Those people smell speech complexion all can't help but move, the head that person can't help but toward leaf Feng way, "what meaning, 150? Don't you want one more? "

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's right, one hundred and fifty, no more!"

The head of that person smell speech eyebrow slightly a frown ground looking at Ye Feng, looking back at a few people behind, this just says toward Ye Feng, "one hundred and fifty? Anyone? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "that can't do, 150, not more than 35 years old, and can pass my test, can do!"

The leader immediately asked, "what test?" Say to see leaf maple eyebrow a wrinkly ground looking at oneself, immediately explain a way, "Oh, I don't necessarily want to go, I am to inquire!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything at this time. He patted felick on the shoulder. They left the gate of the building together.

Philip can't help but say to Ye Feng, "drillmaster, don't we want to recruit people? At first they were not interested. Now they are. We are going to leave instead? "

Ye Feng said to Philip, "who said to leave?" Then he immediately stood in the same place, looked at the far end of the street, and said to Philip, "you run straight ahead, run to the end of the road and call me!"

Although felik doesn't understand what Ye Feng means, he still runs forward according to Ye Feng's meaning. After running to the end, he takes out the phone to call Ye Feng.

After Ye Feng got through, he immediately asked Philip, "is it the end?"

Felik immediately said on the phone, "there's no way out. You can only turn if you want to run again!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, and then immediately asked, "on my side to your side of the road, if you have to run back and forth, you estimate you can run a few back and forth?"

Feili Ke immediately recalled the distance he had just run, and then said to Ye Feng, "if you don't stop running back and forth, there should be 15 back and forth!"

Ye Feng immediately asked Philip, "how many times do you think those people can run back and forth?"

Felick said, "ah? Those guys? It looks like I haven't eaten anything in a year. It's good to run one or two back and forth! "

Ye Feng Wen Yan asked, "if you let them limit run, five back and forth will be ok?"

Feilik thought for a moment, he seemed to understand the meaning of Ye Feng, immediately said, "if according to the limit of physical ability, it should not be a problem! But the weak can't do it! "

Ye Feng smell speech immediately say, "you stand over there and wait!" Then he hung up. At this time, several people in the building came out one after another, and the leader was also among them.

After the head of that person walked to Ye Feng's side, he followed Ye Feng's eyes and looked at the street of the night, and said, "what are you looking at?"

Ye Feng is toward immediately toward that head of humanity, "the test is very simple, want to walk with me, run forward from this side, run to my friend's side, immediately back, can more than five back and forth with me!"

The first man was shocked when he heard the speech. He looked ahead and couldn't see where Ye Feng's friends were. However, he was familiar with the street, and the approximate distance could be calculated by heart.

After taking a look at the leader, Ye Feng immediately said to the other humanists, "you can all have a try. Come back to smoke after running..." Then he ordered another one and vomited towards those people.

Immediately, a man came up to the front and said, "just five back and forth, I'll try!" Said immediately ran in front of the past, and soon disappeared in the street in the dark.

Ye Feng side smoking, while looking at the front, mouth is toward the head of the humanitarian, "you don't try?"

The leader snorted coldly, "what's good to try!"

Ye Feng did not speak. He looked at the man who ran there for a while and then came back here. He immediately turned his head and ran again. After a long time, he came back again. On the third round-trip, the man was already sweating, and the speed of running was obviously slow.

Ye Feng see that person that appearance, can't help but toward that person say, "can't insist even if!"

The man immediately waved to Ye Feng, and could not even speak. He still insisted on turning around and running back. After a long time, he finally ran back and almost fell.

At this time, the head man frowned and looked at the guy. The guy kept waving his hand. It seemed that he couldn't do it. But the head man hummed coldly, "it's all four back and forth, and one can't stick to it?"

The man took a deep breath and then turned around and ran away. This time, after about 20 minutes, the man ran back. When he reached the end, he collapsed on the ground and couldn't help breathing.

Ye Feng then walked over and handed the man a flue. "It's OK. If you want, follow me!"

The man gasped for a long time, then sat up, took the cigarette in Ye Feng's hand, let Ye Feng help to light it, smoked two mouthfuls, then asked Ye Feng, "go with you, really smoke every day, eat every day?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "you say, what else do you have to cheat me now?"After smelling the speech and taking a deep breath of cigarettes, the man nodded, "OK, I'll go with you!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, then patted him on the shoulder, stood up and asked others, "who else would like to try?"

The leader came up and said, "I'll try!"

Ye Feng nodded to the man and rushed out immediately. However, he looked stronger than the man before, and he ran very fast. After a while, he went back and forth for two or three times. When he went back and forth for the fourth time, he didn't show any signs of fatigue.

When the first man ran back and forth to Ye Feng for the fifth time, he was also panting and sweating, but he didn't lie on the ground like the previous man.

Ye Feng immediately handed the leader a flue, "if you are willing, you can follow me!"

The rest of them were eager to try. Ye Feng asked them to run together, but there were only seven or eight of them. In the end, only two of them finished five rounds.

After Ye Feng took a look at it, he sighed in his heart. After doing this, he chose four people. Isn't it too few.

The leader took a look at Ye Feng, and then came over and said, "you test like this, and there are no 150 people until dawn. I'll help you find someone, but what can you do for me?"

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression tiny move a way, "what benefit do you want?"

After pondering for a moment, the leader said, "I want more cigarettes and more rice than each of them every day!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nod a way, "clinch a deal!"

The leader immediately let Ye Feng wait here, he went back.

Ye Feng stood in the same place waiting for the head of that person, waiting for a full 30 minutes did not see the head of that person back, can not help but frown.

Feiye Feng also called to ask, "instructor, is there anyone else running away? There are only three or five people, not enough! "

Ye Feng asked Philip to wait and hang up. After another ten minutes, Ye Feng was about to give up. At this time, he saw hundreds of people coming to the other side of the street.

Head that person walks in the most front, at this time quickly walk to leaf maple this side way, "I find someone for you!"

Ye Feng saw that there were hundreds of people behind him, and immediately directed at the head, "I don't want so many people, as long as 150!"

The leader nodded and said, "yes, I have agreed with them that only those who have passed your test will do. There may not be 150 who can pass. If it's not enough, I'll look for them again!"

Ye Feng nodded, immediately let those people begin to line up in the street, just 15 people, then let them run forward in a group of 15, through to the head of that person's side, did not pass the estimate also can't come back.

After a test, the probability of selection is very low. There is a group of 15 people who can't insist on five round trips, but Ye Feng can understand. After all, the conditions here are so poor and the physical quality is not very good. Those who can insist on five round trips are already healthy.

After 20 waves of running, Ye Feng counted, and less than 80 people were selected. The leader immediately asked Ye Feng to continue the test, and he continued to look for people.

After Ye Feng finished the test, the leader immediately brought less than 200 people. Ye Feng immediately asked them to join the test.

When all the tests were finished, there were only 147 people, and there were still three left. The leader immediately said that he would look for them again.

Ye Feng said to the man, "no, just so much!"

But the leader said that if it was one hundred and five, it would be one hundred and five. He went to find dozens of people for Ye Feng. After several rounds of tests, three people were selected and 150 people were gathered.

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