1410 endless

Ye Feng also secretly admires gulina for her ability to control so well. After her two aircrafts fly out, she can shut them down immediately and control them slowly. One step earlier, the other may fly out, and one step later, her aircrafts may become fireworks.

After flying for a moment, felik immediately contacted Ye Feng by radio and said, "instructor, where are we going now? As far as I know, there is no military camp near the shore! "

Ye Feng just told Felix not to ask more. After listening to Ye Feng's words, Felix had no choice but to ask more. He just drove the aircraft and stuck it tightly to the side of Ye Feng's aircraft.

I don't know how long after flying, felik vaguely saw the dark ground in front of him. It seemed that there were some towering things. When he turned on the searchlight in front of the aircraft, he saw that the dark towering buildings were actually deserted.

Ye Feng at this time through the radio and filick contact way, "find the nearest landing site!" With that, he began to land the aircraft slowly. After the two aircraft had landed, felik could vaguely see that they were landing in an empty space surrounded by abandoned buildings by the light in front of the aircraft.

After Ye Feng got off the aircraft, he went to the front of felick's aircraft, which is still in shock. He knocked on the door of his aircraft. Felick quickly opened the door and jumped down. He said to Ye Feng in surprise, "instructor, where is this?"

Seeing the appearance of Felix, Ye Feng knew that Felix must be ignorant of the world and Philadelphia. He immediately said to Felix, "this is where we expand our troops!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, felik couldn't help looking around and said in surprise, "it's like a ghost town around here. There's no one. Where are the soldiers?"

Ye Feng walked towards a building on one side and said to felik, "you are following me all the way now. You are not allowed to ask questions or make a fuss all the way. Listen to me all the way!"

Felik immediately responded to the sound of hearing the words. At this time, he had followed Ye Feng to the gate of a building. The gate there should have been tempered glass, but it had already disappeared. Even the metal door frame had rusted and fallen off for most of it.

Ye Feng stood at the door and looked at the facade of the building. At this time, felik took out a flashlight and immediately turned it on to shine in front of him.

Under this photo, Felix immediately took a breath of cold air. Unexpectedly, the floor inside the gate was full of people, and they looked like a dried corpse.

Ye Feng immediately took the flashlight in felik's hand, and then adjusted the direction of the light, shining the light on the roof, but with the remaining light, he could see the situation on the ground, not directly shining these lights on those people.

Felik looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "Instructor..."

Ye Feng immediately put out his hand to stop felik, and said aloud, "have enough life here, want a new life, stand up!"

The place is relatively open, Ye Feng's voice has been heard, but the Afterword is still reverberating in the lobby, and some of those people on the ground are awakened by Ye Feng's words, sit up to have a look at Ye Feng, and continue to sleep.

It was because someone sat up that he let Philip know that all the people lying on the ground were alive. Otherwise, he really regarded it as a mass grave.

Ye Feng repeated again, and his voice was louder than before. "After enough of this life, if you want to fight for yourself and your children for a new life, stand up and follow me!"

Felik understood what Ye Feng said. He looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "instructor, don't tell me. Do you want to find them to Huke Bay?"

Ye Feng stares at Philip, and his eyes seem to be saying to Philip, "you forget, you promise me not to worry, don't make a fuss?"

Felik saw Ye Feng's expression and immediately nodded, covering his mouth.

Ye Feng called a few times, or did not pay attention to him, but a voice said, "who are you, shouting, let people sleep?"

Ye Feng didn't pay any attention at all. He continued to say it again. Immediately, a man stood up and walked straight towards Ye Feng. As he walked, he said in a loud voice, "what are you doing?"

Ye Feng directly illuminated the man with a flashlight. The man immediately put out his hand to block the light and said, "you don't want to live, do you?" Then he put his hand in his mouth and blew a whistle.

Suddenly, some people stood up one after another on the ground, at least 20 or 30 people, all with dull eyes, but with a strong look at Ye Feng and felik, at the same time, they walked slowly towards them.

Felik immediately took out the laser pistol and held it in his hand, but Ye Feng said in a low voice, "don't shoot without my command!"

Looking at the 20 or 30 people walking slowly towards them, Ye Feng shrugged and said, "we have no other purpose. We just want to take you to change your life!"At this time, the head of the man has come to the front of Ye Feng, staring at Ye Feng after a look, this just sneer a way, "I see you two are thin skin tender. Meat, come here to improve our food?"

When felik heard this, he was shocked. Of course, he recognized that they wanted to eat him and Ye Feng. He didn't know whether it was to scare them or to be true. But looking at them one by one, some people believed that they were eating human flesh.

But Ye Feng said to the man with a smile, "we two have something to eat. As long as you are willing to follow me, we have everything to eat!"

The leader immediately sneered and said, "don't cheat. The people who cheat us here are either beaten away by us or eaten by us. Our people don't have any lofty ambition. They just want to fill their stomachs, but they don't work hard for you. The outside world has nothing to do with us!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard that the people who came here to look for them were not only himself and Philip, but someone had come to look for them before.

But when you think about it, you suddenly realize that although the people here are hungry and yellow, after all, so many people, once recruited in their own hands, even as cannon fodder, have their role.

And Ye Feng also heard that the leader seemed to see the purpose of his trip, and now he was more wary of himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to the man, "I'm not deceiving you to work hard for us, but I need you to fight for yourself and your family and friends. You don't just want to eat and die here, do you?"

Head that person immediately sneers a ground toward leaf Feng way, "mix to eat to wait to die to have what not good?"? My family and friends are like me. They don't work hard or struggle. Why should I work hard for them? No

On hearing this, the others immediately cried out, "no, no, no! ~"

at this time, felik said to Ye Feng in a low voice," instructor, although I promise you that I won't ask you anything, I really don't think these people will play any role even if they go? "

Ye Feng didn't pay attention to Philip. He lit a cigarette and looked at the man in front of him. Then he took out a cigarette and waved to him.

The man can't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, but still came over, took the cigarette in Ye Feng's hand, let Ye Feng help him light.

After smoking a cigarette, the man immediately turned his eyes white and shivered all over. He hadn't smelled the smell of tobacco for many years. He thought he had given up smoking, but when he smoked another cigarette, he still felt ecstatic.

Ye Feng see in the eye, at this time immediately toward that humanity, "this kind of feeling is not bad?"

That person fiercely smoked a few mouthfuls, after death someone immediately gathered to come over, toward that humane, "give me also smoked a few mouthfuls!" After speaking, it didn't seem to be discussing. I went to take it directly.

After the leader took two more puffs, he handed it to the man and then looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't think a cigarette can buy us off!"

Ye Feng said to the man, "of course, a cigarette can't buy a person, but..." Said Ye Feng immediately said, "can endless supply you to eat, smoke, drink?"

The man who took the cigarette from the leader just took a puff and was robbed by his companion. He immediately said to Ye Feng, "there are so many people here. Who are you fooling? It's endless? What about cheating a three-year-old? "

At this time, Ye Feng said with a smile, "who said they were all supplied? There are only 150 places. No more

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