Miracle a face surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "a few days with us to get together?"? I don't quite understand what you mean. What I understand is that we seem to have been fooled by you, and the unlimited amount of cigarettes you promised me failed? "

Ye Feng looked at the miracle and said to the miracle, "it's not a promise. There can't be an unlimited supply of cigarettes anywhere. Even in many places of eisf, smoking is forbidden..."

After that, without waiting for the miracle to speak, Ye Feng immediately continued, "and I want to tell you another thing, the outside world is different from your abandoned city world..."

Miracle then one face is puzzled to looking at leaf maple way, "where is different?"? Isn't it all about death? "

Ye Feng said to the miracle, "your life in the abandoned city is to eat and wait for death. People on our side should try to make their life better before death. If they have other energy and ability, they should help others to make their life better!"

Miracle smell speech can't help but sneer a way, "I see you are idle of affliction, I can ugliness say in front of, I can't have much energy, also don't have superfluous ability, go to help others lead better!"

Ye Feng immediately said to the miracle, "of course, I'm looking for you, and I don't expect you to do it. I just hope you can do it first and make your life better..."

Said to see the miracle want to reply, Ye Feng immediately reached out for him not to speak, first listen to himself said, "I'm looking for you, you should also know, I'm not bored to find a hundred people to keep playing!"

Miracle immediately said, "of course, I estimate that it's much easier for you to raise a hundred stray dogs and cats than for us!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "it's good for you to have this awareness, so what I want to say is that my promise can be achieved, but it won't be me who will help you complete it. Instead, you need to make your own efforts to get the promise I give you. If you don't do anything, just like your life in the abandoned city, I think you might as well stay there!"

Miraculous listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately after a while pondering, this just light up a cigarette, frown stare at Ye Feng to see after a long time, this just shrugged a way, "if I say we want to go back, estimate you also won't send us back?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "that's not true. If you insist, I will send you back!"

Miracle put his hand holding a cigarette and said, "no, since I choose to come with you, I expect it. Now that it's time, there's nothing to hide and tuck in. Tell us directly what we need to do!"

Ye Feng heard miracle say so, immediately said, "in the next few days, you must accept strict training, eventually 150 people will eliminate 80 people, and then 80 people will eliminate 50 people, finally I only leave 30, but you can rest assured, eliminated 120 people, I will let people send them back."

Miracle seems to understand the words of Ye Feng, "so you mean, the test in our place doesn't count?"

Ye Feng said to the miracle, "it's just a preliminary test. If people who can't even finish a simple run don't even have the qualification for the primary election, what I need is the elite, and the elite in the elite. Can you understand what I mean?"

Miracle a listen to this words all smile, "elite? You're looking for elites? Are you in the wrong place? Let me tell you the truth, we have everything, but there is no elite! You're wrong! "

Ye Feng immediately said to the miracle, "I didn't find the wrong person, and I firmly believe that I found the right person and the right place. Originally, I'm not so sure, but since I met you and saw the people you helped me find, I'm more sure that I didn't find the wrong place and person!"

Miracle is smoking cigarettes, continue to look at Ye Feng, after a long time toward Ye Feng way, "why? Why us? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. Maybe it's your deep desire for life." Then, without waiting for the miracle to speak, he immediately added, "although you may not admit it, you will say that you people have no desire, even no hope!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng looked at the miracle and said, "but your eyes can't deceive me. I can see from your eyes that you are not reconciled. Your fire of hope hasn't been extinguished, but all the changes should start from yourself!"

Miraculous listen to Ye Feng said so much, can't help staring at Ye Feng, his eyes seem to become bright, God up, but then avoid Ye Feng's eyes, sneer a way, "I'm afraid you'll end up with nothing!"

Ye Feng also said with a smile, "no, I believe it, I believe you believe it too!"

Miracle saw a leaf maple, did not say anything more.

Ye Feng called Philip over and said to miracle, "this is your instructor in the next few days. You will give him full power in the next few days. I will tell you that he is a soldier. In the next few days, he will treat you as new soldiers and treat you equally. Whether you can stay depends on your training in these days!"

Miraculous smell speech can't help but look at Felix a few eyes, didn't say a word.Ye Feng said to felik, "in the next few days, you start to train them, and you don't have to treat them differently. You can train them as you should. In the end, there are 150 people. After two rounds of elimination, only 30 people are left!"

Feili Ke frowned and said to Ye Feng, "instructor, after all, they are malnourished all the year round. I'm afraid that their physical quality..."

Felik finished, but before Ye Feng spoke, miracle hummed coldly, "what's malnutrition? We're great one by one. You don't have to treat it differently. You usually train soldiers like this, so how do you train us? If we are eliminated, it's our problem, and it has nothing to do with you!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded toward the miracle, and then toward the Philip way, "you heard?"

Filic can't help looking at the miracle, and then salute Ye Feng, "guarantee to complete the task!"

Miracles also imitate the appearance of felik, and give ye Fengjing a courtesy, "guarantee to finish No, I promise I won't let you down! "

Ye Feng Wen Yan satisfied nodded, and then looked at the other people in the stadium, see those people are eating almost, and then toward the miracle way, "just there is no arrangement for your accommodation, and you are all full, or start tonight?"

Miraculous smell speech immediately ordered a head way, "the residence what of don't need, here is very good, anyway, always compare us before sleep of place want much better?"

Ye Feng looked at the miracle and said, "people always have to change. I promise you so many things. We have to realize a few things first. Let's start with food and residence first."

Miracle listen to Ye Feng say so, also didn't object, just nodded.

Ye Feng this time asked miracle way, "now start training you no problem?"

Miracle immediately threw away the cigarette butts and stamped them out. Then he clapped his hands and called those people over, shouting, "are you full?"

Those people immediately someone said, "it's not good, it's only half full!"

Other people also followed suit, saying that they didn't have enough to eat and so on. What's more, they said that they would at least have some meat or something.

Miracle but cold under the face, toward the people drank a way, "all give me shut up!"

Everyone can't help but shut up and look at him.

Miracle at this time cold hum a way, "meat?"? Haven't you had enough yet? " Then he said with a sneer, "I guess when you come here, you forget what kind of life you used to live?"

Speaking of this, the miracle stared at the crowd and continued to say in a cold voice, "it's good that you used to eat half as full as you are now! When did you become so greedy? I can't see that! "

People can't help but bow their heads when they hear the miracle.

At this time, Ye Feng looked at the crowd and said, "it's not a bad thing to have greed, but it's not to ask for it, but to fight for it. Your future life should be in your own hands. If you want to eat better and live better, you should fight for it and create it yourself!"

The miracle smell speech immediately say, "yes, why do we leave there?"? Why? We all want to change ourselves, change the past life, we don't want to be like a pool of mud, we need to change, so we come! But I tell you, most of you still have to live the same life as the mud, and live in a place where life is not like death. Do you want to go back? "

People scattered back, "don't want to!"

Miracle immediately said in a loud voice, "I didn't hear you. Speak up!"

Hearing this, the crowd immediately said in a loud voice, "I don't want to!"

Miracle nodded with satisfaction, "but to stay, we have to rely on ourselves, not on others' alms. Next, we have to accept training, and only those who reach the standard can stay, or we will wait to be eliminated and kicked back to make mud! Would you like to go back? "

Hearing the speech, the crowd immediately answered in a loud voice, "no!"

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