Ye Feng stares at Dante Emma and says, "I haven't left at all!"

Dante Emma's face suddenly moved. "It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!"

Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma and said, "you believe too much in your uncle's technology! What light beam cage! That's bullshit

Dante Emma immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's impossible!"

Ye Feng stares at Dante Emma and says to her, "what's impossible? You've only been to the micro universe earth and Eve. Do you know where else I've been on earth?"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I've also been to the microcosm of the microcosm, a world completely different from the earth and Eve! A world full of mystical magic! In fact, for me, the effect of extreme electricity has no great practical effect. The only effect is to activate all the potential of all the worlds I have experienced before! "

Dante Emma stared at Ye Feng and said, "potential before?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "including the transformation of human body in your laboratory before, and the ability to control fire and lightning in the fantasy world!"

Dante Emma, listening to Ye Feng's words, suddenly looks at Ye Feng with a slight movement.

Ye Feng continued, "didn't you want to be a God before? Now I tell you, I am God

When Ye Feng said this, not only Dante Emma's face changed, but also Jester fee could not help looking at Ye Feng.

Dante Emma immediately said, "I don't believe it..." Said immediately went to one side, picked up a man's laser gun, facing Ye Feng is a gun.

And that shot went directly through Ye Feng's body, leaving a blood hole in Ye Feng's body.

But the next scene surprised Dante Emma. The blood stains and flesh in the blood holes of Ye Feng's body were like living bodies. They were constantly intertwined, entwined and fused there. Just in a moment, the holes disappeared. Only there was a hole with blood stains on the clothes.

Dante Emma stares at Ye Feng. He has seen this healing ability since he was on the earth. After all, it was made by the experimenters he captured. However, Dante Emma knows that after Ye Feng came to eisf, his body has changed into Mrs. eisf, and should not inherit this kind of variation.

This is from the side proved that Ye Feng did not lie, he inherited all the world before.

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dante Emma suddenly said with a smile, "so you've been pretending!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan brow slightly a wrinkle way, "in order to let you not defend and your uncle completely exposed, don't point trick is not good!"

Dante Emma glanced at Ye Feng and said, "but what's the use? Now I can't kill you. Yes, it's true, but you can't kill me either! Although our ways are different, our abilities are similar, that is, never die! "

Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma and said, "never die? You think too much. Even God can't never die. You just use some technical means to clone yourself infinitely. Since there is cloning operation, there must be technology behind it. As long as I stop the machine that supports your infinite cloning, you will die! "

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, she looked at Ye Feng and said with a smile, "it looks like I've been defeated by you again?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "isn't this a normal thing? As long as I'm here, you'll never be in the class! "

Dante Emma suddenly said with a smile, "but you never thought, why did you save Joanna, why did you happen to absorb the electret?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help looking at Dante Emma, but saw that Dante Emma was lighting a cigarette again, and then he said, "when you come back to Mrs. ace's body from the microcosm, my uncle already knew about the special situation in your body. He has been trying to find out these special situations in your body, so he will try his best to find out Under the arrangement, let you come into contact with Joanna who is undergoing the polar experiment! "

Dante Emma said that while smoking a cigarette, she paced in front of Ye Feng. "So your abilities may indeed be activated by the electric pole, but have you ever thought about a question: all kinds of super powers in your body have been copied by my uncle because they are linked to the electric pole?"

Ye Feng listens to what Dante Emma says, and immediately looks at Dante Emma.

Dante Emma said at this time, "yes, your guess is not wrong at all. I copy myself infinitely. I really need technical support and machine operation, but you can't find out where the machine is! So, you can never destroy me! But as long as I don't die, I may wait until my uncle decodes your body's special attribute code. At that time, I can completely inherit your attributes. At the same time, we can also create countless such people. Let alone the aesf civilization, who can compete with us in the whole universe, whether it's the micro universe or the main universe GodYe Feng immediately nodded and said, "yes, if everything is like what you said, you will go to the altar step by step, but your uncle won't!"

When Dante Emma heard this, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "you can become a God, but your uncle is always a mortal. He will grow old and die, or be killed. If he dies, all your plans to become a God will stop!"

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, her face suddenly changed. She immediately stepped back, said nothing, and left in an instant.

At this time, Ye Feng popped out the cigarette end in his hand, but the moment the cigarette end left his finger, the current on his finger immediately concentrated the cigarette end, and the cigarette end flew towards Dante Emma's head like a bullet.

Dante Emma fell to the ground in an instant, but in the crowd, Dante Emma's voice said, "see you later, Satan!"

As soon as Dante Emma's voice was finished, all the people around him ran away in an instant. Ye Feng and jasterfeld were left in the whole street, as if they had never been here.

Jesteffe then stood behind Yefeng and looked at Yefeng in a dazed way. After a while, he regained his mind and took a dull look at the three bodies of Dante Emma on the ground.

She is also a technician. She has heard about this wireless cloning technology before, but she has not really seen it. Today, with the appearance of Dante Emma, jesteffe has really seen it.

But for Jester fee, these are not too strange, really let her surprise is Ye Feng, she stared at Ye Feng after a long time, this said, "you have been hiding their strength?"

Ye Feng looked back at jesterfield and said, "what do you want to ask?"

Jesteffe asked Ye Feng, "when you were on earth, did you go to the microcosm of the microcosm?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "those are all things in the past!" Then he walked quickly to jasterfeld, and then whispered, "I didn't hide my strength, but just at this moment some activation or awakening, but the ability soon disappeared!"

Jester fee can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "that's what you and Dante Emma say?"

Ye Feng sneered, "if you don't say that, how can you scare him? Get rid of him? " Then he said to jestefeld immediately, "let's go. Dante Emma of the province responded and came back to us again!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately pulls Jester fee out of the crossroad, and then drills into another alley.

But jesterfield looked at Ye Feng with a puzzled face and said, "what's the matter? I feel like I still can't understand! "

Ye Feng walked and said to jesterfield, "Dante Emma's light beam cage can really limit the extreme electricity in my body, but at the moment of limitation, it seems to awaken other abilities in my body, but I know that the ability is only temporary, so I haven't said anything. It only burst out when he finally wanted to do it, but After the outbreak, it almost disappeared... "

Jesteffe looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "then you finally ejected cigarette ends to kill Dante Emma..."

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "the extreme current in my body is limited in the light beam cage. If I leave the light beam cage, of course, I will not be limited!"

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