma and said, "are you the winner? Why can't I see that? "

Dante Emma asked Ye Feng, "so you know how to get out of here?"

Ye Feng continued to shrug, "I don't know, I don't plan to leave, but it doesn't mean you are the winner, you kill me to be the winner!"

But Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "I will definitely meet your requirement, but before that, I have to tell you how you come to this day step by step!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'm not interested in knowing!"

Dante Emma saw Ye Feng so, immediately said, "you're not interested to know, but I'm interested to tell you!"Dante Emma said immediately, "actually, I've been in touch with my uncle since we were wandering in the universe..."

Just as Dante Emma said this, Ye Feng immediately turned around, and jastefer, who was standing behind Ye Feng, turned around at this time. He had a laser gun in his hand, and shot Dante Emma in an instant.

A laser shot towards Dante Emma in an instant. Dante Emma was talking happily. Suddenly, she looked at a laser, and her face suddenly changed.

But the laser went straight through the beam cage and hit Dante Emma. Dante Emma's chest was instantly pierced by jesteffe's laser gun.

Even Ye Feng did not expect that Dante Emma would be so unguarded, so directly hit by jesterfield? Jesterfield is also a face excited toward Ye Feng Road, "hit!"

Dante Emma stares at her chest at this time, and then laughs at Ye Feng and jestefel.

Ye Feng and jesteffe can't help but be stunned. Most people are shot by laser and die directly. But Dante Emma is just like nobody and can't help laughing.

And just when Ye Feng and jesteffe thought Dante Emma wasn't dead, Dante Emma fell to the ground with a bang and died.

Ye Feng and jastefer can't help looking at each other in surprise. They both think that Dante Emma didn't die when he must die. They think that he just died when he can't, which is totally beyond their accident.

Ye Feng is still not sure. He steps forward and stares at Dante Emma on the ground. After a moment, he is sure that he is really dead, and dead to death. Just before he is dying, he just forced a few laughs.

Ye Feng a face of wonder, Dante Emma so appear, and then so dead? This is not in line with the characteristics of Dante Emma's ultimate villain boss.

And just then, Dante Emma's voice came out of the crowd and said, "Oh, why am I dead? What a surprise

Ye Feng and jastefer's face could not help but move when they heard this. There was Dante Emma's voice in the crowd. Who was the one who died just now?

at this time as like as two peas on the floor, the clothes came out of the crowd. It was Elmar, Dante.

Jesteffe could not help asking, "what's the matter?"

Dante Emma walked slowly to the beam cage and kicked her dead self on the ground. Then she shook her head with disdain and said, "Oh, so soon? What a waste

Then Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng and jesteffe in the light beam cage, and said with a smile, "do you want to know what's going on?"

Jesteffe immediately did not want to, instantly shot at Dante Emma is another shot, and this time Dante Emma did not escape, was directly hit by jesteffe in the chest.

Dante Emma frowned, looked down at her chest, glared at jesteffe and said, "can you wait for me to finish..."

But before he finished his words, he fell to the ground again, motionless and dead.

But this time, before Ye Feng and jastefer were surprised, Dante Emma's voice came from the crowd and said, "don't force me to deliver the goods, can you let me finish what I have to say?" At the end of the speech, another Dante Emma came out of the crowd.

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