After the number of people is selected, Ye Feng immediately asks felik to come back, and then asks those people to be divided into two groups to board their own and felik's aircraft respectively.

Ye Feng, who was the leader of the group, was sitting in the co pilot's seat, while the others were standing behind. After all, there were only a few positions on both sides of the cargo plane, and the rest were standing.

Ye Feng and other aircraft after takeoff, this just handed a cigarette to the leader, also asked him, "what's your name?"

The man shrugged his shoulders and said to Ye Feng, "since I was born, I don't even know who my parents are. It's a miracle that I haven't been eaten today. You can call me a miracle!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but toward that person nodded a way, "miracle, good name!"

The miracle says to Ye Feng, "how about you? What's your name? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "you can call me Ye Feng or Satan!"

Miracle a listen to this words, can't help but see a leaf maple, leaf maple is so a see by him, think this guy should not also know oneself?

Don't want to miracle just surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "I don't even have a name, you actually have two names?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said nothing more. Miracle asked Ye Feng, "what are you going to do?"

Ye Feng did not directly answer the question of miracle, but asked miracle, "I feel you are different from the people in the abandoned city!"

Miracle smell speech then eyebrow a wrinkly looking at Ye Feng way, "what is different?"? People like us are born cheap. We are born to eat and die. It's God's beauty to grow up! It's all the same

Ye Feng asked miracle, "have you ever thought about changing this situation?"

Miracle smell speech can't help a sneer, smoked a cigarette after way, "change the status quo? You're really sitting and talking without backache. How can people like us change? In such a big city, few want to change anything! "

Ye Feng said to the miracle, "is the proportion of such people high?"

Miracle immediately nodded, "high, high frightening, 100 people, can have a thought to change what is good!"

Ye Feng listen to miracle so a say, can't help looking at the miracle in surprise.

Miracle see Ye Feng this facial expression to look at oneself, can't help but surprised toward Ye Feng way, "a few meanings?"

Ye Feng asked miracle, "under such a low proportion, can you find four or five hundred people for me to choose?"

Miracle shrugged his shoulders and said, "what is this? If you want 1500 people, I can find them for you, but it's more time-consuming!"

Ye Feng nodded to the miracle. He fully believed that the miracle had this ability, and continued to say, "it seems that you are a little famous in that city!"

Miracle PA SE's a smile way, "that is, usually I am also good to him, who family has a little thing, I come out, so many people know me!"

Ye Feng nodded at this time, and then said to the miracle, "this time, don't you think it's dangerous? There may be no return! "

Miracle shrugged his shoulders and said, "what's the point? Don't you wait to die to stay in that ghost place? It's all a death. Where is it, not a death? "

Ye Feng see machine so, can't help but toward the miracle point head way, "don't worry, follow me, I won't let you so easily die!"

Miracle smokes a cigarette and looks at the night outside. The whole earth is dark, which is no different from the abandoned city they live in. Maybe the world is so dark for people like them.

After smoking a cigarette, miracle said to Ye Feng, "by the way, where are you taking us?"

Ye Feng said immediately, "Huke bay!"

After a long time of thinking, the miracle said, "I heard the old people in the city say that there is an island overseas under our abandoned city, which seems to have the same name!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "it should be hukewan island!"

Miracle nodded, and then reached for a cigarette with Ye Feng.

After Ye Feng handed him one, he looked at the miracle in surprise and said, "you don't look very old. You shouldn't be as old as the old city. How can you get addicted to smoking in this kind of life?"

Miracle then said to Ye Feng, "we used to have tobacco meadows there, but no one likes to take care of them. The quality of tobacco is not very high, and we all use local pipe smoking. When we were young, we learned to smoke when we saw adults smoking. When we first smoked, it was very choking. We originally threw it away, but it seemed that adults smoked like immortals one by one, so we tried again out of curiosity Only then did I find that the mystery is endless, but the tobacco is less and less, and no one will plant it after smoking. Later, in order to save some smoking, I put some leaves in it. Later, the tobacco is less and less, and the leaves are more and more, until there is no tobacco, so I quit! "

Speaking of this, miracle immediately asked Ye Feng, "you're guaranteed. After the past, can we smoke?"

Ye Feng looked at the miracle and said, "in principle..."

Miracle smell speech brow a wrinkly looking at Ye Feng way, "how? what do you mean? Want to go back? "Ye Feng is staring at the miracle after a long time, this just said, "just want to tell you, this thing smoke too much is not good, can smoke less or try to smoke less!"

Miraculous smell speech didn't utter a word, stuffy hum after a, this just say, "anyway I only remember you promise me!"

Ye Feng sighed, "don't worry!" Then Ye Feng took out her mobile phone to contact gulina and asked her to help prepare more food and cigarettes. She also said that she would go back immediately.

After a long time of miracle, he took a look at Ye Feng, and then asked Ye Feng, "is Huke bay a big city?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, it's just an outlying island, but the construction is OK. It's just that there has been some trouble recently. If it's not handled properly, it will probably become the same as your city!"

Miraculous smell speech can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise, for a long time also didn't speak, as if completely can't think out will have what trouble, finally then Oh, never speak again.

Soon, the aircraft entered the airspace of Huke Bay. Ye Feng took out the phone and called gulina to apply for entry. Miracle looked down from the window. Although Huke Bay was not as big as those metropolises in longarsenburg, looking down from the sky, you could still see a little bit of light in the town, which was far better than the completely dark abandoned city.

It's not only a miracle, but also other people who are close to the window in the back, just like the countrymen who come to the city, are surprised to see everything outside.

After entering the airspace of Huke Bay, Ye Feng immediately lowered his altitude and began to navigate. He flew in the direction of SDA. After about 30 minutes, he finally landed in the open space of SDA.

Gulina, Dixie and jesteffe have been waiting in the open space for a long time. When Ye Feng comes down to open the back door of the aircraft, he sees dozens of people coming out. Gulina, Dixie and jesteffe are all in a hurry.

The people who came out of these two aircrafts were all disheveled and their clothes didn't cover their bodies. They were all yellow and thin, like addicts. The three women who looked at them could not help but be surprised.

But Dixie Si and Jie si te Fei already knew where Ye Feng was going to find more than 100 people, but gulina was a little surprised, and immediately came forward to say, "what are these people for?"

Ye Feng immediately toward gulina way, "let you prepare things, you ready?"

Gulina nodded and then said, "there's an indoor stadium at the back of our building. You can take them there. I'll have people carry things there!"

Ye Feng nodded, immediately patted miracle's shoulder, let him let his people follow him, went to the stadium behind the building.

Those people have hardly seen the lights at night. Seeing the bright lights here, they can't help looking at each other in a daze.

After entering the stadium, the lights inside are even more bright, just like in the daytime. After those people enter, they can't help looking around, and some people look up at the lights on the roof.

After a while, someone came in, carrying some bread, and more than a dozen cigarettes. It was estimated that they had been ransacked from the soldiers.

Ye Feng picked up the bread, one by one scattered to those people, those people devour one by one, almost all a mouthful will finish a bread, and after eating also want to look.

Gulina reminds Ye Feng, "we don't have food to support so many people! That's all the cigarettes are

Ye Feng nodded. At this time, miracle came over and asked Ye Feng for cigarettes. Ye Feng gave him a bag directly. However, miracle took a look at the remaining cigarettes and immediately said, "it's not enough for us to share here!"

Ye Feng said with a smile to the miracle, "don't worry, it's only part of it. There are a lot of food and cigarettes. I'll take you to get them together in a few days!"

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