Ye Feng continued to say to jestfel, "that is to say, I activated my potential in Dante Emma's beam cage, but I can only use it once. After leaving the beam cage with my potential, my electret can be used again."

After listening to what Ye Feng said, jestefel couldn't help staring at Ye Feng, then shook his head and said, "now some problems are far beyond my knowledge. I can't understand them for a moment. I hope I can understand them in my lifetime!"

Just then, Ye Feng suddenly heard the sound of footsteps not far in front of him. His heart suddenly moved, and then he and jesteffe hid to one side. The secret way is that Dante Emma found something, so he came back to find them, right?

Just thinking about it, he saw a few people coming not far away. Jesteffe immediately said to Ye Feng, "it's Joanna and them!"

Ye Feng also saw that it was Yueying Wuxiu and Joanna and Dixie and Gu zhaohuichi who came. As they walked, they seemed to be on guard against something.

Seeing this behind the scenes, jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "it seems that I have to admit my mistake to you. The shadow of the moon without sleeves is really not suspicious!"

Ye Feng said to jester, "it's not only the shadow of the moon, but also Dixie!" Said also did not say anything, immediately welcomed up.

Moon shadow sleeveless and Dixie see Ye Feng and jesteffe, face is a move, moon shadow sleeveless up a few footpaths, "how did you come out?"

Ye Feng is toward the shadow of the moon sleeveless way, "we have not asked you, you are the second group out, how to now not to?"

The shadow of the moon sighed slightly, "not long after we came out, we met people, so we kept hiding until those people left!"

Ye Feng was relieved, and then asked Yueying Wuxiu and Dixie, "are you all right?"

Both Dixie and Joanna shook their heads to say that they were OK. Gu Zhaohui said to Ye Feng, "master, you don't know, when we were hiding just now, we saw a frightening scene!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at Gu Zhaohui and said, "what's the thrilling scene?"

Without waiting for Gu Zhaohui to speak later, Dixie said, "a few people just stood there motionless, and suddenly they broke up to pieces!"

Ye Feng didn't quite understand Dixie's meaning. Yueying Wuxiu took out his mobile phone and said to Ye Feng, "I recorded the video. Have a look!"

Ye Feng took Yueying's sleeveless mobile phone and looked at the above video. The shooting angle was a bit slanting, but he could barely see what was going on. After several people came over from the darkness, they turned their backs to the direction of the video shooting, just like those facing the wall, staring at the wall in front of them, but their bodies did not move.

And at this time, the shadow of the moon sleeveless tip Ye Feng Road, "attention, children should not be the picture to come!"

But just as the voice of the shadow of the moon without sleeves fell, a person facing the wall in the picture suddenly seemed to explode from the inside. A red blood bead came out of his whole body and disappeared in an instant. There was no blood stain on the ground.

Ye Feng didn't even see how this person disappeared. After a while, the second one was the same, and then the third one. But after the third one, no one else was like this. After a long time, these remaining talents and Zombies walked away without any expression, and the video was over.

Gu Zhaohui later said to Ye Feng, "master, is it very scary?"

Ye Feng sees in the heart only curious, immediately eyebrow a wrinkly way, "these later say, our present purpose is to leave here to say again quickly!"

Soon, the group immediately set out towards Yueying's sleeveless residence. When they arrived, there was no one in the yard. After Ye Feng looked around, he heard Yueying's sleeveless residence on the second floor, "it seems that they found the secret road and left!"

Ye Feng and others immediately go up the stairs, with the shadow of the moon into the secret Road, a group of people quickly out of the secret Road, found that felik and cat face people are guarding the entrance, other people are missing.

Felik and maorenren can't help but feel relieved when they see them all coming out. Felik and Ye Feng explain, "we've all sent other people to the system defense Bureau. This friend and I don't trust you, so we've come here to wait for you!"

Ye Feng smell speech came forward to pat felik and cat face person's shoulder, this just said a good job, and then left here with a crowd.

Felik has prepared the aircraft. He specially sent a large aircraft from the system defense agency, which is enough to carry all the people present.

When everyone got on the plane, after the plane took off, the moon shadow asked Ye Feng, "what did you want to say about the video just now?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I can't see anything. Maybe they have some new experiments. Maybe it's a human bomb or something!"

Jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "but I don't think so!" Said immediately toward Ye Feng said, "just that video I also cat a look, you have not found, just three people?"Ye Feng can't help but look at jesterfield and say, "you mean..."

Jesteffe immediately said, "the place where we met them just now is not far away from the place where we met Dante Emma. Maybe it's just an alley away. But Dante Emma died three times and three people were killed in the video. Is that a coincidence?"

"What did you just say?" she said? Dante Emma died three times? "

Gu Zhaohui looked at jesterfield with a puzzled face and said, "how can a person die three times? Will he not come back to life? "

Ye Feng nodded and said to jesterfield, "you and I want to go together. When I saw three people at that time, I felt that there should be any connection between them. But this is only our guess after all. If we want to make sure, we must understand the cloning technology Dante Emma is using now!"

After pondering for a while, jestfel said to Ye Feng, "if you want to understand, I can help, but you have to let me have access to their cloned machines or data!"

Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "Dante Emma dares to show off this technology so blatantly, which shows that they must have done a good job in defense work. Don't you listen to him, he said that we can never find it, that is to say, he must have put this machine in a place we never thought of!"

Jasterfeld frowned and said, "is it in the ruins of the FBI branch? Or in the ruins of the police station? It's not in the system defense Bureau, is it

Ye Feng frowned and said, "absolutely not. They can't enter the sphere of influence of SDB at present. How can we put this kind of instrument here? It must be more unexpected than SDB. And once we find this place, it should be very surprised and unexpected!"

Jaster fee immediately frowned and began to think, but Ye Feng said to Jaster fee, "forget it, don't think about it. I think after Dante Emma was scared by me, she didn't dare to come out rashly recently. At least she won't appear again until he improves their technology?"

Dixi Si and others listen to Ye Feng and jastefer's words, are a face of incomprehension, even don't know what they are talking about.

Jesteffe talked about how she and Ye Feng met Dante Emma, how they were trapped by Dante Emma, how they killed Dante Emma three times, how they watched Dante Emma resurrect three times, and how they finally got out of trouble.

Everyone was silly. They were not only curious about Dante Emma's resurrection for three times, but also interested in Ye Feng's ability. Gu zhaohuichi, in particular, looked at Ye Feng with astonishment and envy and said, "master, do you have such amazing ability?"

At this time, Ye Feng sighed, "the previous polar experiment was a trap of Dante Emma. If Dante Emma didn't bluff, my ability should have been copied by them through the polar experiment. However, looking at the performance of Dante Emma today, they should not have studied it thoroughly, but we have to guard against it, in case Dante Emma Having such ability is our disaster! "

Jesteffe could not help nodding and said, "Dante Emma can never be killed like this is enough to make people headache. If there are super powers, let alone us, it's a disaster for Esther!"

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