The miracle smell speech immediately nods to say very good, then says aloud again, "very good, since don't want to go back, that should pay more efforts than other people, otherwise why want to leave you, not leave more excellent than you, also willing to bear hardships?"

People can't help nodding when hearing the words. Miracle asked everyone at this time, "does the bread here smell good?"

All of them immediately answered with one voice, "incense!"

Miracle immediately asked everyone, "do you want to have bread every day in the future?"

All of them immediately said in one voice, "think!"

Miracle is cold hum a way, "think is useless, no one will give you bread to eat without reason, even if, we are not beggars, do not need charity, how should we do?"

The crowd immediately replied, "on your own!"

Miracle satisfaction of nod, then side head to see to leaf maple way, "still satisfied?"

Ye Feng with very satisfied eyes to see a miracle, then toward Philip way, "this is a potential to do general seedlings!"

Philip also nodded in deep agreement, nodded, and Ye Feng went to the miracle, patted the miracle on the shoulder and said, "good, then let's start!"

Miraculous smell speech also nodded, immediately toward the crowd said, "immediately start training, now don't want to do, just want to bread, all ahead of time for me to go!"

Everyone was silent, thinking that since they had eaten sweet bread, who would want to go back to eat bran pharyngeal vegetables?

Seeing this, the miracle said to Philip, "then I'll leave it to you!"

Felik nodded, then let the miracle go and stand with the people, let them every 15 people in a row, a total of 10 rows.

One hundred and fifty people immediately loosely lined up in ten rows, but it looked as if they had come to the morning market. They couldn't see the formation at all.

After a headache, Philip turned and left without saying anything.

Miracle and Ye Feng are stunned. They think that Philip is angry with them. However, they soon see that Philip is back, but he is not the only one. He also brings 20 soldiers.

When felik and the soldiers came in, felik asked the twenty soldiers to stand at the end of the line.

Ye Feng knows that felik is going to let these soldiers come to flaunt them, let them stand at the head and tail of the formation, play the role of pacesetter.

Not surprisingly, felik immediately began to make those people look up to his soldiers. This time, it was much better, but it was not decent.

But then, after several adjustments, he said to the crowd, "if you don't know how to stand like this, I suggest you go now!"

As long as the miracle does not speak, no one else dares to speak. Everyone instinctively takes a look at the miracle when Felix gives orders.

At this time, felik said in a loud voice, "from today on, no, from now on, there is only one superior, that is me. If you want to listen to him, you can set up another team now!"

Miracle said at this time, "if anyone is staring at me, I also suggest that he leave immediately!"

After listening to the words of miracle, all the people did not dare to see the miracle any more. They looked at Philip one after another.

Felik immediately let the team spread out to make room for one person, and then said in a loud voice, "do push ups first, a hundred!" Then he immediately said to the other twenty soldiers, "give them a demonstration!"

The twenty soldiers immediately fell down and began to do the standard push ups. Seeing this, they began to learn from the soldiers and began to do push ups.

Felik looked at the soldiers and went to instruct them to do push ups.

Ye Feng looked at it for a while and nodded with satisfaction. With felik as the instructor, he had the attitude of miracle. Sooner or later, a new team will appear.

And Ye Feng after this thing also understand a real situation, before all people think waste city people are the kind of mixed eat wait to die, completely without any desire.

But after seeing them, Ye Feng knew that even people in the abandoned city had their own ideals and basic needs.

Ye Feng did not continue to see, there are Philip and miracle in, he knows there is absolutely no problem.

After leaving the stadium, Ye Feng went directly to gulina's office. Gulina, Dixie and jesteffe were all there.

Seeing Ye Feng back, gulina asked Ye Feng, "do you really think these people can be trained as soldiers?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "why not? Yes? Do you have different opinions? "

Gulina immediately said, "I think there's a problem, and there's a big problem. You didn't see it just now. They are like starving ghosts. They have eaten up the rations of our soldiers for several days with a meal!"Ye Feng said, "do you think this is their shortcoming? I have a different opinion from you

Jesteffe said at this time, "what you want to say is that these people have more desire because they are hungry?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, they have primitive desire that we don't have. If we make good use of this, it will be the first condition for them to become invincible!"

Gulina was just about to speak, but she was stopped by Ye Feng and continued, "and this team is not the most important. I want to take them as an experiment. There are more than ten million people who have abandoned the city? If one tenth or even one percent of these people can be the same as this group, what will our team be like in the future? "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately said, "a single spark can start a prairie fire, that's the truth!"

Gulina smell speech, can't help saying, "a single spark can start a prairie fire?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, don't underestimate these people. Although this power is not big, many small forces accumulate together. That's a huge wave."

"But these people can also become people who have no bottom line, and they may have no means to satisfy their original desires," jestfel said

Ye Feng nodded and said, "your worry is not unreasonable, but it can't only depend on them. It depends on who leads them. If there is a problem in an army, the problem of generals is far greater than that of soldiers, and the talents of generals are very important!"

Gulina asked Ye Feng, "do you mean Philip?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "at present, it's him, but not necessarily in the future. I've found a better general. If felik performs well in the future, he will be the general!"

Gulina heard Ye Feng say so, can't help but stare at Ye Feng.

Jestefeld said to Ye Feng, "I always feel that you are in danger!"

Ye Feng then looked at Jester Fei and said, "it's just a matter of taking risks. Otherwise, do you have a more suitable candidate? Is it difficult to break into the laser fort and recruit the soldiers over there? I don't think it's as reliable as my side? "

Dixie didn't say a word all the time, but said, "I think Satan's way of doing it is OK. As for what those people will eventually be led to look like, it mainly depends on us, not them. They are just like children who have just been involved in the world. They have too little contact with the outside world. The key to what kind of people they will become in the future is the people who shape them!"

Ye Feng listened to what Dixie said, and immediately gave a thumbs up to Dixie and said, "you still know me!"

Gulina shrugged her shoulders and said, "OK, if you think there's no problem, we'll just tell you what we think. Don't blame us for not reminding you if there's any problem in the future."

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "what's going to happen in the future, let's talk about it in the future. You can't start worrying about the future because you're not sure about it?"

Gulina shrugged her shoulders and then said to Ye Feng, "besides these people, there are also your friends and many people. Have you arranged all these people?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "don't underestimate these people. They have their own strong points. They are all useful people in the future!"

Gulina shrugged her shoulders again, then said to Ye Feng, "that's good!"

Jesteffe asked Ye Feng, "but there's a question. Can't Dante Emma let you train here all the time?"

Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "you're right, so these soldiers must leave within five days at most!"

Gulina looked at Ye Feng in surprise, "five days? Is it too urgent? Even if it's a special training soldier, I haven't seen it so fast! "

Ye Feng said to gulina, "five days is not a short time. It depends on how much time Dante Emma gives us. If he leaves early, then these people will leave early!"

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