At this time, felik came over and said to Ye Feng, "let me try to contact you there."

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help looking at felik in surprise, and then said, "just now, director gulina said that all the communication equipment over there is independent of the military, and people from outside can't get in touch at all!"

Felik said, "the director of the laser Fort used to be my deputy, but after the assignment, there was little contact. We just got in touch again after we knew that they had all come to Huke Bay. We have personal contact information. I'll try to contact them!"

Filic said took out the mobile phone, trying to dial the phone over there, but Ye Feng reached out to stop filic, filic is surprised to see Ye Feng way, "what's the matter? Instructor

Ye Feng said to felik, "if we can't get to the laser fort, people from Jock Emma's side will not be able to capture it easily. We'd better not contact that side for the time being. It's a good idea to keep a third party!"

Gulina does not seem to understand the meaning of Ye Feng, "keep a third party?"

Ye Feng nodded and didn't speak yet. Jesteffe immediately said, "if we and Jock Emma are going to take any extreme action, especially the people and horses on Jock Emma's side, they may have some scruples because of the existence of a third party!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately nodded his head, agreed with jesteffe's words, and said to gulina, "therefore, it's not necessarily a good thing to keep the third party and give Jock Emma an alarm on their head!"

Felik nodded, put away his mobile phone and said to Ye Feng, "instructor, when do you need me to contact you, I'll contact you at any time!"

Ye Feng smell speech toward the shoulder of filick a pat way, "this is also good, is to leave us a backhand, at least we can contact there, and Dante Emma they there is no contact."

"Now that we've made a clear distinction with Dante Emma, it's time for us to plan our next action. How can we control the whole Huck Bay in our hands?" said Dickens

Gulina, however, said, "if we only rely on the strength of SDB, it should not be a problem to defend SDB, but if we want to invade the towns in Huke Bay, we are afraid that the strength is insufficient!"

Ye Feng hears speech for a while ponder, casually asked a filick, how many soldiers does he have in the end.

Felik immediately reported to Ye Fenghui, "he has four classes, 15 people in one class, and about 20 people in an information class, so he should have 80 people."

Ye Feng heard the speech and pondered again. The small team of 80 people is really weak. As gulina said, the defense Bureau of the left behind system is just good, but if we have to defend and attack, we are absolutely short of manpower.

Jestfeld said at this time, "if you need to fight against the whole Huck Bay, you need at least 100 troops! Even if the forces on the other side of the laser fort were ours, there would not be 100 people! "

Gulina immediately said, "there are not as many soldiers on the other side of the laser Fort as there are on this side. Fifty at most."

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng said to gulina, "I need to leave Huke bay! Can you make an opening in your system defense? "

Gulina could not help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "leave Huke Bay? Where are you going? "

Felik asked Ye Feng, "drillmaster, are you going to any place for help?"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nod, immediately toward gulina way, "also want to find a transport aircraft, the best can accommodate one or two hundred people!"

Gulina a listen to this, eyebrows can't help but is a wrinkle toward Ye Feng Road, "where do I come from such a big transport aircraft? Don't say we don't have it here. The whole Huck Bay is not going to have it! "

But felik said immediately, "I remember that there are two over there in Jock Emma's laboratory, but they are used to transport experimental equipment. If it's used to transport people, it's estimated that one can transport about sixty or seventy, but I don't think they will give them to you, either?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately say, "certainly won't give in vain, he doesn't give me to go to take by oneself!" Then he immediately said, "if there are 60 or 70 people in one aircraft, then we need two pilots. I want both aircraft!"

Felik immediately volunteered to Ye Feng, "instructor, I'll go with you!"

Ye Feng hears speech to stare at the Fei Li gram after a long time, this just nodded a way, "OK, you go with me!"

Jesterfield looked at Ye Feng and said, "where are you going to transport people? As far as I know, there are no troops around here. Besides, the military won't give you people at will, right

Ye Feng said, "of course, I'm not going to the military to transport people. No one will give me any military strength! I have other places, of course

Then Ye Feng patted Philip on the shoulder and motioned to him, "let's go!" Then he turned to gulina and said, "we'll get in touch with you when we get on the plane!"

Gulina doesn't pick up where Ye Feng is going to find someone, but looking at Ye Feng's confident appearance, she can't help nodding to Ye Feng, saying that there's no problem.Ye Feng and felik left the system defense Bureau and drove maglev motorcycles again. After they left, they drove directly towards the Research Institute. Now it's getting dark, and there is no moon. It's dark all around. Only the headlights of two maglev motorcycles are on in the woods.

The two maglev motorcycles in the night sky are like two meteors. They flash away and soon arrive around the Research Institute. They immediately turn off the engine and stop.

At this time, only one light was on in the courtyard of the Research Institute, and only a few windows of the whole building were on.

When Ye Feng and felik went to the wall, they observed the situation in the yard. Felik took out his night vision telescope and looked around the yard. Then they said to Ye Feng, "find the target!"

Ye Feng immediately took the night vision telescope in Philip's hand and took a look in the direction that Philip had just looked at. It was true that there were two large transport aircraft parked in that direction, and there were several small aircraft around, and there was no one nearby.

After Ye Feng put down his telescope, he immediately patted Philip on the shoulder and said in a deep voice, "we'll be one by one for a while. Just follow me closely!"

Felix immediately nods to Ye Feng after hearing the speech. Then Ye Feng reaches out his hand to touch the power grid on the wall, and uses the extreme current in his body to directly control this section of power grid. When it is not powered on, he immediately lets Felix drill through the power grid. After that, Ye Feng drills through by himself.

After they entered the yard, they immediately followed the direction of the power grid, toward the direction of the large aircraft, squatted and moved quickly, and soon arrived near the aircraft.

When Ye Feng and felik got to the neighborhood, they didn't rush there immediately. Instead, they found a shelter. After observing the situation around, they found that there was no abnormality. After they looked at each other, they immediately ran towards the large aircraft.

It is estimated that the people of the Research Institute did not think that someone would come here to rob these two aircrafts, so they did not pay attention to this side at all. After the two people got on the aircraft, Ye Feng immediately started the aircraft and soared up in an instant, and felik also followed.

Only after the two aircrafts rose to mid air did the research institute notice that immediately someone began to contact the cockpit of large aircrafts by radio and asked why they took off at night.

Ye Feng hung up directly, but he didn't pay any attention. After reaching out a thumb to felik in another aircraft on one side, he immediately pushed the engine to the end. At the same time, he took out the phone and contacted gulina, asking him to release the safety system above and let him communicate with felik.

At this time, four or five small aircrafts were flying in the Research Institute, closely following the adult aircrafts of Ye Feng and felik.

Filick contacted Ye Feng by radio and asked, "what if there are followers behind?"

After Ye Feng took a look at it, he said to felik directly, "don't worry, no matter what happens, just follow me!"

In an instant, Ye Feng had already arrived at the edge of hukewan island with a large aircraft. At this time, he said to Felix, "follow me!"

After the two large aircrafts flew away quickly, the small aircrafts behind immediately caught up with them. However, they seemed to hit an invisible wall, and all of them exploded directly in the night sky.

Ye Feng and felik can't help looking through the rearview mirror. After the explosion of the four or five aircrafts, they look like fireworks in the night sky. They can't help frowning. Ye Feng also knows for the first time what the result of unauthorized flight is if the system can't be defended.

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