Listening to what Ye Feng said, everyone was silent, and no one was publishing anything. In fact, all the people present understood Ye Feng's character more or less, and who could change what he decided. Besides, even if they thought there was a problem, Ye Feng had brought all the people here, and 150 people came at one time.

Ye Feng saw that all the people didn't speak. At this time, he said to the people, "I'm still very democratic. If you have any questions, please tell me! I'm still listening to your opinions! "

Three women listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help but white one eye Ye Feng, three people in the heart all a word didn't say export, you such a one eye talk, still talk about democracy with them?

Ye Feng see three women have no opinion, immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "since there is no opinion, then have a good rest tonight, tomorrow maybe Dante Emma can't bear it!"

The three women didn't say anything. Gulina later said that she would arrange dormitories for everyone. She also said, "the conditions here are not better than those outside. It's good to have a single dormitory for one person. Don't you mind?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "compared with those who are still living in the abandoned city, our conditions are already very good. What's your opinion?"

Jasteffe and Dixie shrugged and said that they had no problem. Gulina took three people to the dormitory, and gulina's dormitory was nearby, but she was on the top floor, and Ye Feng and they were on the second floor.

At the back of the dormitory building is the barracks dormitory. Ye Feng looks at the barracks in the back window for a while, and then falls to bed. To tell you the truth, Ye Feng has been sleepy for a long time. After all, eisf's day time is too long, and Ye Feng can't go to bed in the daytime.

Fortunately, eisf has a long day and relatively long night, but Ye Feng also knows that many accidents happen at night, and he can't sleep all night.

After sleeping for four or five hours, Ye Feng woke up. After waking up, he couldn't sleep any more. Having nothing to do, he had to open the door and stand in the corridor to blow the wind and smoke.

As soon as his cigarette was lit, someone on his head said to him, "don't you go to bed so late?"

Ye Feng didn't look up to hear that it was gulina who was talking. After smoking a cigarette, he didn't look up and said, "I've been sleeping for four or five hours, and I've had enough sleep!"

Gulina was surprised, "four or five hours? You haven't had four or five hours since you entered the dormitory, have you

Ye Feng just reflected that one hour in eisf was 100 minutes. According to this calculation, he slept for three hours at most, but he couldn't tell gulina that one hour on earth was only 60 minutes.

He took a puff of his cigarette and said to gulina, "why don't you sleep?"

Gulina said, "there's so much going on during the day that I have to do it at night when no one's bothering me."

Ye Feng just looked up at gulina on the upper floor. At this time, she was lying on the balcony railing and looking down at herself.

Ye Feng raised her head, her heart could not help but move. Gulina was wearing a thin silk pajamas. Looking up from this angle, gulina's figure was clearly seen in the loose thin silk pajamas.

Gulina didn't notice this, still lying on the railing, facing Ye Feng, "a lot of things, I don't feel clear yet!"

Ye Feng was enjoying the spring from his own point of view. Listening to Gu Lina's words, he frowned and said, "what do you mean? Do you regret that you promised us? "

Gulina shrugged her shoulders and said, "maybe, maybe not! In short, I haven't thought about it clearly. I don't know how things will develop after tomorrow! "

Ye Feng smell speech smoked a cigarette, turn round, slightly a sigh way, "in the end, you still lack trust to me!"

Gulina heard Ye Feng say so, can't help sighing, "I can't talk about it, in fact, I can't say it, in short, I feel a little psychological discomfort, always feel what's wrong, but you ask me what's wrong, I can't say it for a moment."

Listen to gulina say so, Ye Feng smoked a cigarette way again, "I know why you are not smooth!"

Gulina can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise, "do you know?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "but this is just my intuition. You may not believe it!"

Gulina said, "there's nothing to believe or not..." Said immediately sneezed, this just toward Ye Feng way, "since everybody has no sleepiness, you don't mind, come up to my room to chat!"

Ye Feng can't help but look back at gulina and say, "are you sure?"

Gulina shrugged and said, "what's so uncertain about this?"

Ye Feng a smile, vomited a smoke cloud hind way, "you are not afraid of single male few female what matter?"

Gulina didn't really think about it, but after listening to Ye Feng's words, she remembered that she was still wearing thin silk pajamas. She immediately stood up straight and said to Ye Feng, "yes, Satan was famous for his lust before!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it's true, but it depends on what color. I'm not good at all colors. For example, beige is not good for me!"Gulina a listen to this, immediately face move, she of course know what Ye Feng said Beige means, that is the color of his underwear, think of here, she immediately white Ye Feng one eye, "really wrong you!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't mean to. You said that you didn't sleep in the middle of the night. You were wearing such thin clothes to stand on me and talk to me. I can't even look at it!"

Gulina's face sank when she heard the words. She wanted to reprimand Ye Feng, but she didn't think it was necessary. Then she sighed, "forget it, I can't talk with you. Let's go step by step!"

Ye Feng smell speech is rightfully toward gulina way, "that can't, you have prejudice to me, don't say it out, put in the heart, temporarily may be OK, but in the long run is not good, this will be for us later produce contradiction to bury the seeds."

Gulina just wanted to say something, immediately sneezed again, Ye Feng immediately said to gulina, "I go up now, while I haven't, you change your clothes that seduce people!"

Ye Feng said and turned back into the room. After he went upstairs and knocked on gulina's door, he saw that gulina had really changed into a pajama. Although it didn't look very solid, it wasn't transparent at least, which made people less reverie.

After Ye Feng enters the door, gulina asks Ye Feng to sit down. After Ye Feng sits down, she goes to the freezer on one side and asks Ye Feng what to drink.

Ye Feng said, "just boiled water. If I want wine with you so late, it means that I have something to think of you!"

Gulina was stunned, took out two bottles of water and handed them to Ye Feng. Then she sat down in front of Ye Feng and looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean? Can I understand that you don't want to drink to me now?"

Ye Feng shrugged and looked at gulina, then said, "I asked you to change your clothes, you change your clothes, which also means that you didn't give me a chance to have an idea, did you?"

Listen to Ye Feng so a say, Gu Li Na a surprised, immediately a smile way, "you come up not to want to talk about this problem with me until dawn?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it depends on what the real purpose of calling me up is!"

Gulina smell speech then stare at Ye Feng to see after a long time, this just slightly a sigh way, "perhaps you say of right, I haven't so trust to you!"

Listening to gulina's words, Ye Feng immediately sighed, "I can't help this sense of trust. It seems that I'm not born to let you have a sense of trust! Even after you know that I am Satan, your sense of trust is still so weak. It seems that it is not your problem, but mine! "

Gulina smell speech immediately toward Ye Feng said, "of course it's your problem!"

Ye Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "there's really no way. You can't tell me to dig out my heart for you!"

Gulina then looked at Ye Feng and said, "if I really ask you to dig your heart to show me!"

Ye Feng smiles and says to gulina, "there's no way. I don't have the habit of self mutilation. Why don't you do it yourself?" Then he pushed his chest forward, pulled his clothes, and exposed his chest.

Gulina stared at Ye Feng for a long time, then sighed, "if you dig out your heart, you can see through your heart, then it's much easier to do, but it's useless!"

Ye Feng smell speech pack up good clothes, this just toward Gu Li Na way, "that have no way, you better tell, you in the end suspect what?"

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