Jesteffe was blinded, as if a Dante Emma had died, and immediately another one would be born in the crowd. He didn't know if there were countless Dante Emmas hidden in the crowd, or if one died here, another would be born there.

Ye Feng stares at Dante Emma for a long time. When Dante Emma approaches, jesteffe immediately raises his gun to shoot Dante Emma, but Ye Feng reaches out to stop him.

Jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "no matter what he does, just kill one!"

Dante Emma was outside the light beam cage, looking at Ye Feng and jastefer. After staring at jastefer for a moment, she said, "I can't see that a woman is still so violent!"

Then he said to jesterfield, "jesterfield, we are old acquaintances. Are you so cruel to old acquaintances?"

Jestfeld snorted coldly to Dante Emma, "you were a scum at the FBI. Everyone got to kill you!"

Dante Emma looked at jesterfield with a slight frown and said, "well, it seems that you, like me, have completely recovered your memory?" Said to see a leaf maple way, "it seems that you still have not completely restored memory?"

Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma and said, "you cloned yourself?"

Dante Emma said with a smile to Ye Feng, "you are a smart man. You can see it at a glance. However, you may have misunderstandings in your understanding. The civilization of eisf is not comparable to that of the earth civilization, but the technology here is much more advanced than that of the earth!"

At this point, Dante Emma continued, "it's cloning technology, but it's a hundred times more advanced than Earth cloning technology!" After turning around in front of Ye Feng, Emma said, "I believe you can see that, no matter how you kill me Yes, I will die on the spot, but at the same time, another me will be born, and the memory is completely inherited, which is totally impossible for the earth's cloning technology! "

Ye Feng stares at Dante Emma for a moment, then sneers and says, "it seems that there is an uncle who is engaged in technology. His treatment is totally different from that of the earth!"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "there's another thing, I want to tell you, the electret in your body is also a research of my uncle Jock Emma, but you think it's the opposition's secret research, that's a big mistake!"

Ye Feng hears Dante Emma say that, and his heart moves. That is to say, Joanna is captured by Jock Emma, and has nothing to do with the opposition?

Dante Emma then picked up a cigarette and lit it. After a few puffs, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "so, since this electret was created by my uncle, we certainly have a way to control the electret in your body. This light beam cage is specially used to catch you!"

Then, before Ye Feng spoke, Dante Emma immediately said, "remember when I was on earth, I said I wanted to live forever, let everyone live forever, and I was ridiculed by you. Now I have regained the technology of longevity through my uncle's technology in a different way from the earth technology. I don't need to be limited to my body, that is, as long as I live My consciousness is still there, and my body can be copied infinitely, but my consciousness is inherited forever. Just imagine, after dozens or hundreds of generations, I will be the longest living person and the most intelligent person on the planet. At that time, under my leadership, I will move towards another prosperous scene again! What an expectation

Ye Feng can't help but sneer and say, "your greatest ability is daydreaming. It's like this on earth, and it's still like this on the planet of essf. It hasn't changed at all!"

Dante Emma shrugged her shoulders and looked at Ye Feng. "Do you know why I have controlled you, but I didn't kill you right away?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "who knows what you think? But you should know that if I don't die this time, it must be you, and not only your body will die, but also your consciousness will be crushed, so that you will never be able to do evil. "

Dante Emma said with a smile, "I know, of course, you don't think so all the time from the earth to eisf. You always think that you think that I am just a supporting role or even a counter role in your life. But is this definition too early? I fail again and again, but I live again and again and stand in my corner Du, am I the leading role? Am I the one with the aura of leading role? And you are just a supporting role in my life, just a contrarian! "

Ye Feng heard Dante Emma say so, can't help but look up at Dante Emma, also don't know is because unable to refute, or don't want to speak, just sneer.

Seeing Ye Feng's appearance, Dante Emma can't help shaking her head. Then she looks at jesteffe and hums coldly, "look at the man you once loved. Now you are going to die with him. Don't you regret it?"

Jesteffe can't help looking at Dante Emma. Ye Feng's face is also slightly moving. He looks at jesteffe sideways, which is a little consistent with his previous guess. Jesteffe believes in himself and helps himself. He must have something in common with himself in eisf.Dante Emma said at this time, "it's a pity that you love him so much, but he loves Dixie deeply. He went to participate in the micro universe project for Dixie, and you went to participate in the micro universe project for him. People who look at this triangular relationship are really tired. But have you ever thought that the so-called micro universe project is actually my uncle's escape from eisf in order to save me After a disaster, I decided to start it temporarily. Otherwise, how can I catch up with the micro universe project as soon as I die? "

Then Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "well, before you die, what else do you want to ask?"

Ye Feng stares at Dante Emma for a moment, but looks at him without saying a word.

Dante Emma shrugged her shoulders and said, "I can tell you how I will kill you next. The light beam cage will shrink little by little until it can't hold you two. Your body will be cut open little by little, and even every skin and bone will become a fragment!"

At this point, Dante Emma took a deep breath of her cigarette and continued to say to Ye Feng, "don't you mean to destroy and crush my consciousness? Now I can tell you that eisf's technology really supports this. Now the technology around your body can completely eliminate their consciousness after death! "

Dante Emma said, took out the cigarette from his mouth, gently flicked at Ye Feng, and said, "now I know my destination, is it a little pity?"

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "there are a lot of regrets! The most regretful thing is that I know you can't kill me, but I still have to waste my time watching you perform here. I really can't hold back! "

Dante Emma couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "what did you say?" With that, Dante Emma immediately took out a mobile phone and pressed it. Suddenly, the peripheral light beams of Ye Feng and jasterfeld began to close up.

Dante Emma said coldly to Ye Feng, "see if I can kill you!"

At this time, Ye Feng walked towards the edge of the beam, but he said to Dante Emma, "I've advised you before. The villain always died of talking too much. Today, I specially remind you that you still talk so much with me!"

Just then, the light beam has begun to get close to Ye Feng, directly from Ye Feng's body through the past, but just after the past, the light beam instantly disappeared.

Dante Emma can't help standing on the spot, staring at Ye Feng. Normally, after the light beam passes through Ye Feng's body, Ye Feng's body will be completely cut into countless pieces by the light beam, but Ye Feng is intact at this time.

He looked at Ye Feng and said, "why? Can you break the beam cage? "

Ye Feng is cold hum a way, "true low name, technology also so low!"

At this time, Ye Feng also took out his cigarette. After holding it in his mouth, he just put up two fingers. Two electric currents suddenly appeared on those two fingers. When the electric currents intersected, they immediately sparked. In an instant, it turned into a flame. After helping Ye Feng light his cigarette, it disappeared in an instant.

When Dante Emma saw this, her face suddenly changed and she said, "the polar electricity in your body has not disappeared?"

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